COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JULY 25,1995 PSA#1395NASA Headquarters, Office of Space Access and Technology, Washington,
SPACE PRGM POC Candace Livingston tel: 202/358-0697 NASA NOTICE - PART
2 of 2 - B. NASA's Office of Space Access and Technology supports
commercial development of space projects at its field centers. NASA
provides access to space for each of the commercial projects. No
funding will be available to the field centers as a result of proposals
associated with this Notice and we are not seeking applications for
grants or contracts. However, the degree and amount of proposed
investment in addition to the suitability of the content of the
proposal could generate interest in reevaluation of programs and
priorities. The Centers are focused on specific research and/or
technology development activities that have application in the
commercial sector. The goals of the Center programs are to enable new
industries, assist US companies for discovering and capturing new
markets and become more competitive using NASA-sponsored technology
development. Potential partnerships with industry may range from
focused research to market verification and testing. The following is
a listing of each Field Center's program areas and the Primary
Contact's name, phone and fax numbers. Interest in participating in
this program through the field center projects should be directed to
and negotiated with the Primary Contact. The listing of project areas
are examples of current work. New ideas in any area of the Commercial
Use of Space Program are encouraged. 1. Marshall Space Flight Center,
Huntsville, AL 35812-0001; Investment Casting-Computer Design
Application, Float Zone, Primary Contact: Mr. James Fountain,
(205)544-0644, FAX (205_544-8500; Catalysts-Zeolite Crystal Growth,
Primary Contact: Mr. Mark Nall, (205)544-9152, FAX (205)544-8500. 2.
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771-0001; Thermal
Annealing of Semiconductors, Primary Contact: Mr. Lloyd Purvis,
(301)286-4207, FAX (301)286-1717. 3. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland,
OH 44135-3191; Biomimetic Materials, Ion Channel Instrument,
Cell-Signaling, Primary Contact: Dr. Lynn M. Anderson, (216)433-2874,
FAX (216)433-8660; Polymerization Processes, Primary Contact: Mr. Mike
Meador, (216)433-9518, FAX (216)433-3680; Space Power, Primary
Contact: Mr. Joe Sovie, (216)433-6129, FAX (216)433-2306;
Communications Technology, Communications Satellite Applications for
the Global Information Infrastructure, Advanced RF, Optical, Digital,
and Antenna Technologies for Communications, Satellites and Earth
Terminals, Wide-Band and Personal Communications Systems, Primary
Contact: Mr. Jim Bagwell (216)433-3502, FAX (216)433-3478. 4. Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA 23665-5225; Superconductivity, Web home
page: http://ixeabh4.larc.nasa.gov/midas/midas.html; Primary Contact:
Ms. Ruth A. Amundsen, (804)864-7044, FAX (804)864-7202, E-Mail:
r.m.amundsen@larc.nasa.gov; Gas Permeable Polymer Materials Web home
page: http://ears-www.larc.nasa.gov/DMSS/gppm.html; Primary Contact:
Ms. Junilla Applin, (804)864-7082, FAX (804)864-7009, E-Mail
j.i.applin@larc.nasa.gov. 5. Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
77058-3696; Microencapsulation-Tumors/Infection, Primary Contact: Dr.
Dennis Morrison, (713)483-7123, FAX (713)483-3058. 6. Ames Research
Center, Moffett Field, California 94035-1000; Implant
Technology-Biotechnology and Devices, Implant Technology-Bone Implant,
AnabolicHormones, Growth Factors, Controlled Agricultural Systems;
Primary Contact: Dr. Dani Goldwater, (415)604-5554, FAX (415)604-1592.
7. Stennis Space Center, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-6000;
Commercial Remote Sensing Applications and Technology Development,
Emerging Spatial Information Markets, Test Bed for Remote Sensing
Technology (Hardware and Software); Primary Contact: Mr. David Brannon,
(601)688-2042, FAX (601)688-7455. Proposals submitted directly to the
NASA Field Centers will be treated as unsolicited proposals.
Information and guidance for preparing unsolicited proposals can be
obtained from the Center Contact Points. END OF PART 2. (0202) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0003 19950724\A-0003.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page