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C -- A-E SERVICES FOR TOPOGRAPHIC-PLANIMETRIC SURVEYS AND DESIGN SERVICES TO SUPPLEMENT HUNTSVILLE'S RANGE AND TRAINING LAND PROGRAM FOR CONUS AND OCONUS SOL W31RYO-6004-2513 POC Contract Specialist Tommie Savage (205) 895-1384 J. N. Etheridge, III, Contracting Officer (Site Code DACA87) Seek A-E Services to perform topographic/planimetric surveys in a digitized format and engineering design for Ranges and Training Land Program. Projects involve CONUS and OCONUS locations for US Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville. The proposed contract will be an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) firm fixed price contract for a period of one year, with two one year options. The contract value of this work shall not exceed $1,000,000 per year for a cumulative total of $3,000,000 with individual delivery orders not exceeding $450,000 each. The Government minimum obligation under this contract is 2% ($20,000) of the base year. If an option year is exercised, the Government minimum for that period will also be 1% ($10,000) of the option year. Award is planned for April or May 1996. The work includes establishing horizontal and vertical ground control, cross sections and plane table surveys, hydrographic surveys, photogrammetric mapping, digitizing field and map information, field verification, wetland delineation/field verification, orthophotography and digital orthophotography, and generation of topographic and/or planimetric maps. The surveys will provide topographic maps in either english or metric units and shall be referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) or 1927 (NAD27), the 1,000 meter Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system, and to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) or 1929 (NAV29). The A-E will be required to establish horizontal (Class I, 1:10,000) and vertical control (12mm times the Square root of k) of Third Order or better accuracies. The size of the survey areas could vary between 50 acres and 10,000 acres depending on type of survey information required and could be located in CONUS or OCONUS. Stereo compilation will be accomplished using automated stereo plotting devices connected directly to an interactive graphics system. The work may also include performing designs for range facilities, preparing site and utility layouts for the proposed facilities, performing technical analysis of specific sites, cost analyses, developing finished grade contours for an entire site based on design data, determining quantities for cost estimate calculations, preparing design plans, specifications, design analyses, and cost estimates. SELECTION CRITERIA: See Note 24 for general A-E selection process. The selection criteria are listed below in descending order of importance (first by major criterion and then by each sub-criterion). (1) PROFESSIONAL CAPABILITIES: SUBFACTORS; (a) surveying personnel with demonstrated experience and expertise in aerial, cadastral, topographic and hydrographic surveying; photogrammetric mapping; analytical aerotriangulation; stereo compilation; orthophotography; digitizing map information; and interactive Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) graphics systems. (b) All survey work must be performed under the supervision of a Registered Land Surveyor or a Registered Professional Engineer with demonstrated experience in surveying; demonstrated expertise in computer aided design and drafting (CADD); with demonstrated experience in GPS data processing and networking adjustments; and who is a full time permanent staff member with the firm. All aerotriangulation must be accomplished under the supervision of a certified photogrammetrists (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)) who is a full time permanent staff member of the firm. (d) Demonstrated surveyors, photogrammetrists and digitizing graphics operator with a minimum of three years experience. (e) Civil engineers, architects, structural engineers, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, project managers, and cost engineers with demonstrated experience in performing design of range facilities for military construction. (f) All design work must be performed under the supervision of a Registered Professional Engineer and/or Architect. (2) SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE and TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: SUBFACTORS; (a) Demonstrated past experience in performing survey projects on military installations, (b) Specialized experience and demonstrated expertise in performing aerial photography, stereographic digitizing, and digitized mapping for similar mapping projects. (c) Specialized experience and demonstrated expertise in performing 3D Digital Terrain Model (DTM) topographic surveys, DTM analysis and modification of terrain models. (d) Demonstrated past experience in design of multipurpose range facilities for military construction. (e) Demonstrated expertise and capability to provide design drawings on a CADD system described below. All final drawings will be computer-generated, plotted, and provided in a format and medium that will permit their loading, storage, and use without modification or additional software on the Huntsville Engineering and Support Center graphics system. The Huntsville Engineering and Support Center system consists of INTERGRAPH Corporation supplied workstations running Microstation Version 5.0 and Inroads software with data input required on 8mm 5.0 or 10.0 gigabyte magnetic tape or Compact disks (CD's). All topographic design files shall be in a 3D Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with sufficient 3D elevation values to accurately generate contour locations. Responding firms shall, as a part of their response, identify the CADD system to be used, and demonstrate how it is compatible with the Huntsville Engineering and Support Center graphics system. Firms failing to submit, as part of their response, information on how they will achieve complete Graphic System compatibility with the Huntsville Engineering and Support Center system will receive a lower rating as appropriate. (f) Submit representative examples of range facility designs. (g) Specialized experience and demonstrated expertise in performing wetland delineation/field verification. (3) PAST PERFORMANCE ON CONTRACTS WITH RESPECT TO COST CONTROL, QUALITY of WORK, AND COMPLIANCE WITH PERFORMANCE SCHEDULES: SUBFACTOR; Firms with unsatisfactory or marginally satisfactory past performance evaluations (poor or below average) will receive a lower rating as appropriate. (4) CAPACITY TO ACCOMPLISH THE WORK IN THE REQUIRED TIME: SUBFACTORS; (a) Firms which demonstrate the ability to mobilize large numbers of survey crews to perform the necessary field work, aerial photography equipment, interactive CADD graphics equipment, software, and trained personnel to accomplish the work in the required time frame. (b) Firms which demonstrate adequate capacity to perform design of military range facility projects. (5) GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE LOCALITY OF THE PROJECT, PROVIDED that APPLICATION OF THE CRITERION LEAVES AN APPROPRIATE NUMBER of QUALIFIED FIRMS, GIVEN THE NATURE AND SIZE OF THE PROJECT: N/A (6) VOLUME of WORK AWARDED BY DOD DURING THE PREVIOUS 12 MONTHS: SUBFACTOR; Equitable distribution of work among A-E firms, including small and small disadvantaged firms and firms that have not had prior DOD contracts, will be a consideration of the Selection Board. This contract is not set-aside under either of these criteria, however, responding large business firms are urged to consider seriously the award of subcontracts to small disadvantaged and other small business firms. In determining the value of DOD awards over the past 12 months, awards to overseas offices for projects outside the United States, its territories, and possessions, to a subsidiary, if the subsidiary is not normally subject to management decisions, bookkeeping, and any incorporated subsidiary that operates under a firm name different from the parent company will not be considered. Interested firms are requested to state in Block 10 of the SF 255 the value of all A-E contract awards to the firm, including modifications, by the DoD during the previous 12 months as of the date of this announcement.Responding firms are required to state in block 10 of the SF 255 response whether they are small, small-disadvantaged or women-owned business. The selection authorities will consider the corporate experience of the offerors including any proposed consultant, subcontractor, or joint venture firms. Interested firms are requested to state in block 10 of the SF 255 response the value of all A-E contract awards to the firm, including modifications, by the Department of Defense during the previous 12 months as of the date of this announcement. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ON SUBMITTAL LENGTH. The entire submittal package shall not exceed 130 pages, and blocks 7, 8, and 10 of the Standard Form 255 (SF255) shall not exceed 30, 20, and 50 pages respectively; and Standard Form 254 (SF254) shall not exceed 20 pages. Any pages in excess of these limits will not be evaluated. Submission of representative examples of range facility designs does not count against submittal length. Submittals must be received at the address indicated above not later than the close of business 30 calendar days from the publishing date of this announcement with ''day 1'' being the next day after publication. If the 30th calendar day falls on a weekend or a holiday, the last day for receipt will be the following business day. If sending your submittal by overnight express mail, the street address and zip code is 4820 University Square, Huntsville, Alabama 35816-1822. Electronic transmissions (i.e. facsimile, E-mail, etc.) of submittals or amendments to those submittals will not be accepted. This is not a request for proposal. See Note 24. (0011)

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