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US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, NEW YORK DISTRICT, Attn: CENAN-CT, 26 Federal Plaza, Rm 1843, New York, N.Y. 10278-0900

R -- BIOLOGICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND CULTURAL RESOURCE PLANNING SERVICE NEW YORK DISTRICT SOL DACW51-96-R-0021 POC Sandra Gaffney, Contract Specialist- (212)264-5995. Services to be performed under this contract will provide biological, environmental and cultural resource (BECR) management support for activities in planning, engineering, construction and operations anywhere in the northeastern U.S., Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), North Atlantic Division (Division), and the New York District (District). Work will provide support in the compliance of BECR laws, regulations and requirements to which the Corps' Civil Works and Military Directorates are subject. Biological work is divided into terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems. Biological work to be performed under this contract may include, but is not limited to: a. Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP); b. Preparation and update of natural resource management plans. c. Environmental assessments, impact statements and related documents and reports.; d. Vegetative inventories and classification of habitat and cover types; e. Ecosystem restoration and watershed planning; f. Development, execution, identification and statistical interpretation of data from studies that include but are not limited to: Mammals; Raptors, passerine, waterfowl, wading and shorebirds; Terrestrial invertebrates; Marine and freshwater benthos; Finfish stomach analysis; Herpetology; Water quality; Sediment profile imagery (SPI); and Side-scan sonar; g. Threatened and endangered species biological assessments; h. Wetland delineations; i. Surveying boundaries of delineated wetlands, terrestrial and aquatic habitats; j. application of Wetland Evaluation Techniques (WET); k. Mitigation using incremental cost/habitat unit analysis; i. Development of mitigation and restoration budgets and construction plan cost estmates; m. Hydrogeomorphic analysis; n. Geographic information systems; o. 404 (b) (1) evaluations; p. Hydraulic, hydrologic and sediment transport modeling to include preparation of water budgets; q. Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Consitency Statments; r. acquisition of State 401 water quality certification; s. Involvement in the conduction of public meetings; t. Performing literature reviews and documentary research; u. Technical reviews of reports prepared by others. v. Chemical and physical analysis of water column sediments, and; w. Mapping (by remote sensing and/or coring) physical and geological features including sediments. Environmental work to be performed under this contract can include, but is not limited to: a. site and facility environmental audits; b. Environmental baseline surveys; c. Environmental risk assessments; d. Development of energy conservation plans; e. Design and preparation of plans and specifications for investigation and evaluating hazardous and toxic site remediation. f. Abestos and lead paint testing, management and abatement designs. g. Record, title and database searches; h. Field investigations that include, but are not limited to: soil borings; Soil gas analysis; Monitoring well installation; Hydropunch sampling; and Groundwater/wasterwater/potable water quality assessments; i. underground storage tank investigations; j. Chemical sampling and analysis; k. Development of budgets and construction cost estimates; l. Technincal review of reports by others. m. Erosion and sediment control planning. n. Stormwater management plans. o. Preparation of permit application; p. Prepare spill prevention control and countermeasures plans; q. Chemical data acquisition planning; r. Assemble site safety and health plans; s. conduct air quality and emission surveys; Cultural work to be performed under this contract can include, but is not limited to: a. Cultural resource assessment studies that include but are not limited to: historic structures and landscapes; Terrestrial archaeological sites (both prehistoric and historic, which may include but will not be limited to, industrial, military and wetland areas; underwater archaeological sites which may include the use of remote sensing technology for site identifications well as diving; all tasks to be conducted in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's standards); b. HABS/HAER documentation; c. National Register of Historic Places nominations, and; d. Preparation of cultural resources management plans. The above work can require some or all of the following disciplines: chemistry, biology, botany, oceanography, statistics, geospatial analysis, geography, ecology, archaeology, historic architecture, history, historic preservation, material conservation, geomorphology, paleobotany, zooarchaeology, industrial hygiene, landscape architecture, geology, geotechnical, laboratory analysis, toxicology, ornithology, herpetology zoology, ichthyology, invertebrate zoology, engineering, surveying and hazardous and toxic waste (HTW). Offerors must demonstrate in-depth knowledge of and experience with Federal and state biological, environmental and cultural statures that include but are not limited to: RCRA: Resourfe Conservation Recovery Act, TSCA: Toxic Substance Control Act, CERCLA: Comprehensive Environment Response, Compensation and Liability Act, SARA: Superfund Amendment & Reanthorization Act, OSHA: Occupational Safety & Health Act, NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act, CWA: Clean Water Act, ESA: Endangered Species Act, CZMA: Coastal Zone Management Act, FWCA: Fish & Wildlife Conservation Act, FIFRA: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide & Rodenticide Act, FFCA: Federal Facilities Compliance Act, NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act and CAA: Clean Air Act, and in obtaining permits. Offerors must show that chemical and physical laboratory analysis will be performed by an EPA and Corps validated laboratory. Indefinite quantity service contract(s) with base 15 month period of performance beginning July 1996 and three one-year option periods of performance. Base period maximum value $3,000,000. Minimum $60,000; Option year(s) maximun value $3,000,000, minimum $30,000,000. Multiple contract awards may be made under the solicitation; Contract Maximum/Minimum values apply to each award; a $50.00 nonrefundable charge for solicition documents. Make checks payable FAO, USA, COE, NED. This is a TWO STEP procurement in accordance FAR PART 14.5. Solicitation documents for STEP 1 available o/a 10 February 1996 and proposal due date 15 March 1996. A preproposal conference will be held approximately 2 weeks after STEP 1 inssuance; time & date to be determined. Only those firms submitting a technically acceptable proposal during STEP 1 may participate in STEP 2. Project set aside for small business, SIC 8999, size standard $3,500,000. (0012)

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R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services Index Page