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U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office, P.O. Box 550, MSIN A4-52, Richland, WA 99352

F -- REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON TANK WASTE REMEDIATION SYSTEMS (TWRS) PRIVATIZATION DRAFT SOLICITATION SOL DE-RP06-96RL13308 DUE 011596 POC Contact Peter E. Rasmussen, Contracting Officer, 509/372-1849 This action originally publicized in the CBD dated 10/26/95 is replaced with the following: The U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office will be seeking comments on a draft Request for Proposals to acquire Hanford radioactive tank waste treatment and immobilization services using privatized facilities -- privately developed, financed, constructed, operated, owned, decontaminated, decommissioned, and RCRA-closed. The Hanford Site is located in southeastern Washington State near Richland, Washington. The procurement will be divided into two parts: Part A, an twenty-month developmental phase funded by DOE to establish the technical, operational, regulatory, and financial elements required to provide privatized facilities for tank waste treatment and immobilization services at fixed unit prices, and Part B, a nine-year demonstration phase to provide privatized facilities to treat and immobilize four different waste envelopes at a fixed unit-price for each envelope: three different waste envelopes for immobilization as low-activity waste, with consideration of an additional waste envelope for immobilization as high-level waste. The waste envelopes are representative of the range of Hanford tank waste, and encompass approximately six to thirteen percent of the total tank waste inventory. Of the twenty month period for Part A, sixteen months will be used by the Contractor to complete deliverables; four months will be utilized to downselect and complete negotiations for Part B. The demonstration period for Part B will range between five and nine years and will conclude with the completion of decontamination and decommissioning, RCRA Closure and Site Restoration (additional two years). Equal and primary objectives for this procurement are to: demonstrate the technical and business viability of using private facilities to treat and immobilize Hanford tank waste; define and maintain required levels of nuclear, radiological, and worker safety; maintain environmental protection and compliance; and substantially reduce total life-ccle cost and schedule performance. This draft RFP reflects the current privatization concept being implemented by DOE. The draft RFP will be available on or about November 13, 1995 and is available for review and downloading on the Internet at: http://twins.pnl.gov:8001/twrs_rfp/homepage.htm via computer disk as a Wordperfect Version 5.1 for DOS, or in hard copy form. Those desiring to obtain copies of the draft RFP should submit their request in writing to Peter E. Rasmussen, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office, P.O. Box 550, Mail Stop K6-51, Richland, WA 99352; facsimile telephone (509) 373-0628. Requests made via facsimile should be confirmed as received at (509) 373-0068. In addition to the general comments on the draft RFP, DOE is seeking specific comments on the length of time that should be allotted for proposal preparation. Supporting documents, as well as specific RFP sections, may be available for review and comment on the Internet before issuance of the RFP. Written comments or questions on the draft RFP must be received at the above address or via facsimile number listed above by January 2, 1996. Comments may also be forwarded using the Electronic Mail option provided in the Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS) Privatization Home Page on the Internet address listed above. A pre-solicitation conference will be held in Richland, Washington on November 29 - December 1, 1995. As part of this conference, a site tour will be conducted on November 30, 1995. Reservations are required for the conference and the tour. Please note that due to badging requirements, foreign nationals will need to provide notification prior to November 10, 1995 to participate on the tour. Details on the tour and pre-solicitation conference may be obtained on the TWRS Privatization Home Page on the Internet. (0312)

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