Loren Data Corp.




POC Della Glenn, USTDA, Room 309, SA-16, Washington, D.C. 20523-1602, Tel: (703) 875-4357, Fax No.: (703) 875-4009

C -- TDA INDEFINITE QUANTITY CONTRACT (IQC) FOR CONFERENCES IN THE U.S. OR ABROAD AND/OR ORIENTATION VISITS (TO BRING FOREIGN DELEGATIONS TO THE U.S. TO FAMILIARIZE THE DELEGATES WITH U.S. TECHNOLOGY). POC Della Glenn, USTDA, Room 309, SA-16, Washington, D.C. 20523-1602, Tel:(703) 875-4357, Fax No.: (703) 875-4009 The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (TDA) seeks to award a one year IQC, with 4 one year options, under which delivery orders will be awarded on a firm, fixed price basis, to approximately 8-12 U.S. contractors who are capable of arranging for and managing Conferences and/or Orientation Visits (OVs) on a quick response, thoroughly professional, and smoothly operational basis. TDA, located in the Washington, D.C. area, is a commercially-oriented, U.S. Government foreign assistance agency committed to promoting environmentally sound, sustainable economic development and trade in middle income and developing countries. One of TDA's major programs is to sponsor conferences to bring U.S. and foreign business people together, to disseminate information about TDA or TDA projects, or to meet other TDA program goals. Conferences generally last 2-3 days and typically involve between 100-300 people. Organization of a Conference involves - with TDA supervision - handling all logistics at the Conference site, identification and invitation of appropriate foreign and U.S. individuals to address or attend the Conference, recruitment of appropriate U.S. firms to attend the Conference, setting the agenda, and arranging functions related to the Conference such as site visits, meals, social functions, and one-on-one business meetings. A second major program of TDA is to sponsor Orientation Visits (OVs), under which TDA funds visits to the U.S. for the host countries' senior project decision-makers. OVs give the decision-makers an opportunity to see U.S. technology at work and to meet representatives of U.S. companies that can supply goods and services to their projects. OVs are scheduled to coincide with procurement decisions, but can be held at any point in a project's cycle. OVs typically last 7-14 days, and involve travel of the foreign delegates from their country to the U.S.; visiting a number of sites within the U.S.; attending various meetings with U.S. industry, business briefings and trade fairs; and return travel to the foreign country. Contractors generally will not have more than 60 days notice of a desired OV, and often will have substantially less time. TDA seeks to award a one year IQC, with 4 one year options, under which delivery orders will be awarded on a firm, fixed price basis, to approximately 8-12 U.S. contractors. TDA retains the option to renew any of the contracts and the option to evaluate any renewal based upon past performance, personnel and other relevant considerations. Any contracts awarded under this RFP will be with contractors chosen on the basis of costs, the personnel the contractor proposes to use in providing its services in connection with a Conference and/or OV, and the general approach and presentation by the contractor in its response to the RFP. Once contracts are in place pursuant to this RFP, TDA will request offers for each particular Conference and/or OV as the need arises. Contractor's offers shall consist of a firm fixed price for the contractor's services for the particular Conference and/or OV plus Other Direct Costs, (e.g. hotel costs for foreign delegates, travel and per diem expenses for contractor personnel, conference facilities, telecommunication and reproductions expenses, and mailings, etc.) which are considered necessary for completion of work under the order and which are set forth in sufficient detail in the proposal for a particular Conference and/or OV to establish the basis for the estimate of such costs. This procurement shall be a full and open competition, under which any type of organization (including for-profit firms, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations) is eligible to compete. All participating organizations involved with supplying professional services must be of United States nationality. The competitive proposals method of solicitation, as set forth in Part 15 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) (48 CFR Chapter 1), shall be utilized for this procurement. The solicitation in no way obligates TDA to award a contract nor does it commit TDA to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposal. Except if given at the pre-bid briefing described at the end of this announcement, any explanation desired by an offeror regarding the meaning or interpretation of this solicitation must be requested in writing and with sufficient time allowed for reply to reach the offerors before submission of their offers. Any written information given to a prospective offeror concerning the solicitation will be furnished promptly to all prospective offerors as an amendment of the solicitation, if such information is necessary to offerors submitting proposals or if lack of such information would be prejudicial to uniformed offerors. The Request for Proposal (RFP) will be issued on/or about fifteen (15) days after the publication date of this announcement. Closing date for proposals will be forty (40) days thereafter. Only written requests for the RFP will be honored. Those interested in receiving RFP#TDA-96 -Q-014 for TDA#96 -902A should send a letter or fax requesting it from TDA, Room 309, SA-16, Washington, D.C. 20523-1602; Fax#703-875-4009. A pre-bid briefing will be held in the Washington, D.C. area regarding this RFP. The briefing is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at 10:00 a.m. in Rosslyn, Virginia. TDA expects that this briefing will take place regardless of the funding status (furlough) of the agency. Notification of the actual date, time and location of the briefing will be sent with the RFP. Notes will be taken at the briefing and will be sent to any firm which requests the RFP. (0014) (0023)

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