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NCCOSC RDTE Division Code 02214B 53570 Silvergate Avenue Bldg A33 San Diego CA 92152-5113

A -- MICROWAVE ANALOG FRONT END TECHNOLOGY SOL N66001-96-X-6901 DUE 031496 POC Contract Specialist, Brian J. Trimpe, (619)553-5328. Contracting Officer,. Mark L. Lopez. BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT (BAA) for Microwave Analog Front End Technology (MAFET) Thrust 3. Proposals are being sought for MAFET Thrust 3, a program supported by ARPA/ETO. Three primary focus areas of interest are (1) low-cost, high performance microwave technologies, (2) millimeter wave integration, and (3) MAFET demonstrations/validations. The goal of this program will be substantial reductions in the cost and improvements in the performance of key components in military electronic systems. These changes are expected to come about through revolutionary approaches to microwave or millimeter-waver device, integrated-circuit, component, or materials technology. Full proposals are being sought for focus areas 1 and 2, and white papers for focus area 3. FOCUS AREAS 1 AND 2 FULL PROPOSALS INSTRUCTIONS: Anticipated contract awards for focus areas 1 and 2: It is anticipated that there will be multiple awards, each with an expected duration of 24 to 30 months. Anticipated funding for an award is expected to be up to $3M. Such awards will depend upon evaluations described below and availability of funds. The Government reserves the right to select for award, all, some, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. The Government may also only select specific tasks within a proposal for award. Proposal format for focus areas 1 and 2: A proposal is to address one primary focus only. Multiple proposals from a proposer are acceptable. VOLUME I: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL(50 page limit, Eight and one-half by eleven inches, double side printed, one inch margins all sides, 12 point font) Section I. Administrative. A. Cover sheet to include: (1) BAA number (2) Technical area(s) (3) Lead organization submitting proposal (4) Contractor's reference number (if any) (5) Other team members (if applicable) (6) Proposal title (7) Focus area and Technical point of contact (8) Administrative point of contact (9) e-mail addresses (technical and administrative POC) (10) length of effort (11) cost B. Official transmittal letter. Section II. Summary of Proposal (not to exceed 4 pages) A. Technical rationale, technical approach and proposed metrics for gauging technical advances B. Innovative claims for the proposed efforts. C. Deliverables D. Summary of cost, schedule and milestones E. General discussion of other efforts in this area. F. Program organization chart. Section III. Detailed Proposal Information. A1. Detailed technical approach A2. Detailed technical rationale B. Statement of Work (SOW) C. Description of the anticipated results of this work. C1. Quantitative performance/cost benefit to current state-of-the-art technology. C2. Benefits/Risk analysis C3. Plan to transition results of the effort into DoD applications D. Cost, schedule and milestones E. Comparison with other ongoing research. F. Discussion of proposer's experience in this area. G. Description of the facilities H. A clearly defined organization chart which includes; the programmatic relationship of team members. the unique capabilities of team members. the task responsibilities of team members. the teaming strategy among the team members. the key personnel along with the amount of effort to be expended by each person during each year. VOLUME II. COST PROPOSAL (no page limit) The Cost Proposal should: 1) be a separate document which clearly shows the costs of each proposed task separately; and 2) provide a Standard Form 1411, Contract Pricing Proposal Cover Sheet, supported by adequate breakout of cost elements and rates by month for the purpose of cost/price analysis. Each task should be separately costed. Cost proposals should be valid for a period of six (6) months after the date of submission. A. A complete and signed copy of Appendix A: ''Standard Form 1411 (SF 1411) Contract Pricing Proposal Cover Sheet,'' supported by adequate breakout of cost elements and rates by month for the purpose of cost/price analysis. Note: An SF 1411 is not required if the offeror is seeking a procurement contract award of less than $500,000. B. Detailed cost breakdown to include: 1) total program cost broken down by major cost items (direct labor, subcontracts, materials, other direct costs, overhead charges, etc.); 2) major program tasks by year; 3) an itemization of major subcontracts and equipment purchases; 4) a summary of projected funding requirements by month; 5) the source, nature, and amount of any industry cost-sharing; and 6) where the effort consists of multiple portions which could reasonably be partitioned for purposes of funding, these should be identified as options with separate cost estimates for each. C. Supporting cost and pricing data in sufficient detail to substantiate the summary cost estimates. Include a description of the method used to estimate costs and supporting documentation. Submissions instructions for focus areas 1 and 2: One original and 14 copies of both Volumes I and II are to be submitted as follows: The original and 1 copy to: NCCOSC RDT&E DIV (NRaD); Attn: Mr. Mark L. Lopez, Code 02212; 53560 Hull ST, A33, RM 1602W; San Diego, CA 92152-5000--1 copy to be sent to: ARPA; Attn: Dr. Elliott Brown; 3701 N. Fairfax Dr.; Arlington, VA 22203-1714--4 copies to: USAF; Attn: Mr. Robert T. Kemerley; WL/ELM Bldg 620; 2241 Avionics Circle, Suite 25; Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433-7327--4 copies to: NRL; Attn: Dr. Gerald M. Borsuk, Code 6800; 4555 Overlook Ave. SW; Washington, D.C. 20375-5347--4 copies to: US Army CECOM; Attn: AMSEL-AC-BID (C. Boylan); Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703-5000. Faxes are not acceptable. Submission deadline for focus areas 1 and 2: This BAA is to close March 14, 1996. Proposals are to be received by March 14, 1996, 15:00 (3:00) pacific standard time. Submittals to all offices above must be received by that time in order for the submittal to be considered. All submittals become property of the government and will not be returned. Evaluation criteria for focus areas 1 and 2: Award decisions will be based on a competitive selection of proposals resulting from a peer and/or scientific review. Evaluations will be conducted using the following evaluation criteria in descending order of importance: (1) Soundness of technical aproach (2) Innovation of technical approach (3) Quantitative performance/cost benefit of the proposal to current state of the art (4) Plan to transition results of the effort into DoD applications (5) Offeror's capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques of proposal objectives. (6) Realism of the proposed cost. Data Deliverables for focus areas 1 and 2: The majority of data deliverables anticipated from contract awardees will be comprised primarily of monthly reports, quarterly presentation materials, and a final report. FOCUS AREA 3 WHITE PAPER INSTRUCTIONS. Format for focus area 3: Offerors are invited to submit an initial five page white paper on focus area 3 which contains a technical description of the effort, a preliminary schedule, identification of risks, and a rough cost estimate. Submission Instructions for focus area 3 white papers: An original plus four copies of the white paper should be submitted to NCCOSC RDT&E DIV (NRaD; Attn: Mr. Mark L. Lopez, Code 02212; 53560 Hull ST, A33, RM 1602W; San Diego, CA 922152-5000. Any other questions may be addressed to Mr. Mark L. Lopez or Brian J. Trimpe (See Point of Contact below). Submission Deadline for focus area 3 white papers: White papers submitted within the first 60 days of this announcement will be given first consideration, although white papers will be accepted through 30 July 1996. Late submissions will not be considered. Evaluation criteria for focus area 3 white papers: The white papers will be evaluated as to their potential interest by the government. The offeror will be notified as to possible interest by the govenment. At the government's notification of interest, the proposer may then submit a full proposal. The instructions for the full proposal would follow those as outlined for focus areas 1 and 2. FOCUS AREA 1,2 AND 3: Supplemental information: Supplemental information may be obtained electronically from http://www.arpa.mil Point of Contact: POC for inquiry is: Mr. Brian J. Trimpe, Code 02212, via E-mail, Trimpe@nosc.mil; telephone, (619)553-5328; or fax (619)553-5847. Inquiries may also be directed towards Mr. Mark L. Lopez, Contracting Officer, Code 02212, via fax (619)553-4464. E-mail correspondence is heavily encouraged. This notice constitutes a BAA as contemplated in FAR 6.102(d)(2). No additional formal requests for proposal (RFP) or other solicitation regarding this announcement will be issued. NO FORMAL SOLICITATION DOCUMENT ISSUED. (0025)

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