COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 22,1995 PSA#1437Defense Construction Supply Center, PO BX 16595, DCSC-Vici, Columbus,OH
43216-6595 47 -- AEROQUIP SOLE SOURCE ITEMS SOL SP0740-95-R-9999 DUE 110495 POC
Contact: For information contact the Contracting Officer AL Ice L.
Reuter 614-692-3233 or Melissa vanest 614-692-3938 SP0740-95-R-999 is
not a valid Solicitation number. Please do not request a copy. This is
notice of DCSC'sintent to issue orders to the Aeroquip Corporation
(CAGE Code 00624) against BOA NO. F09603-92-G-0021 or BOA NO.
F09603-95-G-0027 for Federal Stock classes (FSC)1650, 4720, 4730 and
4820. Delivery orders will be issued as requirements arise on an
intermittent and recurring basis commencing 30 days after the first
publication of this notice. The items and estimated annual requirements
(ear) are as follows: NSN 4730-00-541-8822, P/N 014584S2-24, coupling
half,qui, ear 192; NSN 4730-01-220-6686, P/N 014626S7-24D, cap quick
disconn, ear 56; NSN 4730-00-585-0280, P/N 015519S4-16, coupling half
qui, ear 128; NSN 4730-00-984-8237, P/N 015625S2-10, coupling
half,quiear 40; NSN 4730-00-348-2012, P/N 145S9-16D, plug quickdiscon,
ear 164; NSN 4730-00-820-3157, P/N 145S9-20D, plug quick discon, ear
340; NSN 4730-00-528-3510, P/N 19411C31-435D, clamp hose, ear 416; NSN
4730-00-203-7250, P/N 2-014519S4-20D, coupling half qui ear 84; NSN
4730-00-880-7011, P/N 3018S4-16D, coupling half qui, ear 168; NSN
4730-00-709-0355, P/N 3055S11-8D, coupling half qui, ear 52; NSN
4730-00-016-4856, P/N 307533S2-12D, coupling half qui, ear 60; NSN
4730-00-555-1602, P/N 307533S2-16D, coupling half qui, ear 128; NSN
4730-00-090-0465, P/N 3075S2-16D, coupling half qui, ear 100; NSN
4730-00-936-2174, P/N 315481-6, coupling half sel, ear 1300; NSN
4730-00-729-5854, P/N 3205-8, coupling half qui, ear 84; NSN
4730-00-00-585-0468, P/N 3205-10, coupling half qui, ear 76; NSN
4730-00-795-1109, P/N 3207, cap, quickdiscon, ear 92; NSN
4730-00-818-9947, P/N 3305-10, coupling half, qui, ear 144; NSN
4730-00-782-7210, P/N 340206-10, coupling half, qui, ear 56; NSN
4730-00-842-0067, P/N 340206-12, coupling half, qui, ear 188; NSN
4730-00-075-5919, P/N 370256-20, couplinghalf, qui, ear 28; NSN
4730-00-067-4808, P/N 375200-12, coupling half, qui, ear 128; NSN
4730-00-773-2616, P/N 375201-4, coupling half, qui, ear 80; NSN
4730-00-773-2618, P/N 375201-10, coupling half, qui, ear 56; NSN
4730-00-993-1052, P/N 375204-16, couplinghalf, qui, ear60; NSN
4730-00-773-2620, P/N 3755-6, coupling half, qui, ear 64; NSN
4730-00-941-9911, P/N 3755-8, coupling half, qui, ear 112; NSN
4730-00-844-8771, P/N 375506-16, coupling half, qui, ear 440; NSN
4730-00-027-1103, P/N 375506-20, coupling half, qui, ear 96; NSN
4730-00-491-6395, P/N 390555-8, coupling half, qui, ear 56; NSN
4730-00-470-0444, P/N 516-16D, nut, hose coupling, ear 392; NSN
4720-00-068-8366, P/N 601001-4, hose assembly, non, ear 40; NSN
4730-00-949-6207, P/N 940-25-666D, clamp hose, ear 296; NSN
4720-00-004-7020, P/nae1004723E0164, hose assembly, non, ear 76; NSN
4720-00-004-7019, P/N AE1004723E0203, hose assembly, non ear 92; NSN
4720-00-358-1006, P/N AE1007857J0158, hoseassembly, non, ear 36; NSN
4720-01-048-1718, P/nae1008965G0188, hose assembly, non, ear 76; NSN
4720-01-197-4088, P/N AE1010560M0124, hose assembly, non ear 28; NSN
4720-01-184-0429, P/N AE1010642E0152, hoseassembly, non, ear 284; NSN
4720-01-275-5603, P/nae1010870G0233, hose assembly, non, ear 164; NSN
4730-01-026-9144, P/N AE18806G, adapter, straight, ear 940; NSN
4730-01-026-9145, P/N AE18806J, adapter, straight, ear 312; NSN
4730-01-027-2649, P/N AE18880E, elbow, tube to hose, ear 208; NSN
4730-01-026-9127, P/N AE18880G, elbow, tube to hose, ear 168; NSN
4730-01-026-9136, P/N AE18882K, elbow, tube to hose, ear 88; NSN
4730-01-026-9152, P/nae18926J, adapter, straight, ear 2136; NSN
4730-01-032-0082, P/N AE20739K, elbow, tube, ear 156; NSN
4720-01-185-5360, P/N AE3966E0173-080, hose assemblynon, ear 240; NSN
4720-01-300-2989, P/N AE415G0254-105, hose assembly, non, ear 100; NSN
4720-01-090-6480, P/nae701-12, hose, nonmetallic, ear 1288; NSN
4720-01-014-4443, P/N AE7010001H0260, hose assembly, non ear 116; NSN
4720-00-831-7992, P/N AE702387-1, hoseassembly, non, ear 56; NSN
4720-00-370-9487, P/nae703645-1, hose assembly, non, ear 92; NSN
4720-00-358-1017, P/N AE703752-1, hose assembly, non, ear 36; NSN
4720-01-013-4585, P/N AE704287-1, hoseassembly, non, ear 16; NSN
4720-01-034-4306, P/nae704288-1, hose assembly, non, ear 44; NSN
4720-01-134-8823, P/N AE705005-1, hose assembly, non, ear 40; NSN
4720-01-135-1303, P/N AE705116-1, hoseassembly, non, ear 92; NSN
4720-01-135-7582, P/nae705292-1, hose assembly, non, ear 40; NSN
4720-01-186-4418, P/N AE706210-1, hose assembly, non, ear 44; NSN
4720-00-075-3844, P/N AE707269-1, hoseassembly, non, ear 24; NSN
4720-00-163-3082, P/nae707385-5, hose assembly, non, ear 10; NSN
4730-01-086-7988, P/N AE80026G, coupling half, qui, ear 48; NSN
4820-01-096-1035, P/N AE80607G, valve, pump outlet, ear 36; NSN
4730-01-142-2853, P/nae80711G, coupling half, qui, ear 328; NSN
4730-01-142-2854, P/N AE80712G, plug, quick discon, ear 68; NSN
4730-01-129-8024, P/N AE80758K, couplinghalf, qui, ear 32; NSN
4730-01-129-8025, P/N AE80758M, coupling half, qui, ear 52; NSN
4730-01-128-4049, P/nae80775K, coupling half, qui, ear 36; NSN
4730-01-176-7084, P/N AE81294E, coupling half, qui, ear 224; NSN
4730-01-176-7083, P/N AE81295G, coupling half, qui, ear 180, NSN
4730-01-184-8896, P/N AE81668N, coupling half, qui, ear 32, NSN
4730-00-441-2894, P/nae96863M, cap, quick discon, ear 84; NSN
4730-01-118-7957, P/N AE81887H, coupling half, qui, ear 52; NSN
4730-01-186-9441, P/N AE81999H, coupling half, qui, ear 32, NSN
4730-01-133-4057, P/N AE82062J, coupling half, qui, ear 32; NSN
4730-01-130-1893, P/nae82134R, coupling half, qui, ear 76; NSN
4730-01-229-4217, P/N AE82444K, coupling half, sel, ear 128; NSN
4730-01-293-5114, P/N AE70310H, couplinghalf, qui, ear 52; NSN
4730-01-242-4570, P/N AE86966J, coupling half, qui, ear 268; NSN
4730-01-322-9863, P/nae87283K, coupling half, sel, ear 32; NSN
4730-00-924-2056, P/N AE90003G, coupling half, qui, ear 208; NSN
4730-00-996-8258, P/N 900591B2C, clamp hose, ear 3772; NSN
4730-00-450-5498, P/N 900591B3C, clamp, hose, ear 3460; NSN
4730-00-923-2763, P/N AE92123H, coupling half, qui, ear 172; NSN
4730-00-131-7746, P/nae93678Z, coupling assembly, ear 20; NSN
4730-00-198-6447, P/N AE94836G, coupling half, qui, ear 44; NSN
4730-00-228-0935, P/N AE94837G, couplinghalf, qui, ear 52; NSN
4730-00-136-7280, P/N AE94838E, coupling half, qui, ear 56; NSN
4730-00-176-4615, P/nae95117K, Union, tube, ear 84; NSN
4730-00-176-4617, P/N AE95317N, coupling assembly, ear 88; NSN
4730-00-176-4623, P/N AE95342N, coupling assembly, ear 116; NSN
1650-01-212-8859, P/N AE95616G, swivel joint, hydr, ear 64; NSN
4730-00-351-3015, P/N AE96354H, coupling half, qui, ear 52; NSN
4730-01-123-0274, P/nae99115K, coupling half, qui, ear 100, NSN
4730-01-095-6973, P/N AE99888E, coupling assembly, ear 160; NSN
4730-01-086-3788, P/N B145-S4-20D, couplinghalf, sel, ear 112; NSN
4730-01-138-7151, P/NB3005S2-12D, coupling half, sel, ear 336; NSN
4730-00-585-2341, P/N L015591S5-6D, coupling half, qui, ear 76; NSN
4730-01-176-9038, P/N NH102578-0125, coupling hose, ear 428; NSN
4730-0-355-5901, P/NR80101T16, coupling, tube, ear 112; NSN
4730-00-289-9817 P/N T015519-S4-12D, coupling half, qui, ear 84; NSN
4730-00-613-9751, P/N TA155S4-8D, coupling half, qui, ear 140; NSN
4730-01-072-7454, P/N TB155-S4-4D, couplinghalf, sel, ear 96. This
action is based on the sole source approval under the authority of FAR
6.302-1, only one responsible source. All responsible sources are
invited to demonstrate their ability to meet theagency'S needs by
submitting electronic Standing quotes to DCSC. Standing quotes may be
changed at any time. Quotes for alternate products must be
accompaniedoff-line by required technical data to show equivalency in
form, fit and function per the provision ''conditionsfor evaluation and
acceptance of offers for part numbered items (may 1992)-DLAR
52.17-9002'', along with a written quote based on the estimated annual
demand quantity so that potential dollar savings can beestablished.
POC is Keith Roberts, 614/692-1004 (sitecode DCSC-AMC). This notice of
intent is not a formalcompetition. Acquisitions more than $2,500 but
less than or equal to $50,000 will be awarded using simplified
acquisition procedures under a request for Standing quotes posted at
DCSC per FAR 5.101. For acquisitions over $50,000, awards will be made
without issuing a Solicitation (RFP) unless review of Standing quotes
indicates that issuing an order under the BOA would result in the
lowest overall COST alternative to the Government. All Standing quotes
in the system at the time a purchase request is generated for the
supplies will be fully considered before an order is placed against the
BOA. This notice in NO way binds the Government to purchase any of the
items listed herein. Electronic quotes can be input from any IBM
compatible PC with MODEM (recommend minimum 9600 bps) and any
communications software package, or from terminals provided in the
business counseling Center at DCSC, Bldg 12, section 1. For assistance
in submitting electronic Standing quotes call 614/692-3938. History:
First published 8/18/95.(0263) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0135 19950921\47-0001.SOL)
47 - Pipe, Tubing, Hose and Fittings Index Page