Loren Data Corp.




VETEM TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER WORKSHOP Lockheed Idaho Technologies Company (LITCO), a Management and Operating Contractor for the Department of Energy (DOE) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL), wishes to announce a workshop to be held at the University of California, Berkeley on July 13, 1995. The Very Early Time Electromagnetic (VETEM) system is designed to investigate the conductivity and dielectric properties of the shallow region of the geoelectrical section where most buried waste is located. The VETEM technology effectively bridges the gap between information provided by electrical conductivity and ground penetrating radar. For successful development and deployment of the VETEM system three important interconnected elements are necessary: (1) forward modeling, using multi-dimensional numerical algorithms and physical modeling results to optimize instrument and survey, design surveys, and to evaluate interpretational software: (2) instrumentation designed for rapid, high-resolution mapping of conductive and dielectric targets in a conductive host and (3) interpretational schemes that are rapid for real-time imaging and sufficiently accurate for quantitative results. All three elements are being developed simultaneously over a period of several years under DOE Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Technology Development. The planned workshop is designed for demonstration of software under development, description of the hardware, and discussions concerning technology transfer potential. The VETEM experts will explain the current state of the art and LITCO personnel will detail Cooperative research opportunities. Three software packages will be demonstrated. The first package is a code which computes the electric and magnetic fields from electric or magnetic dipole sources above, on, or in a layered earth in the frequency and time domain. This computer software package includes a FORTRAN code and a MOTIF graphical user interface for model building and data display. The second package computes the electrical and magnetic fields from electric or magnetic dipole sources above, on, or in a 2 layer earth which has 3 dimensional thin conductive sheets embedded within the second layer. Both software packages are available for distribution to interested parties. A third package for interactively building 3 dimensional finite element models and displaying results will be demonstrated as a focal point for future development of complex 3 dimensional numerical modeling. Hotel reservations are suggested at the Berkeley Marina Marriott, 200 Marina Blvd., Berkeley, CA 94710. A special VETEM workshop rate of $75.00 single and $95.00 double is available upon request. For additional information contact Dr. Stan Ward, LITCO, PO Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3705. Dr. Stan Ward, Phone (360) 293-4360, FAX (360) 293-6038, and E-MAIL: STANWARD@netcom.com.

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