Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska, P.O. Box 898, Anchorage, Alaska 99506-0898

Y -- CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY, ELMENDORF AFB, ALASKA SOL DACA85-95-B-0028 DUE 090695 POC Contact, Gail M. West, 907/753-2552/Contracting Officer, Thomas L. Carter, 907/753-2551 Description of work to be performed: Install a new 24,000 SF corrosion control facility with office/storage space, electrical and mechanical rooms, and a high bay structure for washing, painting, and paint stripping F-15 and C-130 airplanes. Provide all building systems, including structural steel, HVAC, fire protection, electrical, multi-zoned directed air flow for the parts painting areas, and an industrial waste system consisting of a settling basin, oil-water separator storage tank, and sump pumps. Range: $5,000,000 to $10,000,000--FFP--500 days completion time. Plans & specs fee: $82.00--SIC Code 1542-- Responders are advised that the requirements may be delayed, cancelled or revised at any time during the solicitation, selection, evaluation, negotiation, and/or final award process based on decisions relatred to DOD changes and disposition of the Armed Services. Solicitation open to both Large & Small Business. (0205)

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