COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MAY 8,1995 PSA#1341Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street S.W., Washington D.C.
Sherer, 202/260-2484. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
seeks to test a non-binding allocation process for clean-up costs at a
mix of Superfund sites, including an industrial landfill site, a waste
oil recycling site, and a municipal solid waste site. Potentially
Responsible Parties (PRPs) range from 2 to 200, including
owner/operators, generators, federal Agency PRPs, states and
municipalities. It is the intent of the EPA to enter into a contract
with qualified neutral parties to provide allocation services at
selected sites. The selected neutral parties serving as allocators
shall establish and maintain a restricted access document repository
and must execute confidentiality agreements with the EPA and PRPs at
the site. Interested parties shall submit their name, title, mailing
address, phone number, current job title, employer, all baseline data,
and specific technical information by COB 5/26/95. Interested parties
shall submit three copies of all information. To ensure
confidentiality, interested parties are asked to submit all required
information, with the exception of any cover memo, on plain bond paper
or any other type of paper that is free of a firm's corporate insignia
or other distinctive markings. In addition, interested parties should
refrain from referring to themselves or their firm by name in the text
of the document. Information submitted should be pertinent and
specific in the technical criteria under consideration. Baseline
Criteria: 1) candidate allocators shall not be directly employed as a
full-time employee by an Agency or department of the U.S. government;
2) candidate allocators shall demonstrate experience serving as a
neutral party, assisting in the resolution of allocation disputes
regarding the application of the Comprehensive Environmental Response
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) or other laws pertaining to the
remediation of hazardous substances. For purposes of the initial
evaluation, baseline criteria as identified above are of relatively
equal importance. Selection of candidate allocators for consideration
by FRPs at a specific site shall be through an order of preference,
based on demonstrated competence and qualifications necessary for the
satisfactory performance of professional allocation services required.
Please include information on the three technical evaluation factors
listed below. Evaluation factors 1 and 2 are of relatively equal
importance. Evaluation factors 1 and 2 are more important than
evaluation factor 3. 1. Past Experience. Please list the locations and
date(s) of your employment, with an emphasis on work as a neutral
party at hazardous waste and/or solid waste sites. 1a) Describe
allocations/dispute resolution experience and methods for facilitating,
mediating, and arbitrating for an allocation process. 1b) Describe
specialty media experience: contaminant-specific expertise including
but not limited to ground water modeling, risk assessment, assessment
of the mobility of hazardous substances; process-specific expertise
including but not limited to identifying types of wastes that result
from manufacturing processes and segregating hazardous substances for
processes such as industrial finishing, waste oil recycling, paint and
industrial coatings manufacturing and other processes which result in
waste production; and, site-specific expertise. 1c) Describe hazardous
or solid waste experience: list specific sites/facilities and their
locations with which you are currently involved or have previously been
involved. 1d) Provide a listing of employers within the last five years
who are currently accessible; include a telephone number and point of
contact. Subfactors are listed in descending order of importance with
1b and 1c being of equal importance. 2. Current Capabilities. 2a)
Describe your data management experience: demonstrated ability for
manipulating and organizing large amounts of data from a site into
information useful to the allocation of responsibility for costs. 2b)
Discuss demonstrated ability to handle legal issues in allocations,
with an emphasis on CERCLA issues; 2c) Discuss process design
experience: capability to design a process and to establish a timeframe
for implementation of the allocation of costs among parties. 2d)
Describe fate and transport analysis experience: ability to model and
assess the movement of contaminants through specific media and to
assess its ultimate destination and concentration. Subfactors listed
are of equal importance. 3. Education and Affiliations. 3a) For the key
personnel proposed for this action, provide information on educational
accomplishment(s) including the names of colleges and universities
attended, type of degree earned, and year(s) degree(s) were granted.
3b) Provide names of technical or professional societies or
organizations related to education and areas of expertise. Subfactors
listed are of equal importance. Interested parties must submit the
information as outlined above to the Contracting Officer. After
evaluation of the baseline criteria, EPA will develop an initial
listing of candidate allocators. Based on evaluation of specific
expertise and other factors as related to each site, a list of
candidate allocators will be developed and submitted to PRPs for
selection of a site allocator. Interested parties are advised that the
EPA has implemented substantial procedural guidelines to ensure that
the Agency component which will participate in the qualifying process
for allocators shall not be the same entity which represents the Agency
in the allocation voting process. PRPs at each site will vote by
ranking the list of candidates in order of preference. All PRPs will
return their votes to the EPA for tabulation. Prior to the voting
process, candidate allocators shall supply additional information to
the EPA to conduct a conflict of interest screen. The Contracting
Officer shall make the final COI determination. Upon selection of the
site allocator, the Contracting Officer shall request a technical and
cost proposal. Any negotiations that may be necessary shall be
conducted between the selected allocator and the EPA Contracting
Officer. No Request for Proposal (RFP) or solicitation or other
announcement of this opportunity will be made. (124) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0036 19950505\F-0004.SOL)
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