Loren Data Corp.




VA Medical Center, One Freedom Way, Augusta, GA 30904-6285

J -- PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND EMERGENCY REPAIR SERVICE ON MDS A2 SYSTEMS SOL RFP 509-33-96 DUE 082395 POC Contact Point, Jodi Ruggiero, (706)731-7159, Contracting Officer, Minnie L. Smith, (706)731-7174 Provide preventative maintenance and emergency repair service on a portable image processing and storage system including computer nuclear imager, Nova 3 CPU with memory, Remv. disk sys, Ampex 80 MB storage module, terminals, logic racks, VCR, Sony color monitors, NTSC color adapter board, line amplifiers, either/or switches, and matrix image formater. Also provide preventative maintenance and emergency repair service on an image processing and storage system including computer nuclear imager, Nova 3 U with memory, Wangco 5mb disk system, terminal and logic rack. Services to be performed at VA Medical Center, Augusta, Georgia, for the period October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1996, with four (4) one (1) year options to extend. Requests for solicitation package must be in writing. Fax requests are acceptable at (706) 731-7172. Anticipated issue date is on or about July 18, 1995. Applicable SIC Code is 7379. This procurement is subject to the availability of Fiscal Year 1996 funds. (0180)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0039 19950630\J-0005.SOL)

J - Maintenance, Repair and Rebuilding of Equipment Index Page