Loren Data Corp.




Fleet and Industrial Supply Center, Regional Contracts Dept, Attn: Bid Officer/Code PDSA, 937 N. Harbor Drive, Suite 212, San Diego, CA 92132-0212

70 -- REQUEST FOR INFORMATION REGARDING SOFTWARE ACTION CODE: N/A PER FAR 52.5207 FORMAT INST #1 POC Fax Solicitation Request to (619) 532-2575 or call Bid Officer S. Dixon, (619) 532-2690; for Information call Contract Negotiator (619) 532-2579; Contracting Officer: (619) 532-2703. THIS Is A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THE AVAILABILITY OF A SPECIFIC COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Tool. A PROCUREMENT REQUEST MAY OR MAY NOT BE GENERATED IN THE FUTURE. At THIS POINT, THIS REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IS SIMPLY A MARKET SURVEY To DETERMINE IF THERE ARE COMMERCIAL-OFF-THE-SHELF COMMODITIES CAPABLE Of FULFILLING THE GOVERNMENT'S NEEDS. If SOURCES HAVE SUCH A COMMODITY, PLEASE PROVIDE BROCHURES Or OTHER INFORMATION TO THE ATTENTION OF FRAN CASS, CODE PDE, FLEET And INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CENTER, 937 NORTH HARBOR DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92132-0060. ESPONSES Are DESIRED WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS FROM DATE OF PUBLICATION. a. The proposed solution is to procure a PC based software development tool for use by COBOL programmers (both batch and CICS) and IDMS mainframe, midtier and PC program developers. The tool procured will also be used to create GUI (Windows) screens and respond to queries by the users. client/server applications. The proposed solution will provide for the migration of development and modification of COBOL (both batch and CICS), S/370 Assembler, DB2/SQL and IDMS mainframe computer applications to MS-DOS/MS Windows based PCs and or mid-tier platforms (including HP 9000 mid-tiers running HP/UX). b. Functional Requirements. (1) A windows development tool is required that provides COBOL programmers with an easy to use set of tools for creating mission critical GUI client/server applications. (2) Migratory and interim migratory finance and accounting systems will be developed and maintained with this tool. (3) By automating the development process with a development tool it will not only increase productivity but quality. Windows and reports developed with visual tools can be easily prototype and tested. The ability to present source code in a variety of visual formats will assist in clarification and procedural code. (4) This product must be compatible with and/or interface with existing systems or resources. Existing system constraints or compatibility requirements are as follows: - Must support the International Business Machines (IBM) Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) Extended Architecture/Extended Systems Architecture (XA/ESA) platform. - Must support IDMS batch and IDMS on-line processing. - Operate in a Windows environment. - Must support Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) and Data Base 2/Structured Query Language (DB2/SQL) file structures and processing. - Must support IAM, Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM), VSAM, Oracle 7, Development Management System (DMS) 11/00/2200, and all the data structures listed under the Technical Requirements. c. Technical Requirements. The PC-based software to be acquired must meet the following specifications: (1) PC-based COBOL Compiler. A mainframe compatible PC-based h igh-speed COBOL compiler. To include a source program editor, interactive debugger, extended attribute support, program flow analyzer, Windows presentation, menus and other utilities necessary to fully support COBOL program development and modification on the personal computer. (2) PC-based CICS Compiler. A mainframe compatible PC-based CICS compiler. To include code preprocessor, RDT processor, MAP painter, BMS processor, and CICS runtime. (3) PC-based S/370 Assembler. A mainframe compatible PC-based S/370 Assembler. Must support typical assembler SVCs and Macro calls. (4) PC-based Job Control Language (JCL) Services. To provide comprehensive MVS JCL environment on the PC by simulating the MVS mainframe Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) environment. (5) PC-based IDMS Services. a mainframe compatible PC-based IDMS support product. To include the ability to port IDMS applications to the PC for modification. Should be compatible with current CA-IDMS-DB release 10.2 and 12.1 and IDMS-DC compatible. Provide full IDMS pre-processor and database schema support. (6) PC-based IDMS Server. A mainframe software product to allow access to current mainframe dictionaries and database to preclude multiple copies of information. (7) PC-based Mainframe Test Capability. A combined PC and mainframe support product to provide the capability to execute and monitor mainframe testing for programs or applications too large to execute on a PC or mid-tier platform. (8) Product Integration. COBOL, IMS, IDMS, DB2/SQL. S/370 Assembler, Oracle 7 SQL and CICS products should be available in an integrated package and should include high-speed compiler, interactive debugger, COBOL intelligent analyzer, CICS emulator, ADSA/ADSO emulator and integrated editor. (9) Version Control. PC-based products should b;e mainframe compatible and interface with various library control software products to provide for version control and life cycle management. (10) PC-based DB2 Services. A mainframe compatible PC-based DB2 support product. To include the ability to port DB2 applications to the PC for modification. Should be compatible with current IBM DB2 release. (11) PC-based Oracle 7 Services. A mainframe compatible PC-based Oracle 7 support product. To include the ability to port Oracle 7 applications to the PC for modification. Should be compatible with current Oracle 7 release. Additionally, the software must: - support cross platform development on IBM, and MS-DOS - be CICS Level II compatible - support cross platform development on MVS, HP/UX, MS-DOS, MS Windows operating systems - support for MVS XA/ESA JCL syntax - REXX/CLIST compatibility - have extended attribute support - be able to generate CICS MAPS - be IDMS compatible (including support for IDMS-DB and IDMS-DC (online ADSO) development - be IDMS compatible at the PC and; mainframe level - be DB2 compatible - be support IBM SNA extended attributes for screen display - be JES II and JES III JCL compatible - have IAM file handling - have ISAM file handling - have VSAM file handling - have DB2 file handling - have ADSO/ADSA processing capabilities - be easy to install and maintain - be SPFPC compatible - must have training and refresher training for all programmers - must have advanced training for expert group/system administrators including implementation on all platforms - run in a PC LAN environment - be DB2 compatible at the PC and mainframe level - be Oracle 7 compatible from the PC up to the mainframe level including mid-tier - be ADA base compatible - be FIPS SQL complaint - be able to migrate from the mainframe to mid-tier and PC - support both IDMS batch and IDMS on-line processing - provide mid-tier compilation support - support CICS function shipping to remote transaction execution - include a report writer function to print test results from PC files - provide access to mainframe based files - work in a windows environment - provide the ability to produce COBOL Code for multiple versions: - COBOL 74 - COBOL 85 (COBOL II) - be compatible with - COBOL 74 and COBOL 85 - CICS version 2.1.2 - interface with CGI PACBASE product for MS-DOS, HP/UX, OS1100/2200, and MVS operating systems - interface with Cincom's PC Access Facility (PCAF) to provide the ability to issue calls from PC applications to MVS mainframe data base - DB2/SQL 2.3 or later - Oracle 7 or later d. PC Operating Environments: IBM PC or compatible computers, 80386 (or higher) processor, various Mhz speeds, normally with 8MB RAM. Windows 3.1 (or later releases), OS/2 release 2.1, and MS DOS 3.3 ( or higher) compatible. Should also be capable of running in a LAN environment compatible with DOS 3.1 (or higher). e. Technical Support. The PC-based products must be provided with training and refresher training for all programmers and advanced training for expert group personnel. The vendor technical support must be available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. When requesting the Solicitation, prospective offeror shall provide CAGE Code. If unknown, request DD Form 2051, Request for CAGE Code. (0142)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0296 19950523\70-0001.SOL)

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