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A -- RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT. SOL NAVIRSALTR05315 SYN 429A PART 1 0F 2 DUE 082895 POC Contact Point, William Niewood, (215)697-9653, Contracting Officer, M. J. Cesarone, (215)697-9653 CONTINUATION OF THE NAVY JOINING CENTER-This announcement constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement as contemplated in FAR 35.016. There will be no formal request for proposal or other solicitation regarding this announcement. BACKGROUND: The existing NJC, located at 1100 Kinnear Road, Columbus OH, is one of the Navy's MS&T Centers of Excellence. The NJC, has been in existence since July, 1993 and is operated by the Edison Welding Institute under a contract with the Fleet Industrial Supply Center in Philadelphia, PA. The NJC is managed by the Naval Industrial Resources Support Activity in Philadelphia, PA. The existing NJC contract expires on 31 January, 1996. The Navy MS&T Program is seeking proposals to extend the operation of the NJC beyond the existing contract via this announcement. Current projects at the NJC include the Programmable Automated Welding System, Underwater Wet Welding, Control of Residual Stresses and Distortion in Thin Section Panel Fabrication, Activated GTAW Flux for Increased Penetration, Automated Weld Contour Inspection, Joining Information Network, Teaching Factory, and Rapid Response. The Navy proposes a continuation of current efforts, to develop the required manufacturing processes for materials joining technologies in metallic to metallic, metallic to nonmetallic, and nonmetallic to nonmetallic parts and to transfer the resulting technologies to DOD and industry. The benefits of the renewed NJC, include increased productivity, reduced costs and time to implement new technologies, and improved quality. Introduction of the manufacturing technologies, processes, practices, and/or materials developed, matured, and/or demonstrated will strengthen the defense industrial base. Additionally, the transfer of these technologies to the commercial sector will enhance national industrial competitiveness, increase the DOD supplier base and reduce the manufacturing response time during force surge and mobilization. REQUIREMENTS: The technical work will be problem driven to reflect current and future Navy and industry materials joining needs. This work may involve classified information, therefore the need for personnel and facility clearances should be addressed. In addressing the operation of the NJC, proposals must identify and outline how the following requirements will be satisfied: 1. It is desired that a not-for-profit organization operate the NJC. The proposed organizational structure should incorporate an industry, government, and academic partnership. Activities undertaken can be performed through or by any of these organizations. A joint industry-Government approach to cost and resource sharing is required. 2. All proposals shall provide a detailed plan that will describe the integration of the current NJC program to the program which is being proposed. The plan will provide for a seamless transition of the current NJC operation and project work to the renewed NJC. 3. Technology transfer/deployment shall be a primary focus area. A teaming approach should be developed for technology insertion. The NJC shall sponsor and support seminars, conferences, workshops, and short courses which provide state-of-the-art information and technology transfer in materials joining. The NJC shall support a Teaching Factory. 4. The NJC will identify and evaluate materials joining problems of industry in light of Navy and DOD requirements, and initiate and conduct activities which will address these problems. There should be a process for developing a compelling research agenda for the NJC. The activities and projects at the NJC will reduce cost and lead time, improve reliability, meet environmental concerns, reduce the risk of transition to production, and promote military and commercial integration of technologies. 5. The organizational and operational structure shall be such that it can respond quickly and positively to changes in requirements and funding. The proposal shall provide for the ability to attain and apply human, facility, and funding resources to quickly and effectively address technical and productivity problems experienced by DOD and industry. 6. The proposal should show past experience and proposed future mechanisms for leveraging program funding through linkages with organizations such as ARPA, DOD/DOE Labs, consortia, etc. 7. The NJC shall support and promote activities focused on manufacturing education and training. Development of undergraduate and graduate curricula is not anticipated. NJC may sponsor related studies in the field of materials joining technology. The education and training agenda should promote the utilization of the Teaching Factory. 8. User friendly, easily accessed databases of best practices, technical literature, and reports of sponsored programs and projects in materials joining in the Joining Information Network shall be developed and maintained for both public and private use. 9. The NJC shall provide for integration with MS&T strategic planning initiatives and day to day MS&T activities. CRITERIA: Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria: (NOTE - Items 1 through 3 are in descending order of importance, with item 3 being significantly less important than items 1 and 2). Elements within Items 1, 2, and 3 are not listed in order of importance. No further evaluation criteria will be used in source selection. 1. Technical Proposed mechanisms to ensure technical continuity of the ongoing technical project work from the current NJC to the renewed NJC. Proposed method for identifying and solving joining problems, including proposed process(es) for involving industry, Government, and academia in identifying and executing the technical program agenda and deploying the resulting technologies. Background and experience in the area of joining manufacturing science and technology as reflected in previous contracts and personnel background, including relevant qualifications and time commitment of key technical personnel. Background and corporate expertise in the area of related education, training, and technology development and deployment as reflected in previous activities. Previous experience demonstrating understanding of the technical intricacies and innovative approaches to materials joining. Demonstration of knowledge of and insight to materials joining technology and trends. Proposed mechanisms to conduct technology transfer to industry and government to achieve a high degree of implementation of developments and results. 2. Management Adequacy of the proposed transition of the NJC from its current operation and administration to the proposed NJC operation and administration, including the Joining Information Network, Teaching Factory, and Workshops and Seminars. Proposed mechanisms to remove barriers to implementation of technology. Understanding of the goals and mission of the MS&T program and reflection of this understanding in the proposed resources, management structure, organization, use of subcontracting, and leveraging of government funds. Adequacy and availability of the facilities, equipment, and personnel, both available and proposed, for program execution. Include lead-time from award of contract until any proposed modifications would be in place and available to support new efforts. Proposed development of relationships, both regionally and nationally; e.g., linkages to other consortia, professional organizations, universities, regional, state, and local economic development and extension organizations; and state and local education and training organizations focused on materials joining technologies. Qualifications of proposed key management personnel and their proposed time commitments. Policies on intellectual property, proprietary rights, patent restrictions, and foreign activities, Governments, and students. Experience managing DOD contracts, and existing contracting mechanisms or plans to address DOD contracting issues. 3. Cost Reasonable cost to the Government, including cost sharing by industry, other government, or other participants in the form of matching funding, equipment, facilities, or other ''in-kind'' resources. Costs will be evaluated on the basis of cost realism. This pertains to the offeror's ability to project costs which are realistic and reasonable and which indicates whether the offeror understands the nature and scope of the work to be performed. Evidence of an existing DOD cost and accounting structures or plans to establish is required. MISCELLANEOUS: Twelve (12) copies of the proposal are to be submitted. The proposal shall consist of two parts, technical and management (Part I) and cost (Part II). Part I should not exceed 75 pages (single space, 10 pitch ), excluding resumes and exhibits. Resumes and exhibits should not exceed 60 pages. Part I shall consist of a cover page including title, technical point(s) of contact, administrative point(s) of contact, and pertinent phone numbers; summary page(s) of organizations participating in the proposed bid with addresses and points of contact; a summary of related experience in materials joining; an overall plan with specifics on NJC transition and project areas for the first year of operation (Projects identified by the Navy may supplement or replace those submitted in the technical proposal); alisting and description of facilities and equipment; organization and management plan, including subcontracting; statement regarding existence of, or intention to obtain, facility and personal clearances; authentication and commitment statements from NJC members; and any other information deemed appropriate. A locator matrix or index identifying where specific BAA requirements and criteria are addressed in the proposal is required. Part II shall contain: 1) a one-to-one page cost summary and 2) supporting pages, which shall include a detailed breakdown of labor categories, equipment, travel costs, and any other direct and indirect costs. Each page in Part I and Part II shall be marked with the words ''SOURCE SELECTION INFORMATION'' See FAR 3.104''. Proposals must be received no later than 60 calendar days after the date of this announcement. The Navy reserves the right to select for award any, or none, of the responses received and intends to incrementally fund any resultant contract. it is anticipated that a cooperative agreement will be utilized. The offerors may be required to have or obtain security clearances up to and including the secret level for work contemplated under this announcement. The BAA is an expression of interest only and does not commit the Government to pay any proposal preparation costs for responding to this BAA. Responses should be forwarded at no cost to the Government. The cost of preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resultant contract or any other contract. It is however, an allowable expense to normal bid and proposal indirect cost specified in FAR 31.205-18. Note that only the contracting officer is authorized to award Government cooperative agreements pursuant to this BAA. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered by the Navy. The Navy reserves the right to award to other than the lowest offeror.For those companies contemplating submission of a proposal (0179)

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