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U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, PO Box 1070, Nashville, TN 37202-1070

Z -- TRASH RACK REHABILITATION SOL DACW62-95-B-0022 DUE 062095 POC Leveda Parton, 615/736-7276; Contracting Officer, Lacy A. Campbell, 615/736-7276. Work includes the removal of the existing trash rack and conveyor system; installation of structural and miscellaneous metals; and installation of existing trash screens at the Cheatham Power Plant, Cumberland River, Cheatham County, Tennessee. Work also includes the removal of underwater and floating debris; maintaining a debris removal program throughout the duration of the contract; plus removing and replacing the existing floating trash boom. This project will require underwater operations to a depth estimated not to exceed 50 feet and the power plant will have a requirement to generate power for the duration of the project. Duration of the job is 300 days and is estimated in the $1,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00 range. This project will be a ''Continuing Contract'' with $200,000.00 authorized for Fiscal Year 1995.'' Bid documents will be available o/a May 18, 1995 at a cost of $15.00 per set, and bids will be opened o/a June 20, 1995. Make check payable to ''FAO Army Engineer Division, Ohio River.'' Please list street address for parcel delivery service. SIC Code is 1629, average annual receipts for preceding three years not to exceed $17.0M. Award will be made pursuant to DIGS Program (PL 100-656). Responsible sources requesting solicitation documents may submit an offer which will be considered by the agency. (0117)

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Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page