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National Park Service (MARO) U.S. Custom House 200 Chestnut St., Philadelhia, PA 19106

C -- ARCHITECT & ENGINEERING SERVICE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A CULTURAL LANDSCAPE REPORT, COLONIAL PARKWAY, COLONIAL NHP IN YORKTOWN, VIRGINIA SOL 1443AE400095020 DUE 051095 POC Linda E. Maiden, (215) 597-0055, Contract Specialist, Linda E. Maiden, Contracting Officer The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking an Architect/Engineering (A/E) firm to develop a Cultural Landscape Report (CLR) for the Colonial Parkway, a 23mile scenic roadway located in the heart of Colonial National Historic Site, in Yorktown, Virginia. The Park itself was established in 1930 to recognize the historical significance of three major colonial period sites found within twenty-three miles of each other. The sites included Jamestown, site of the first permanent English settlement in North America, Williamsburg, 18th century capital and hotbed of revolutionary ideas, and Yorktown, scene of the last majorbattle of the American Revolution. Ideas for the creation of a scenic roadway came early in the century when local groups suggested this as a means of connecting the three historic sites. The task of laying out the Parkway began in1931 in the midst of preparations for the sesquicentennial. The parkway proceeded in increments and by fall of 1938 the Yorktown to Williamsburg sectionwas completed. Parkway construction came virtually to a standstill during WorldWar II. Driven by the 250th anniversary of Jamestown Island and an NPS development program called Mission 66, the Parkway construction resumed and by 1957 the Williamsburg to Jamestown segment was largely completed. Along the Parkway, a wealth of archeological sites, buildings and monuments relating to the events in the 17th through the 20th centuries can be found. Tunnels, bridges, sweeping road curves and vista views characterize its unique design. The parkway moves through a coastal plain landscape from the James to the York Rivers travelling through a variety of natural habitats and land forms includingpine and mixed hardwood forests, open fields, rivers, ponds, marshes, coastal bluffs, and ravines. An examination of the Colonial Parkway today reveals how closely the original intent was followed. There are, however, several influences that are impacting the original intent and design of the Parkway. These include urban growth, increased recreational use, shoreline erosion, commuter traffic, and modern safety requirements for highways. The goal of the CLR is to provide the park with an overall vision as well as recommendations forthe long-term management of this important cultural resource. This will be accomplished through a three-phased project that will include a thorough site history, historical base maps for each period of significance, existing conditions base maps, a site analysis of existing conditions, an identification and evaluation of significant character-defining features, a preservation treatment plan, and development of a prototypical area of the parkway through construction documentation. The Architect Engineer will be available to work with State Historic Preservation Ofrfice on Section 106 compliance on project. The Architect Engneer will be required to provide the following services either in-house or through specialized subconsultants as needed to prepare the CLR and related documents for the subject property: 1) Historical and contemporary landscape architecture 2) Historical Research 3) Civil and roadway engineering4) Historical Landscape Interpretation 5) Natural Resources Management 6) Arboriculture/forestry FIRST PHASE SERVICES: Prepare Part 1 of a CLR consistent with NPS policy and planning documents which includes but is not limited to the following: a) Development of a thorough landscape history of the site and identified adjacent lands. b) Preparation of existing conditions basemap(s) c) Preparation of a site chronology by developing historical basemaps for each identified period of significance. d) Completion of a thorough site analysis and documentation of existing conditions. e) Evaluation of Parkway for significance and integrity according to National Register criteria. SECOND PHASESERVICES: (OPTIONAL) Prepare Part 2 of a CLR which is consistent with NPS policyand planning documents that includes but is not limited to: a) Preparation preservation treatment plan and recommendations. b) Preparation of design guidelines that address contemporary needs such as modern safety codes, introduction of new materials and structures, modern recreation demands. THIRD PHASE SERVICES: (OPTIONAL) Prepare prototypical example for one selected area of the parkway through design development and construction documentation: a) Preparation of design development drawings of one selected area of the parkway to illustrate full preservation treatment process. b) Preparation of construction drawings of one selected area of the parkway to illustrate full preservation treatment process. Evaluation Criteria: Specific criteria will be used in evaluating proposals submitted in response to this announcement, in descending order of importance: 1) Professional experience and specialized technical competence in the field of historical landscape architecture and related disciplines identified above. This shall be demonstrated in work as theprime contractor or subconsultant on historic preservation projects of a similartype and scale as Colonial Parkway. Projects should have been accomplished within the last five years for the NPS or other public or preservation-related private groups and agencies. 2) The professional and academic qualifications of the principals and project staff to be assigned to the project. 3) Familiarity with local conditions and environmental context of site. 4) Capacity of firm to accomplish project within time limits projected as indicatedthrough size of firm, number of staff assigned to project, and project references. See Numbered Note 24 for general submission requirements. Firms which meet the requirements in this announcement are required to submit a SF 254&255. Four (4) copies of each submission is hereby requested. All submittals must be received in this office by close of business May 10, 1995. Address all submissions to: Contracting Officer, National Park Service, U. S. Custom House,200 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19106. (0093)

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