Loren Data Corp.




U. S. Army Engineer District, Savannah, P.O. Box 889, Savannah, Georgia 31402-0889

Y -- SAVANNAH RIVERWALK EXTENSION SAVANNAH, GEORGIA SOL DACW21-95-B-0038 DUE 080795 POC Contractual Questions - Linda Elliott - 912-652-5076 Technical Questions - Dan Parrott - 912-652-5214. NOTE: SAVANNAH DISTRICT IS CURRENTLY ENGAGED IN NEGOTIATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT UNDER THE 8(A) PROGRAM. THIS PROJECT WILL ONLY BE ISSUED SHOULD NEGOTIATIONS NOT BE SUCCESSFUL. Construction of a Landscapped 16-foot wide pedestrain riverfront walk along the souht bank of the Savannah River from the east edge of the property owned by Turecamo Properties, Ltd., extending eastward approximately 915 feet to tie into the riverfront structures currently in place at the Marriott Hotel facilities. The scope shall include concrete pilings, steel sheet pilings, erosion control and bank stabilization, structural walkway framing, architectual finishes similar to existing Rousakis Plaza, site lighting, monument displays, temporary monument relocation, and water fountains. Network analysis system will be required. Estimated cost range is from $1,000,000,.00 to $5,000,000.00. Cost for solicitation doucments $30.00. Solicitation documents will be available July 06, 1995 (approx). Please state area code, telephone number, street address and nine- digit zip code. Plans and specifications are available Monday thru Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M., 100 W. Oglethorpe Ave., Savannah, GA 3140 (0167)

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