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NAWCWPNS 1995 TECHNOLOGY BRIEFINGS TO INDUSTRY POC: Dr. Bill Webster, Head, Technology Transfer Office (474GOOD), Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, China Lake, CA 93555-6001. DATE CHANGE FOR THE NAWCWPNS 1995 TECHNOLOGY BRIEFINGS TO INDUSTRY. POC: Dr. Bill Webster, Head, Technology Transfer Office, Code 474GOOD, (619) 939-1074. The date for the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWPNS) annual Technology Briefings to Industry Conference has unavoidably been delayed from 23-25 May 1995 until 17-19 October 1995. The conference will still be hosted at the China Lake site in China Lake, CA. If you have already sent in an inquiry or request for a conference information package there is no need to resubmit a request. Your name and address have been entered into our data base and this summer you will automatically be sent the updated information including the technical presentation agenda of over 80 technical presentations. Support for the conference will also be provided by the adjoining city of Ridgecrest, CA. The purpose of the conference is two-fold. First is industrial liaison to provide traditional DoD contractors an opportunity to review many of the current unique NAWCWPNS weapons-related technology projects, facilities, and test an evaluation ranges. The second purpose of the conference is aimed toward highlighting technology transfer opportunities for small businesses who may or may not be traditional DoD contractors. Small and large companies are invited to attend the conference and review NAWCWPNS latest research and development goals and results. The city of Ridgecrest, California will highlight its new technology incubator, the Ridgecrest Business Technology Incubator Center (RBTIC). As one of its technology transfer initiatives, NAWCWPNS provides technical support to RBTIC under an MOU with the city of Ridgecrest. The conference will be presented in two sequential and separate sessions: a two day unclassified session that will cover the more general NAWCWPNS unclassified technologies, capabilities and facilities, many of which are amenable to transfer to commercial applications, and a day-and-a-half classified session of the conference, limited to attendees with the necessary security clearance level, that will cover many of the weapon-specific technologies that are under development at NAWCWPNS. In order to maximize the amount of information presented at the conference, both the unclassified and classified sessions will have two concurrent presentation schedules. Attendees with security clearances are encouraged to attend both unclassified and classified sessions of the conference. NAWCWPNS actively seeks to establish cooperative research and development efforts and licensing opportunities for commercial applications in many of its research and development areas. NAWCWPNS technologists will be available for focused discussions on possible commercial applications and cooperative research and development efforts involving their technology. All attendees of the conference must preregister to permit necessary badging and to assure adequate conference room space. All who are properly registered will be assured attendance. A full agenda and registration packet with particulars on the specific technologies to be presented and the procedure for registration can be obtained from the point of contact listed below. A sampling of the unclassified technologies, capabilities and facilities to be presented includes: 1) Advanced Signal and Image Processing Technology. 2) Hybrid Signal Processing. 3) Digital Weighted Neural Network Integrated Circuit. 4) Microelectronics Packaging. 5) Embedded Computer Institute. 6) High Temperature Superconducting Devices. 7) Conductive Polymers. 8) Artificial Diamond Deposition and Coating. 9) Antenna theory. 10) Damage-tolerant composite structures. 11) Passive Millimeter Wave Imaging. 12) Micro-electromechanical Devices and Systems. 13) Real-Time Analysis of Metal Wastes in Incinerator Plumes. 14) Parachute Technology. 15) Certified Environmental Analysis Laboratory. 16) An Environmental Test and Evaluation Facility. 17) Sea and Ground Test Ranges. 18) Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Facilities. 19) An Antenna Measurement Facility. 20) The On-line NAWCWPNS 270 Megawatt Geothermal Electric Power Generator Plant. The classified session of the conference will present NAWCWPNS latest results in the areas of missile guidance and control sensors, low-cost seekers, modeling and simulation, image processing, and target signatures, fuze system target detection techniques such as guidance integrated fuzing, low altitude fuzing, fuze modeling and simulation, safe/arm and initiation technology, and ordnance, airborne fire control and automatic target detection/classification techniques including active array radar, laser radar, sensor fusion, and periscope detection, explosives and propulsion including new energetic materials, airbreathing and solid propulsion, insensitive munitions, and injection loading of energetic materials, high maneuverability missile airframes, and high peformance composite airframes. For additional information or a conference registration packet by mail or fax please contact: Dr. Bill Webster, Head, Technology Transfer Office (474GOOD), Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, China Lake, CA 93555-6001, Phone: (619) 939-1074, FAX: (619) 939-1210.

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