Loren Data Corp.




VA Medical Center, Contracting Officer (90C), 3601 South Sixth Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85723

Z -- BUILDING 2, COATING EXTERIOR SOL IFB 678-19-96 DUE 022196 POC Contact Point, Pam Hayes, (520)629-4611, Contracting Officer, Pam Hayes, (520)629-4611 This is Step One of a Two-Step Sealed Bid. Contractor will submit technical proposal with method to re-coat the exterior surfaces of Building 2. The existing surface is loose and peeling and contains asbestos. If abatement is chosen, it shall be performed in accordance to all local, state, and federal regulations pertaining to asbestos removal. If abatement is not chosen, then steps are to be taken to ensure a uniform surface that adheres to the building and is unaffected by the underlying surfaces. Building 2 has approximately 47,000 square feet of surface area. Contractor will show at least three years experience repairing and applying coatings to exterior masonry surfaces. The underlying masonry has cracked or deteriorated in some areas. Contractor will address a method for repairing these areas. The new surface will waterproof the building envelope. This building is an original 1927 structure and all architectural (Spanish style) surfaces and details will remain correct in shape, depth, and proportion. The wood and wrought iron surfaces will be refinished in the scope of this project. Since they do not contain asbestos, contractor will not abate; however, repairs will be required to some wood surfaces. The work done on this building will carry a ten year warranty against cracking, peeling, showing the subsurfaces, fading, or any other defects in materials or workmanship. Contractor warrants both materials and labor for this period of time. Step One will be issued on/about January 22, 1996. Technical proposals will be due on February 21, 1996. A mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on/about February 6, 1996. Only those contractors attending the mandatory pre-proposal conference are invited to submit technical proposals. Step Two will be issued on/about March 4, 1996 to those contractors of acceptable proposals. The cost range is between $250,000 and $500,000. Step One will be available to all qualified bidders. Requests for Step One must be in writing, on company letterhead and mailed or FAX'd to Pam Hayes (90C), VA Medical Center, 3601 S. Sixth Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85723. FAX number is (520) 629-4723. No telephonic requests will be accepted. The Standard Industrical Classification (SIC) code for this procurement is 1542. (0004)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0066 19960105\Z-0001.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page