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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268

A -- VERIFICATION TESTING OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES BY A NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Sol ETV001 due 031596. Contact: Norma M. Lewis, 513-569/7665. USEPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) through the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program is issuing a ``Request for Assistance'', (RFA) for a non-profit organization to organize, develop, and implement a private sector pilot program for verification of environmental technology performance. The Cooperative Agreement Application should support the intent of the selection factors and guildline objectives as stated in the RFA. The selected applicant will be responsible for the execution and establishment of market needed verification protocols and design procedures that will provide credible and reliable data on the performance of environmental technologies over a three year pilot period and if warranted, to continue the program without EPA support. The potential technology manufacturers/vendors will benefit by being able to provide consistant data which will reduce the need of reproducing technology performance for potential clients. Potential clients (e.g., government regulators, industry trade organizations, and technology buyers) will benefit by having information available that is dependable, and which will provide a faster and less costly effort in acquiring an appropriate technology for implementation. The successful non-profit candidate will be selected based upon the organization's experience in conducting similar technology or product performance verification activities; the efficiency and credibility of the verification process proposed in the Cooperative Agreement Application; and the dedication of the organization to continued operation of the program as demonstrated by a significant commitment of their own funds to the project (a minimum of 5% cost sharing is recommended). This solicitation is made under the Statutory authority of the Clean Water Act, as amended, Section 104; Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended, Section 1442; Clean Air Act, as amended, Section 103; and Solid Waste and Disposal Act, as amended Section 8001. It is intended as a request for assistance of non-profit organizations only. The statutory authority under which this program is conducted does not allow EPA to enter into Cooperative Agreements with for-profit organizations. Contingent upon the availability of funds and performance of the non-profit organization, NRMRL expects that funding in the amount of $1,800,000 will be available for the three year pilot program. In response to letters of interest, NRMRL will send out the Solicitation package on and/or after February 9, 1996, which will describe requirements for the RFA: the Application must not be more than 30 pages and not less than 25 pages excluding the cover page, abstract, appendices and attachments. All criteria must be addressed as stipulated within the RFA, applicants not following the criteria will not be considered. All requests for the RFA must be in writing; telephone requests will not be honored; requests may be faxed to - Attention: Norma M. Lewis 513-569-7787 or mailed to the above address-Attention to Norma M. Lewis. Responses to the RFA are tentatively due to the NRMRL by the Close of Business Eastern Standard Time (5:00 P.M.) March 15, 1996. (030)

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