Loren Data Corp.




Department of the Army, Baltimore District, Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 1715, Baltimore, MD 21203-1715

Y -- SECURITY REQUIREMENTS, PHASE I JOHN F KENNEDY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, WASHINGTON DC SOL DACA31-95-B-0107 DUE 091295 POC Carol Williams or Marie Johnson (410) 962-3464 or 962-5638 Security Requirements, Phase I John F Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, Washington DC. Est cost is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. Completion no later than 300 calendar days. Construction consists of the installation of lock devices, surveillance cameras, card readers and lock monitoring and access control equipment. Special features include the selective demolition and construction of approximately 880 square feet of converted office and support space, installation of three and four bay roll-up doors at garage entrances and exits, and cutting and patching in connection with installation of door locks and monitors. Electrical conduit, power and cabling will be required for all devices. Equipment installation will include CCTV cameras and monitors. Full size plans and specs (50) $53.50 p/set; half size plans and specs (50) $33.75 p/set. Non-Refundable. Make company check or money order payable to FAO, USAED, Baltimore. (No cash accepted). Contractors are encouraged to provide their Federal Express account number at the time of request or have them pick up. Issuance o/a 7 Aug 1995. Note: This procurement is unrestricted. (0174)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0144 19950626\Y-0015.SOL)

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