Loren Data Corp.




DHHS/PHS/FDA/Office of Contracts and Grants Management, Contracts Operations Branch, HFA-512, 5600 Fishers Lane, Park Bldg., Rm 3-32, Rockville, Maryland 20857

B -- MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT SOL 223-95-2288 DUE 041795 POC Contact, Contract Specialist, Ed Arnold, (301) 443-0424, Contracting Officer, Doris D Casebolt, (301) 443-0424 The FDA has a requirement for maintenance services for a VXR-400 NMR Spectrometer system. The system includes: HP Thinkjet Printer, HP-7550A Plotter, NMR Magnent, Spark 20, Sun Computer with 21'' monitor and NMR software. Maintenance service shall be provided for a five (5) year period of performance. The FDA intends to negotiate a fixed price contract for a base year and four (4) option years for maintenance services on a non-competitive basis with Varian NMR Instruments. Interested parties may identify their capability to respond to this requirement or submit proposals. Proposal will be due 45 days from data of this publication. (See note 22) (0061)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0019 19950303\B-0005.SOL)

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