COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF APRIL 21,1995 PSA#1330Clement J. Bucher, Contracting Officer, USAID/Haiti 17 Boulevard Harry
SYSTEMS 2004 PROJECT SOL RFP Haiti 521-95-005 DUE 050595 Clement J.
Bucher, Contracting Officer, Tel (509) 22-5500, Fax (509) 23-9603, Port
au Prince, Haiti. USAID/Haiti (Hereinafter known as USAID) is looking
for the services of a U.S. firm/Institution to implement its Health
Systems 2004 Project (Hereinafter known as HS2004 Project). USAID's
assistance to the Population, Health, Nutrition (PHN) sector of Haiti
has been provided through five major projects which, with a few
exceptions for short periods of time, worked exclusively with
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOS). Due to lack of USAID and other
donor support during the 1991-1994 crisis, the public sector
languished, with few facilities of the Ministry of Public Health and
Population (MSPP) providing little more than cursory services due to
severe budgetary problems. USAID has decided to consolidate it
assistance to the MSPP in order to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of such assistance. The consolidated project is known as
Health Systems 2004. The goal of the project is to protect and develop
Haiti's human resorce base. This will help Haitian families remain
healthy and well-nourished, and to have the number of children they
desire. The project is conceived in two phases over a 10 year period.
Phase 1 is for 4.5 years, through FY 1999 and the contracting
opportunity described in this notice is associated with Phase one. A
second phase would begin therafter, and end in 2004. USAID has not
decided at this time how phase two will be implemented. The objectives
of this contract are: 1) To assist the Ministry of Public Health and
Population in consensus building and formulation of a health reform
policy agenda, in developing deconcentrated and decentralized
organizational structures and systems, and in implementing a health
information and services delivery monitoring system at the central and
departmental levels which improves the MSPP'S supervisory capacity to
ensure quality; 2) to support direct service delivery to approximately
one million Haitian families of which approximately 400,000 families
will have regular access to a full range of basic preventive and
curative services. This will be accomplished through the following
venues: I) a reactivation of selected essential MSPP service delivery
facilities; II) support to approxiately 20 sub-departmental
population-based accountable health plans in urban and rural areas;
III) funding of nationwide programs in immunization, family planning
and AIDS/STD prevention, and nutrition; and 3) to provide support
services to reinforce the policy and service delivery components,
through support for an information, education and communications
strategy and action plan, and through operations and evaluative
research. The contractor will serve as the primary implementing agency
for phase one of the project. The estimated level of effort is 46
person years (PY) comprising 13 positions for long term technical
assistance (TA), split between international and local hire; 100 person
months (PM) of short-term TA, 1094 PM of training. The contractor will
provide technical assistance (TA) and managerial oversight for most of
the activities that formely were carried out by 5-6 implementing
agencies. In addition to and/or complementing the subcontracting
requirements stated below, no less than 10 percent of the total value
of the contract will have to be subcontracted to Gray Amendment
entities (U.S. socially and economically disadvantaged, including
women-owned, businesses; historically Black colleges and universities;
U.S. colleges and universities with at least 40 percent Hispanic
American students; and U.S. private voluntary organizations controlled
by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, including
women.) To help identify potential subcontractors, a list of all
organizations requesting a copy of the solicitation will be sent with
each solicitation document. Organizations are encouraged to indicate
whether they are Gray Amendment entities when requesting the
solicitation and may indicate that they do not wish to be included on
the list. By providing the list, USAID does not endorse the listed
organizations as being capable of carrying out the activity, nor does
USAID verify the claimed status of the organizations. Necessarily, the
list will contain the names of only those organizations known prior to
the issuance of the solicitation document. Proposals shall include
plans reflecting no less than 10 percent subcontracting with the
above-defined entities. Proposals not including such plans will be
considered non-responsive. Subcontracting with small business concerns
and socially and economically disadvantaged entities: USAID encourages
the participation to the maximum extent possible of U.S. entities that
are small business concerns, small disadvantaged business concerns,
including women-owned concerns, historically Black colleges and
universities colleges and universitiew whose student body is atleast 40
percent Hispanic American, and private voluntary organziations
controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals
including women in accordance with Part 19 of the FAR and Part 726 of
the AIDAR. It is anticipated that the prime contractor will make
maximum practicable use of such entities. Subcontracting plans should
be included in propsals submitted. USAID/Haiti anticipates issuing the
solicitation for this procurement on/or shortly after May 5, 1995.
Copies may be obtained only by written request to the Contracting
Officer, USAID/Haiti (Fax 509-23-9603 request should include complete
mailing address, Phone and fax number. (0109) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0056 19950420\R-0001.SOL)
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