Loren Data Corp.




R&D Contracting Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607

A -- INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS, NAVIGATION, IDENTIFICATION SUBSYSTEM (ICNIS) THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS IN TWO PARTS. THIS IS PART 1 OF 2. SOL PRDA 95-09-AAK DUE 050995 POC Contact Genet R. Stewart, Contract Negotiator, (513) 255-5311. A--INTRODUCTION: Wright Laboratory (WL/AAKR) is interested in receiving proposals (technical and cost) on the research effort described below. Proposals in response to this PRDA shall be submitted by 09 May 95, 1500 hours Eastern Time, to WL/AAKR Bldg 7, Genet Stewart, 2530 C Street, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7607. This is an unrestricted solicitation. Small businesses are encouraged to propose on all or any part of this solicitation. Proposals submitted shall be in accordance with this announcement. Proposals received after the cutoff date and time specified herein shall be treated in accordance with restrictions of FAR 52.215-10. A copy of this provision may be obtained from the contracting point of contact. There will be no other solicitation issued in regard to this requirement. Offerors should be alert for any PRDA amendments that may be published. Offerors should request a copy of the WL Guide entitled ''PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry''. This guide was specifically designed to assist offerors in understanding the PRDA/BAA proposal process. Copies may be requested from the Contract Negotiator cited above. B--REQUIREMENTS: (1) Technical Description: Airborne Communications, Navigation, Identification (CNI) systems of currently fielded aircraft are becoming cost, size, and weight prohibitive, they are difficult to upgrade to meet new requirements and the dynamic threat environments, they have become a proliferation of custom avionics subsystems each requiring a separate logistics network, and their development is often out-paced by rapidly advancing technology even before they are fielded. One solution to these problems that would improve operational capability and effectiveness, provide increased standardization, and offer a degree of technology transparency, is the integration of the various functions into one coherent avionics system that meets the CNI needs of the current aircraft fleet for the 2lst Century. The objective of the Integrated CNI Subsystem (ICNIS) program is to investigate technology risk areas for transitioning integrated modular hardware and software assets being developed under the F-22 program to currently fielded aircraft. The programmable, fault-tolerant, common module integrated avionics architecture of the F-22 offers significant availability, supportability, and life cycle cost advantages, while providing significant cost savings to upgrade existing functions or add new functions, both of which can often be provided solely by adding software. The goal of the ICNIS program is to retrofit existing aircraft with F-22 CNI modules with no module modifications. The ICNIS program shall develop and demonstrate a cost effective transition of programmable integrated CNI hardware and software modules, based on the F-22's avionics architecture, to currently fielded aircraft applications. The main emphasis of the program will be to provide a standard baseline architecture for fleet-wide logistics commonality and system expandability for future requirements or applications. Specifically, the ICNIS architecture must be capable of: supporting fault tolerance, including dynamic reconfiguration, and being programmable, to allow new waveforms to be added in software, and being expandable, so that additional modules can be added to cover other frequency bands. An incremental brassboard, consisting of modules required to perform a single function thread test, will be developed to demonstrate the risk reduction design concepts and baseline functions with emphasis on Combat Identification (CID) applications. The incremental brassboard shall be considered as a separate purchased option. The baseline ICNIS program (no option) shall include test and demonstration of single thread applications to provide risk reduction for transitioning F-22 technology to currently fielded aircraft. Test and demonstration shall include, but is not limited to system design, application software, and operating system software on existing contractor assets. The ICNIS functions are based on the F-22. Functions to be implemented shall have specific emphasis on resolving CID upgrade issues and include: Mark XII Identification Friend/Foe (IFF) Interrogate, Mark XII IFF Transpond, Electronic Warfare Warning System (EWWS), and F-22 Special Access Required (SAR) functionality. The incremental brassboard must be of an open architecture nature for future CNI additions, e.g., Global Positioning System (GPS), Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS)/Link-16, Mode S, Tactical Air Collision Avoidance (TACAN), and Satellite Communications (SATCOM). Initial focus of the ICNIS program shall be on the F-15 and F-16, but this should not limit the main emphasis of fleet-wide logistics commonality and system expandability. The ICNIS must demonstrate reduced cost, improved availability, and enhanced operational effectiveness by increasing survivability and lethality, as compared to the equivalent black box or discrete systems. Some degree of technical risk is introduced when taking products designed for the F-22's liquid cooled, tightly coupled, and highly integrated avionics system and applying them to the air cooled, discrete environment of currently fielded aircraft. Specifically, the ICNIS system shall be required to utilize modules and software from at least two different F-22 avionics subsystems, the CNI Integrated Avionics Rack (IAR) and the Common Integrated Processor (CIP) IAR. Combining products from these two F-22 subsystems to form a new subsystem has identifiable risk areas which include, but are not limited to: a new Radio Frequency (RF) front end based on F-22 integrated microwave assemblies and the Band 2 Antenna Electronics Unit (AEU), new backplane design and development, system security or TEMPEST issues, software system control and operating system, new or modified module design/repackaging F-22 modules into a flight worthy brassboard chassis, and thermal considerations for air cooled environments. While most currently fielded aircraft employ air cooling for their avionics, this does not preclude a self-contained, air cooled liquid heat exchanger. The adaptation and possible development of both operating system and application software from the F-22's CNI IAR and CIP IAR shall be required for the ICNIS program. These risk areas shall be addressed in the ICNIS program and are key to the Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) Thrust being pursued by the Air Force and other DOD agencies. Demonstration of reduced risk and resolution of technical issues are key to an IMA Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) program that may follow. Due to current funding limitations, development of the incremental brassboard should be considered as an option. This option would include design, development and fabrication of modified or new modules and procurement of existing F-22 modules, integration into a functioning brassboard, development and debug of software and demonstration of the CID functionality, one function at a time. The incremental brassboard shall be capable of demonstrating CID upgrade issues. (2) Deliverable Items: The following deliverable data items shall be proposed: (a) Status Report, DI-MGMT-80363/T, monthly, (b) Project Planning Chart, DI-MGMT-80507 A/T, monthly, (c) Funds and Man-Hour Expenditure Report, DI-FNCL-80331, monthly, (d) Scientific and Technical Reports, Contractor's Billing Voucher, DI-MISC-80711/T, monthly, (e) Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR), DI-F-6004B/T, QRTLY, (f) Contract/Cost Schedule Status (C/SSR), DI-F-6010A/T, (g) Contract Work Breakdown Structure, DI-MGMT-81334/T, (h) System/Segment Specification, DI-CMAN-80008A/T, (i) System/Segment Design Document, DI-CMAN-80534/T, (j) Software Requirements Specification, DI-MCCR-80025A/T, (k) Computer Software Product End Items, DI-MCCR-80700/T, (l) Presentation Material, DI-ADMN-81373/T, ASREQ, (m) Informal Technical Data, DI-H-30255, (n) Scientific and Technical Reports, Interim Report, DI-MISC-80711/T, ONE, (o) Scientific and Technical Reports, Final Report, DI-MISC-80711/T, ONE/R. The incremental brassboard, along with all modules and spares, shall be a hardware delivery item. (3) Security Requirements: The work performed under this contract will require access and generation of material classified up to and including SECRET and F-22 Special Access Required (SAR). TEMPEST requirements will apply. Generation of classified material for this solicitation effort is authorized only on equipment approved for classified processing by Air Force TEMPEST authorities. (4) Other Special Requirements: International Traffic In Arms Restrictions (ITAR) apply. (0081)

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