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A -- JOINT WARFARE TESTING & EVALUATION STUDIES SOL BAA-NUWC95-01 DUE 053195 POC Contact Point, M. LEWIS, (360)476-7265, Contracting Officer, M. EVONICK, (360)476-7265 A BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT - R&D PROGRAM SOL BAA #NUWC95-01 DUE 06/01/95 POC: Contracting - Michael Lewis (206) 476-0430 Technical - Sherman Williams (206) 396-7250 A -- JOINT WARFARE TESTING AND EVALUATION STUDIES The Fleet and Industrial Supply Center, Puget Sound, in support of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport (NUWC Division, Keyport), Executive Director's Advanced Programs Office is soliciting proposals for innovative technologies and concepts described under this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). This BAA is an expression of interest only and does not commit the Government to make any award or to pay for any response preparation costs. The role of the advanced Programs Office at NUWC Division Keyport includes investigations into a wide range of industrial, depot, and test and evaluation (T&E) disciplines relating to undersea weapons, associated maintenance and industrial processes,technical training, and test and evaluation. Innovative efforts are being sought in weapons' maintenance and industrial processes for efficiency and pollution prevention. Improved training technologies are being sought applicable to instruction of both domestic and foreign students. A program is being structured to take fully into account T&E support needs for the joint warfare missions. Proposals are specifically being sought for the research efforts to support Keyport's Advanced Programs Office in technology areas including; (1) improvements to the undersea weapons' depot and industrial processes for efficiency and pollution prevention; (2) improvements to the training techniques and systems used for maintenance training of both domestic and foreign students; (3) the application of improved display systems (including the use of heads-up display and virtual reality) for test, analysis, training, maintenance, and industrial process improvement; (4) innovative methods for Naval Special Operating Forces Warfare and Joint Warfare forces systems in-water test and training support; (5) improvements to NUWCDIV Keyport's test range processes (both deep and shallow) considering both DOD and non-DOD applications. Proposals should be in the range of 0.3 to 8.0 man years of expenditure, including both engineering and scientific effort, for a base contract performance period of 1 year with the potential for multiple option years that extend beyond the initial 12 month period. Multiple Cost plus fixed fee contracts, typically in the range of $30,000 to $500,000, are expected to be awarded as a result of this BAA, however, circumstances may arise in which awards are made for amounts outside this general range. Initial contractor selections should be expected during 1995. Contract awards as a result of a proposal in response to this announcement shall be subject to FAR 52.232-22 Limitation of Funds, and shall in most cases be funded incrementally. This Broad Agency Announcement is an expression of interest only and does not commit the government to make any award or to pay for any response preparation costs. Organizations wishing to participate should submit proposals to Contracting Officer, Code 205.ML, Attn: Michael Lewis, Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Puget Sound (FISCPS), 467 W Street, Bremerton, WA 98314-5120 by close of business 31 December 1995. Proposals shall consist of two separately bound volumes: Volume I for technical proposal and management approach and Volume II for cost. Proposals shall be submitted in the following format: 8.5 x 11 inches, single or double spaced, in at least ten point type, margins not less than one inch, one-sided printing, and pages numbered. Each proposal shall address only one subject area. Secirity clearance of up to SECRET may be required on individual contract awards. Volume I is limited to 10 single sided pages. A Volume I in excess of 10 pages will be deemed unresponsive. Total allowed page count shall include figures. Each foldout, if used, shall count as one page. Volume I shall include the following sections, each starting on a new page. A) A cover page, including title, technical and administrative points of contact with corresponding telephone and facsimile numbers (this page will not be counted in the Volume I total) B) A one page executive summary of the innovative claims for the proposed research including, if applicable, an assessment of potential dual use/commercial applications. C) A one page summary of deliverables including a summary of schedule and milestones. D) A Statement of Work of not more than four pages, clearly detailing the scope and objectives of the effort. Optional work shall be distinguishable from the baseline effort. If any portion of the research is predicated on the use of Government Owned Resources of any type, the contractor shall clearly identify the Resource required, the date the resource is required, the duration of the requirement, the source from which the Resource can be acquired, if known, and the impact on the research if the Resource is not provided. E) Technical arguments that substantiate claims made in section (B) and a technical approach description consistent with sections (C) and (D). F) A description of the results and products expected from the studies/research. G) A discussion of no more than one page giving previous accomplishments and work in this or closely related research areas, and the qualifications of researchers. H) A discussion of no more than two pages describing the overall approach to the management of this effort including brief discussions of the total organization, use of personnel, project/function/subcontractor relationships, technology transition plans, government research interfaces, and planning scheduling, and control practices. Volume II shall include a one page cost and fee summary for the effort (inclusive of any proposed options) supported by detailed breakdowns by task or subtask of labor hours and direct labor rate by labor category, all applicable indirect rates, materials supported by vendor quotes or historicals, travel, computer time, and any other applicable direct or indirect costs. An explanation of any estimating factors, including their derivation and application, shall be provided. Details of any proposed cost sharing by the offeror should be included in the cost proposal. Receipt of an original and three copies of Volumes I and II in response to this announcement is desired by the Government on or before 31 May 1995, however, proposals will be accepted as eligible for consideration as long as they are received not later than close of business on 31 December 1995. Proposals received after that date will be treated in accordance with the provisions of FAR 52.215-10 regarding late receipt of proposals. Proposals may be reviewed and acted upon as they arrive. The selection of sources for this contract award will be based on an evaluation of an offeror's response (both technical and cost aspects) to determine the overall merit of the proposal in response to this announcement. Evaluation of the proposal will be based upon the following criteria. . (1) relevance of overall scientific or technical merit to Navy needs; (2) the offeror's capability, related R&D experience, facilities, techniques, and unique combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives; (3) the qualifications, capability, and experience of key personnel who are critical in achieving the proposal objectives; (4) realism of the proposed cost and affordability. All criteria except cost have equal importance. Award will be based upon technical merit, with cost becoming the deciding factor only when deciding between technically equivalent proposals. The Fleet and Industrial Supply Center, Puget Sound reserves the right to select for award any, all, part, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. All material submitted to FISCPS and Keyport under this announcement shall be considered government property. The government requires unlimited data rights with regard to the procurement. All responsive sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered by FISC Puget Sound. Historically Black Colleges and Universities(HBCU) and Minority Institutions(MI) are encouraged to submit proposals and join others in submitting proposals, however no portion of this BAA will be set aside for HBCU and MI participation due to the impracticability of reserving discrete or severable areas of joint warfare testing and evaluation studies for exclusive competition among these entities. This announcement constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement as contemplated by FAR 6.102(d)(2)(i). Questions of a contractual nature shall be directed to the Contracting Officer, questions of a purely technical nature should be directed to the technical point of contact listed herein. All responsible sources may submit offer/bid which shall be considered by Fleet & Industrial Supply Center, Puget Sound. Telephone requests will not be honored. Fax requests will be accepted at (360)476-2931. (0101)

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