Loren Data Corp.




FEDERAL PROCUREMENT: NEW INITIATIVES FOR WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERS Presented by the American Woman's Economic Development Corporation (AWED), in cooperation with the Washington District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration. What are these new initiatives? How can you take full advantage? This is an opportune time for women to do business with the Federal government and an important issue you'll need to understand. Meet Procurement Experts: Thomas Dumaresq, U.S. SBA Associate Administrator for Government Contracting, who will give an overview of Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act and discuss what SBA is doing through the ``Women's Procurement Pilot Program''; James West, U.S. SBA Procurement Center Representative, who will discuss the nuts and bolts of federal procurement and how to market effectively within federal agencies; Valerie Perlowitz, President of Reliable Integration Services (RIS), who will discuss how she successfully been doing business with the Federal government since 1988; and more. On: Wednesday, June 28, 1995; 6:00 p.m. At: 1250 24th St. NW, Suite 120, Washington, DC 20037. Cost: $20. Please call (202) 857-0091 for information and reservations.

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