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Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 102 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, New York 10602-0751, Attention: Dennis G. McGrath, ARCS Operations Manager

F -- INTERIM REMEDIAL ACTIONS - PHASE I: DEBRIS REMOVAL AND ASBESTOS ABATEMENT TO BE PERFORMED AT LI TUNGSTEN SUPERFUND SITE, GLEN COVE, NASSAU COUNTY, NY: USEPA CONTRACT 68-W9-0051. Sol Invitation for Bid No. 8001-202-210A. POC: Dennis G. McGrath (914-641-2818) for contractual questions; Kevin Byrne (201-529-4700) for technical questions. Sealed Bids for the Phase I debris removal and asbestos abatement service at the Li Tungsten Site, a 26-acre hazardous waste Superfund (NPL) site in Glen Cove, Nassau County, New York will be received by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 102 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, NY 10602-0751, until 11:00 a.m. local time on May 11, 1995. Bids received after the stated date and time will not be considered. Bids received through the mail shall be made in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) 52.214-7 and will be accepted by Malcolm Pirnie in accordance with FAR 52.214-7. FAXED bids will not be accepted. Interim remedial actions (IRAs) at the site are planned to be conducted in two phases. Phase I will consist of debris removal and asbestos abatement. Asbestos abatement activities include removal of approximately 613 linear feet of asbestos-wrapped pipe (433 feet outdoor piping; 180 feet indoor piping); collection and removal of miscellaeous stockpiled aircell piping insulation; and the installation of signs restricting access in areas where asbestos will be left in-place. Debris removal Activities consist of collection and disposal of general debris and trash including scrap lumber, appliances, asphalt roofing shingles, bedding material, abandoned vehicles, and other miscellaneous items; clearing of vegetation including overgorwn small trees, shrubs, and weeds; and the removal of miscellaneous debris, raw materials, and scrap metal items from an on-site warehouse building. Some of the debris may be commingled with naturally occuring radioactive material (NORM) and/or RCRA hazardous wastes. Separation, therefore, will be necessary. NORM and/or mixed wastes will be left on-site; hazardous wastes will be transported and disposed of in accordance with 40 CFR Parts 262 and 263; non-hazardous debris will be disposed of in accordance with local and state regulations. Phase II will consist of bulkhead repair, structural repairs on an on-site warehouse building, and the relocation of approximately 8,000 cubic yards of tungsten ore residue or slag which is classified as NORM into an on-site warehouse building. A second CBD announcement for the Phase II activities will be published in approximately 30-45 days. Each procurement activity will be conducted separately and independently. In the selection of the Phase II subcontractor, no preference will be given to the subcontractor selected for the Phase I activities. Detailed information concerning the proposed Phase I work, can be obtained from the bid documents. Furthermore, a MANDATORY pre-bid site visit for all interested parties for the Phase I activities is scheduled for 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, May 2, 1995. Interested parties who do not attend the site visit will be ineligible to submit a bid. Directions to the site will be included in the bid documents. A separate site visit will be scheduled for the Phase II activities. Bid documents may be examined at two Malcolm Pirnie office locations: 102 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, New York 10602-0751 and One International Boulevard, Mahwah, New Jersey 07495-0018. Copies of the Phase I bid documents may be obtained at the White Plains, NY office of Malcolm Pirnie on or after April 26, 1995 between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., at a cost of $100.00 for each set (company or certified check only made to ``Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.''). All checks must be submitted to the attention of Susan Molnar, ARCS Financial Manager, at Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 102 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, New York 10602-0751. Phase I bid documents are also available by mail upon receipt of two separate checks, one for $100.00 and the second for $25.00 to cover postage and handling per each set of bid documents. Neither the USEPA nor Malcolm Pirnie will be responsible for full or partial sets of bid documents including any Addenda, obtained from any other source. All Bids shall be made on forms furnished and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked on the outside with ``Li Tungsten Site, glen Cove, Nassau County, New York, IRA Phase I Bid Enclosed'' and addressed as follows: Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 102 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, New York 10602-0751, Attention: Dennis G. McGrath, ARCS Operations Manager. The name of the Bidder, its address and the date of the bid opening (i.e., May 11, 1995) shall be plainly marked on the outside of the package. Each Bid must be accompanied by bid security in the form of a certified, treasurer's or cashier's check or Bid Bond in the amount of ten (10) percent of the Bid, made payable or firmly bound to the order of Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. The attention of Bidders is called particularly to the requirements with respect to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid as required by the bid documents. Bidders shall provide proof of qualifications to perform the Work. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond each in an amount equal to 100 percent of the Contract Price. To perform the Phase I work, the successful Bidder shall hold or obtain all licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local statutes. Bidders must adhere to applicable federal and state requirements for asbestos handling, health and safety training (29CFR 1910.120), medical monitoring, conditions of employment and wage rates. Before a subcontract is awarded, Malcolm Pirnie will conduct such investigations as is necessary to determine the performance record, qualifications and ability of each Bidder to perform the size and type of work described in the bid documents. Bidders will also be required to demonstrate experience in the handling of NORM or low-level radioactive wastes. Upon request, the Bidder shall submit such information as deemed necessary by Malcolm Pirnie to evaluate the Bidder's qualifications. Before a subcontract is awarded, compliance with all requirements specified in the bid documents must be demonstrated. Award of the subcontract will be subject to USEPA consent. Malcolm Pirnie reserves the right to: (1) reject all Bids or any Bid not conforming, in the sole opinion of Malcolm Pirnie, to the intent and purpose of the bid documents; (2) postpone the award of the subcontract for a period of time which shall not extend beyond 90 calendar days from the Bid opening date, or (3) cancel this solicitation at any time prior to subcontract award. (108)

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