Loren Data Corp.




US Army CECOM, C4IEW Acquisition Center, Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey 07703-5008

58 -- SINGLE SHELTER SWITCH POC Madonna S. Southcott, Contracting Officer, (908) 532-4304. This office is attempting to identify any vendors capable of providing the various existing switching equipments delineated below, integrating them into a downsized shelter configuration and the associated technical services required to deliver, train and install the equipment at its final destination. The U.S. Army, Office of the Project Manager, Joint Tactical Area Communications Systems, is seeking sources in which existing, certified interoperatble, Tactical Switching Equipment, can be purchased, integrated/shelterized and provided to various Defense Agencies. To PM JTACS knowledge the only existing switches/equipment that meet these requirements are specifically, any of GTE Corporation's family of Compact Digital Switches (CDS), GTE PN: 02-1414102-1, and Switch Multiplexer Units (SMU), GTE PN: 02-2754030-3, GTE's Single Row Nest (SRN), GTE PN: 03-2753097-1, the Army family of Line Termination Units (LTUs) CV-4180 A(V)1, CV-4180 A(V)2, and CV-4180 A(V)3, PNs: SM-E-8192940-2, SM-D-823020-4, and SM-D-823020-5, and all associated peripherals, cables, and variable card sets associated with the designated equipments. The switching equipment must be able to run the Routing TEP switch software developed by and partly owned by GTE. Additionally, any proposed alternative to the subject equipment must be form, fit and function exactly like aforementioned equipment. The aforementioned Tactical Switching Equipments provide existing, forward looking, tactical switching systems which have already been certified by the Executive Agent for Tactical Switches. As the Government does not own the full technical documentation and data rights to the aforementioned equipments, potential qualified vendors must obtain/possess the technical information and data rights to the GTE Compact Digital Switch and Switch Multiplexer Unit Family of Switches, and the Digital Line Termination CCAs necessary to populate the switches and LTU to meet the various terminal interface requirements of all potential customers. Potential qualified vendors must also possess and demonstrate an intimate knowledge of both the MSE and AN/TTC-39 family of circuit and message switches. Vendors must possess and demonstrate the capability to provide technical engineering support services necessary to field, train and support this equipment. (0043)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0217 19960213\58-0007.SOL)

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