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USAED, Kansas City, 757 Federal Building, 601 East 12th Street, Kansas City, MO 64106-2896

Z -- TOTAL FAMILY HOUSING MAINTENANCE AND MINOR CONSTRUCTION, FT. RILEY, KS SOL DACA41-95-R-0022 DUE 081895 POC Contract Specialist Robert C. Adelsperger 816-426-6483 (Site Code DACW41) The work to be performed consists of inspection, minor construction and maintenance of Army Family Housing and Billeting Quarters. There are approximately 3,100 family housing units and approximately 300 billeting quarters and associated grounds. The number of occupied housing units and quarters is subject to change due to availability and to ongoing construction of new units. All units are located at Fort Riley, Kansas. Award will be based on the best value to the Government. Each contractor must complete and submit in a separate envelope as part of the technical review two (2) copies of ''Contractor's Qualification Form''. The technical evaluation factors, in descending order of importance are: management plan, past performance, similar inspection, and maintenance and minor construction experience, quality control plan, corporate commitment, financial statement, and organization information. Price will be evaluated using price analysis techniques. The contractor will be required to submit a subcontracting plan and subcontracting history. The technical proposal outweighs the price proposal. This is a requirements type contract with a one (1) year base period and four (4) one year option periods. The Government reserves the right to exercise option periods. The magnitude of the project for the base period is more than $10 million. The solicitation will be issued on or about 05 July 1995. Proposal due date is 18 August 1995. A preproposal conference has been tentatively scheduled for 18 July 1995. Attendance is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended. Contact Bob Adelsperger, Contract Specialist, CEMRK-CT-M, at (816) 426-6483 to confirm if you will be attending the preproposal conference. The scope includes continuous scheduling of ''on demand'' minor construction, maintenance, inspection, and pest control services for the structural, architectural, mechanical, electrical, and civil aspects of the housing facilities. Work week for inspection, minor construction, and maintenance will be twelve (12) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. Response for emergency service orders for occupied quarters is twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. This acquisition is issued pursuant to the ''Business Opportunity Development Reform Act of 1988'' and subsequent award will be subject to the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program. Therefore, this acquisition is unrestricted. Standard Industrial Classsification Code is 1522 (General Contractors-Residential Buildings, Other than Single-Family). Small business size standard is annual average receipts of a concern and its affiliates over the preceding three (3) fiscal years cannot exceed $17 million. Performance and payment bonds will be required from the successful offeror. Proposal documents and specifications may be purchased for a non-refundable charge of $60.00 per set. Payment must be in the form of money order, certified or cashier's check delivered to: US Army Engineer District, Kansas City, 601 East 12th Street, ATTN: CEMRK-CT-M (Adelsperger), Room 757, Kansas City, MO 64106- 2896. Checks and money orders shall be made payable to: Corps of Engineers, Omaha District. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED IN THIS OFFICE. Please provide an actual street address when requesting plans and specifications. The award of this acquisition is subject to the availability of funds. THIS JOB INCLUDES THE AFFIRMATIVE(0153)

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