Loren Data Corp.




R&D Contracting Division, Bldg 7, 2530 C St, WPAFB OH 45433-7607

A -- LASER WAVELENGTH IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES SOL PRDA 95-13-AAKD DUE 050395 POC Mr. Fred Kirchner, Contract Negotiator, or Mr. James E. Leighty, Contracting Officer, (513) 255-2206/5252. INTRODUCTION: Wright Laboratory (WL/AAKD)is interested in receiving proposals (technical and cost) on the research and development (R&D) effort described below. Proposals in response to this PRDA shall be submitted by 1500 hours, 03 May 1995, Eastern Time, addressed to Wright Laboratory, R&D Contracting Division, Building 7, Area B, 2530 C Street, ATTN: Mr. Fred Kirchner, WL/AAKD, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with this announcement. This is an unrestricted solicitation. Small businesses are encouraged to propose on all or any part of this solicitation. Proposal submission after the cutoff date specified herein shall be treated in accordance with restrictions of FAR 52.215-10, copy of this provision may be obtained from the contracting point of contract. There will be no further Request for Proposals (RFP) or other solicitation issued in connection with this requirement. Offerors should be alert for any required PRDA amendments that may be published. This PRDA may be amended to allow subsequent submission of proposal dates. Offerors should request a copy of the WL Guide entitled, ''PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry''. This guide was specifically designed to assist offerors in understanding the PRDA/BAA proposal process. Copies may be requested from WL/AAKD, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607, (513) 255-5252. B-REQUIREMENTS: (1) Technical Description: Specific technical requirements and other information follow. The contractor shall provide the personnel, facilities, and equipment necessary to design, develop, test, and demonstrate the objectives as outlined in this announcement. The offeror's proposal shall specify the principal investigator and all locations where work will be performed for this program. The objective of this program is to develop and demonstrate techniques for the discrimination of laser wavelengths for laser warning receivers (LWR). Program emphasis is on improving aircrew situation awareness, target identification, and countermeasures selection and direction through direct application of technology developments which provide a ircrews hostile laser wavelength identification. The goal of this program is to demonstrate spectral resolutions sufficient to uniquely identify laser sources for situational awareness and the direction of appropriate countermeasures using the smallest number of apertures. The program should emphasize pulsed laser systems. For this demonstration, the resolution goal is 10 nanometers over the spectral range of 400 to 1100 nm. The system detection threshold should be suitable for LWR application in realistic operating environments. The technology should be developed considering the effects of the LWR operational environment including: 1) Background signals such as direct solar illumination, glints, and other natural and man-made optical sources, 2) Propagation issues including at least angle-of-arrival, scintillation, scattering, and off-axis effects, and 3) Other considerations relevant to the proposed technology which may effect its performance which may include such factors as sensor shadowing, window degredation, EMI, vibration and shock, and others. The contractor shall concentrate on either an integrated aperture or a sub-system approach. Novel and effective integrated aperture approaches will receive first consideration. Integrated aperture approaches shall provide complete arameterization of laser sources including wavelength, direction of arrival, and pulse temporal characterization including pulse repetition frequency from a single aperture or small integrated aperture set. Integrated approaches will have a maximum input aperture of 25 cm2 and a wide field-of-view of approximately 90 by 90 degrees. Sub-system approaches will only provide wavelength identification subsystems based on either a small discrete package or a fiber-optically coupled package. The discrete package shall have a maximum aperture of 7 cm2, and shall have a wide field-of-view of approximately 90 by 90 degrees. Fiber optic implementations shall have a fiber optically coupled input aperture with a maximum size of 0.25 cm2, and shall have a narrow individual field-of-view of approximately 10 to 30 degrees. Enough repeated fiber input apertures are required to provide coverage over a total field-of-view of approximately 90 by 90 degrees. The effort should produce a breadboard technology demonstration system suitable for laboratory and field testing. All implementations shall provide automated single pulse detection/discrimination with data output via a computer communication standard such as R-32C or RS-423. (2) Deliverable Items: The following deliverable data items shall be required. (a) R&D Status Report, DI-A-3001A/T (monthly), (b) Informal Technical Information Contractor's Voucher, DI-S-30593/T (monthly), (c) Presentation Material, DI-A-3023A/T (original and ten hard copies at SRR, PDR, CDR, and TRR), (d) Scientific and Technical Reports, Final Technical Report, DI-MISC-80711/T (draft at 30 days prior to flight test and reproducible final at 24 months after contract start date), (e) Test Plan/Procedures, DI-NDTI-80808/T (draft plan at PDR, final plan at CDR, draft procedures at CDR, final procedures at TRR), (f) Funds and Manhour Expenditure Report, DI-FNCL-80331/T (monthly), (g) Conceptual Design Drawings and Associated Lists, DI-DRPR-91001/T, (Submit at first design review, revisions as require to maintain up to date and accurate drawings and lists), (h) R&D Test and Acceptance Plan, DI-T-30774, Tailored to require only Block 10, para 10.2.a, (draft at 20 MAC, final at 22 MAC), (i) System Safety Hazard Analysis Report, (DI-DRPR- 91001/T, (draft at 20 MAC, final at 22 MAC). (NOTE: /T means tailored to contract format). The government has unlimited rights to all data, software and/or hardware designs brought into this program and/or further developed in this program. The government has unlimited rights to all data, software and/or hardware designs totally developed in this program. (3) SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: It is anticipated that w ork performed under this contract will be classified up to and including the SECRET level, and the performance of this effort will require access to and generation of classified material. The governing security classification guide will be the Wright Laboratory Electronic Warfare Security Classification Guide (SCG), dated 1 March 1989 and change letter dated 16 August 1991. Copies may be obtained from the project engineer cited below. Offeror must supply a TEMPEST plan with the submission of the proposal. (4) ITAR and Public Law (PL) 98-94 are applicable to this effort. Therefore, in accordance with PL 98-94 and AFR 80-34, the Offeror(s) shall provide evidence registered DD Form 2345 ''Military Critical Technical Data Agreement''. In the absence of such evidence, the Offeror shall obtain DD Form 2345 approval by writing to the Commander, Defense Logistics Service Center, ATTN: DLSC/FEB, Federal Center, Battlecreek MI 49017-3084, (800) 352-2572. C--ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performance: The total length of the technical effort is estimated to be 24 months. The Contractor shall also provide for an additional five months for processing/completion of the final report. (2) Expected Award Date: 3rd Quarter of 1995. (3) Government Estimate: Three pers on-years of effort. (4) Type of Contract: Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract (CPFF). (5) Government Furnished Equipment: It is the Offeror's responsibility to identify and arrange for use of any equipment be it contractor- owned and furnished or government-owned and furnished. (6) Size Status: Firms responding should indicate whether they are or are not a socially and economically disadvantaged business, a Historically Black College or University/Minority Institution, whether or not they are a woman-owned business, and should also indicate their size status. For the purpose of this acquisition, the size standard is 500 employees (SIC 8731). (7) Notice to Foreign-Owned Firms: Such firms are asked to immediately notify the Air Force point cited below upon deciding to respond to this announcement. Foreign contractors should be aware that restrictions may apply which could preclude their participation in this acquisition. D--ROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1) General Instructions: Offerors should apply the restrictive notice prescribed in the provision at FAR 52.215-13. Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their proposals. Proposal questions should be directed to one of the points of contact listed elsewhere herein. A technical and cost proposal, submitted ins separate volumes, is required. Proposals must reference the above PRDA number. Proposals shall be submitted in an original and six copies. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered against the criteria set forth herein. Offerors are advised that only contracting officers are legally authorized to contractually bind or otherwise commit the Government. Proposals shall be made valid for Government acceptance for a period not less than 180 days after the cut-off date. (2) Cost Proposal: The accompanying cost proposal/price breakdown shall be supplied on an SF Form 1411, together with supporting schedules, and shall contain a person-hour breakdown per task. Copies of the above-referenced forms may be obtained from the contracting office cited. (3) Technical Proposal: The technical proposal shall include a discussion of the nature and scope of the research and the technical approach. Additional information on prior work in this area, descriptions of available equipment, data and facilities, and resumes of personnel who will be participating in this effort should also be included as attachments to the technical proposal and are not included in the page limit. The technical proposal shall include a Statement of Work (SOW) detailing the technical tasks proposed to be accomplished under the proposed effort and suitable for contract incorporation. The SOW shall be prepared in accordance with the Wright Laboratory (WL) PRDA/BAA Guide for Industry. Any questions concerning SOW preparation shall be referred to the Technical Point of Contact (POC) cited in this announcement. (4) Page Limitations: The technical proposal shall be limited to 50 pages (12 pitch or larger type), double spaced, single sided, 8.5 by 11 inches. Pages in excess of this limitation will not be considered by the Government. Cost proposals have no limitation, however, offerors are requested to keep cost proposals to 50 pages as a goal. (5) Preparation Cost: This announcement does not commit the Government to pay for any response preparation cost. The cost of preparing proposals in response to this PRDA is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resulting or any other contract. It may be, however, an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost as specified in FAR 31.205-18. E--BASIS FOR AWARD: The selection of the source for the contract award will be based on a scientific and/or engineering evaluation of Offerors' responses (both technical and cost aspects) to determine the overall merit of your proposal in response to the announcement. The technical aspect, which is ranked as the first order of priority, shall be evaluated based upon the following criteria which are of equal importance: (a) new and creative workable solutions, (b) the soundness of the proposed approach to accomplish the scientific and technical objectives of the contract, (c) the competence and availability of experienced engineering, scientific, and other technical personnel, (d) the Offeror's overall experience on efforts related to the technical requirements, (3) the availability of the necessary research and development facilities, (f) the Offeror's capability to demonstrate the concepts being proposed. Cost is ranked as the second order of priority. No other evaluation criteria will be used. The technical and cost information will be evaluated at the same time. The Air Force reserves the right to select for award any, all, part, or none of the proposals received. F--POINTS OF CONTACT: (1) Technical Contact Point: Questions on technical issues may be referred to the Project Engineer, Mr. Matthew P. Dierking, WL/AAWP-3, Hangar 4B, 3050 C Street, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7300, (513) 255-9272. (2) Contracting/Cost Contact Point: Questions related to contract/cost issues should be directed to the Wright Laboratory, Directorate of Research and Development Contracting, Building 7, Area B, Mr. Fred Kirchner, WL/AAKD, 2530 C Street, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607, (513) 255-5252. (0074)

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