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C -- INDEFINITE QUANTITY CONTRACTS FOR ARCHITECT/ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION SURVEILLANCE AND INSPECTION AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS UNDER THE COGNIZANCE OF THE NAVY PUBLIC WORKS CENTER, WASHINGTON DC SOL N68925-95-D-A936 POC Marie (TONI) KING, CONTRACT SPECIALIST, 202-433-2495. The Navy Public Works Center, Washington intends to award two Indefinite Quantity Contracts for Architect/Engineer Servics for Construction Surveillance and Inspection (Title II) Services for Projects at Various Locations. Contract N68925-95-D-A935 will be for various projects throughout Northern Virginia, Pennsylvania, Deleware, Maryland and Washington, DC and will be entitled the NORTHERN VICINITY for the purpose of responding to this synopsis. Contract N68925-95-D-A936 will be for various projects throughout Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia and Washington, DC and will be entitled the SOUTHERN VICINITY for the purpose of responding to this synopsis. A list of projects and estimated start and completion dates anticipated to be included on the NORTHERN VICINITY contract are as follows: 1) Lead Abatement, MD-VA-DE; Start: 12/95 CCD: 09/96 2) Upgrade Lighting System, Baltimore, MD; Start: 11/95 CCD: 05/96 (SEED PROJECT). Other projects similar in scope and within the same general vicinity may be added to this contract at any time within the contract period of performance. A list of projects and estimated start and completion dates anticipated to be included on the SOUTHERN VICINITY contract are as follows: 1) Repair/Replace Boiler, Galax, VA; Start: 10/95 CCD: 04/96 (SEED PROJECT) 2) Remove Abandoned Boiler, Monteith USASRC Richmond, VA; Start:10/95 CCD: 04/96 3) Replace HVAC, Ft. Meade, MD; Start: 10/95 CCD: 04/96 4) Replace Old Steel Windows; Start: 05/96 CCD: 10/96 5) Chiller Replacement, Ft. Belvoir; Start: 05/96 CCD: 10/96 6) Chiller Replacement, Richmond, VA; Start: 05/96 CCD: 10/96 7) Replace Boiler; Start: 08/95 CCD: 2/96 8) Replace Water Heater, Baltimore, MD; Start: 03/96 CCD: 07/96. Other projects similar in scope and within the same general vicinity may be added to this contract at any time within the contract period of performance. Services to be provided will include: attend meetings and conferences; coordinate requests from construction contractor; provide constrution briefings and reports; construction inspection and surveillance o a pre-determined basis depending upon the complexity of the project (i.e., daily, bi-weekly, weekly, monthly, etc.); review/recommendation of approval of submittals; monitor construction work of CQC projects for compliance with contract documents; report instances of non-compliance with safety requirements; monitor compliance with environmental protection requirements; monitor measurements, assurance surveying; monitor materials testing; witness testing of waste, gas, water, electrical, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, fire protection, and energy monitoring control sytems; review CQC Daily Reports and Construction Contractor Daily Reports to Inspector; Monitor the updating of Submittal Status Logs; Prepare A/E Inspection Reports; Notify PWC of possible labor standards violations; review and comment on Contractor's requests for payment; notify PWC of major problems; Prepare Contract Compliance Notices; Assist conducting pre-final inspections; provide advice for change order negotiations; provide evaluation of construction contractor and design A/E; maintain working files; provide advice on contractor request for claims; construction cost estimating services; construction photographic services; surveying services; record drawing services; spot checks and constructibility reviews. Specific required evaluation criteria in relative order of importance include specialized experience and qualifications in the following areas: 1) Experience of the firm an its proposed subconsultants in construction inspection/surveillance, to include experience and familiarity with Government/DOD specifications and inspection requirements; 2) Professional expertise of the firm; 3) Provide a plan, logically organized, to include as a minimum, the following: a) A statement of the inspection contractor's general approach to providing the inspection/surveillance required including estimated frequencies of efforts; b) A description of the inspection contractor's organization and of the duties and authority of the personnel involved in this contract. Include a description of the relationship of home office personnel to job site personnel; c) An initial assignment chart indicating the responsibilities of inspectors for specific construction contracts; d) Names of key inspection contractor personnel both on-site and home office, along with the decriptive titles for these personnel; e) A listing of outside organizations, such as testing laboratories or consultants, which will be employed by the inspection contractor and a description of the services these firms will provide; 5) Location of firm in relation to construction contracts to be inspected. It is preferred that the firm be within an approximate 50 mile radious of the projects. FIRMS MUST INDICATE WHICH CONTRACT THEY INTEND TO BE CONSIDERED For AWARD - I.E., NORTHERN VICINITY OR SOUTHERN VICINITY. FIRMS THAT DO Not INDICATE WHICH VICINITY THEIR SUBMISSION IS FOR WILL BE REJECTED AS NON-RESPONSIVE; 6) Capability of the firm to provide inspection services for multiple projects, simultaneously considering such factors as loss of key personnel and volume of other work. Firms are to include a projection of workload/commitments for a twelve month period commencing 1 October 1995; 7) Volume of work previously awarded to firm by DOD shall also be considered, with the object of effecting an equitable distribution of DOD A/E contracts. Each contract will be a firm fixed price A/E contract. The duration of each contract will be for one year from the date of initial contract award or $500,000.00 in fees, whichever comes first. Each proposed contract includes one-one year Government option for the same basic professional skills. Subject to necessary changes, the total A/E fee that may be paid under each contract will not exceed $1,000,000.00. This solicitation may result in two awards. The A/E which meets the requirements described in the announcement are invited to submit a completed SF 254 and 255, U.S. Government A/E qualifications to the office shown above. Only interested firms responding by COB (4:00 PM EST) 30 days from the date of this announcment will be considered for selection. If selected for award large business concerns will be required to submit a Subcontracting Plan. No other general notifications to firms under considering for this project will be made and no further action is required. This is not a RFP. See Note 24. (0271)

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