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Federal Emergency Management Agency Acquisition Services Division, 500 C Street, S.W., Rm 350, Washington, DC 20472

C -- LIMITED UPDATES OF FLOOD STUDIES THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES POC William Roberson, Contract Specialist 202/646-3622, Patricia A. English, Contracting Officer, 202/646-4257. Limited updates of flood studies throughout the United States Synopsis Limited 96 due 04/14/95 POC Patricia A. English (202)646-4257. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) intends to award a contract in FY 96 to several engineering firms, subject to the availability of funds, for limited updates of flood insurance studies for communities subject to riverine flooding. The contracts will be for one year starting in FY 1996 with options for FY 1997 and 1998. The anticipated contract type will be cost reimbursable, plus fixed fee. Only firms having a cost accounting system meeting the standards of the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) will be given consideration for contract award. The selected firms will be expected to: perform hydrologic and hydraulic analyses to develop and/or revise flood elevation frequency profiles and floodways along streams in various communities throughout the United States; prepare work maps which outline flood hazard areas for flood insurance risk zones; and, coordinate and consult with local community officials, FEMA staff, review contractors, and others as required. Specific project areas will be assigned by task letter after contract award and the project must be completed as stipulated in the task letter. Projects may not exceed 12 months duration. Contracts will be awarded in eight of the ten FEMA regions. It is anticipated that the value of the contracts will range from $30,000 to $300,000 each year depending on the region and available funding each year. The locations of the FEMA regional offices and the states that comprise each region where firms are to be used are: Region II (New York, NY)/New Jersey, New York, and Puerto Rico; Region III (Philadelphia, PA)/Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington D.C.; Region IV (Atlanta, GA)/Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee; Region VI (Denton, TX)/Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas; Region VII (Kansas City, MO)/Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska; Region VIII (Denver, CO)/Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming; Region IX (San Francisco, CA)/Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada; Region X (Bothell, WA)/Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. FEMA intends to utilize ``set aside'' procedures, where applicable, to contract with qualified small business firms. To be considered eligible for ``set aside'' procedures, such A&E firms must clearly indicate on their SF 255: (1) appropriate certifications as small businesses (self certification), and (2) annual average gross revenue for the last three fiscal years which must be less than or equal to $2.5 million. If an insufficient number of firms respond or an insufficient number is determined to be qualified utilizing the ``set aside'' procedures, large firms will also be considered. This procurement is classified under the Standard Industrial Classification Code 8711, Other Engineering Services. Contracts in the following six FEMA regions are ``set aside'' for small business firms provided a sufficient number of qualified firms apply: Region II; Region III; Region IV; Region VI; Region VIII; Region IX. The two non ``set aside'' contracts include: Region VII; Region X. Evaluation factors and evaluation points are: (1) demonstrated experience with current in house staff in flood insurance studies or revisions, floodplain information studies, flood hazard studies, floodplain management studies, or related type studies (20 pts.); (2) in house staff with specialized experience in flood hydrology and open channel hydraulics (20 pts.); (3) experience in the study area (region), (flood insurance studies or similar work in the region completed in the last 3 years) (20 pts.); (4) performance on previous and ongoing flood insurance studies (20 pts.); (5) the geographic proximity of the firm's home/regional/branch office, with staff and capacity to meet project requirements, to the FEMA regional office (10 pts.); and (6) experience of the firm working with local government authorities (10 pts). Interested firms should submit separate Standard Forms 254 and 255 for each of the firm's home, regional or branch office where they wish to be considered, showing project experience for each specific office and listing the personnel in that office who would be assigned to perform the work. This is not a request for proposal. Only information included on the SF-254 and 255 will be considered. All other materials such as brochures, samples of work, and attachment of extra pages to the SF-255 will be discarded upon receipt. Item five of the SF-255 must be completed in full for the firm to be considered. Responses shall reference ``Synopsis: 96-065, Limited Map Maintenance Program for FY 96'', and the FEMA Region where work is to be performed on the face of both the SF-254 and 255, as well as the outside of the envelope. All firms must include with their SF-255 appropriate certifications as small business or firms owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals certified as 8(a) firms, if applicable. All information requested by this announcement must be received by the Contracting Officer no later than 4:00 pm local time in Room 350 on April 14, 1995 at the following address: Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20472, ATTENTION: William Roberson, Room 350. Firms submitting responses must allow several extra days for mail handling because late submissions will not be considered except as noted in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Part 14.304. (066)

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