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National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Contracts and Procurement Management Branch, OM, P.O. Box 12874, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709

A -- TOXICITY STUDIES IN ANIMALS SOL NIH-ES-96-29 DUE 042696 POC Contact Jacqueline A. Osgood, Contract Specialist, (919) 541-7596 or FAX (919) 541-2712 The purpose of this contract is to conduct short term, in vivo studies that will assist theNational Toxicology Program in the toxicologic characterization of chemicals. The NationalToxicology Program will provide a chemical-specific protocol outline for each chemical to bestudied under this contract. Specific chemical studies to be conducted will be issued as TaskOrders to the contract. The basic contract award shall provide for the conduct of approximatelyeleven studies per contract year. The Government may, pending the availability of funds,exercise one option in each year of the contract for the conduct of five additional studies. Studydesigns will generally involve daily (gavage or skin paint) or continuous (dosed fee or water)dosing periods. The types of chemicals to be studied may include but shall not be limited toindustrial solvents, plasticizers, food preservatives and colorants, drugs, pesticides, and heavymetals. Most studies will involve rats and mice; however, some studies may include rabbits,guinea pigs, and dogs. These studies will be conducted according to the Specifications for theConduct of Studies to Evaluate the Toxic and Carcinogenic Potential of Chemical, Biologicaland Physical Agents in Laboratory Animals for the National Toxicology Program'' dated August,1992, with subsequent revisions. This work shall be performed in accordance with the GoodLaboratory Practice Regulations established by the FDA for Nonclinical Laboratory Studies;Final Report (Fed. Register, Vol. 52, #172, Friday September 4, 1987, pp 33768-33782; 21 CFRPart 85). Award of one cost-reimbursement, term form, level of effort, task order type contractswith an estimated period of performance of five years on an open competition basis iscontemplated as a result of this solicitation. The Government estimates that approximately 1.20senior professional person years, 1.56 professional person years, and 9.61 technical person yearswill be required on an annual basis for the basic contract award. An additional 0.60 seniorprofessional person year, 0.76 professional person year, and 4.80 technical person years will berequired on an annual basis for optional studies. All interested organizations should requesteither a streamlined or full RFP package. If no selection is made, a streamlined version of theRFP will be provided, which includes only the Statement of Work, deliverables and reportingrequirements, special requirements and mandatory qualifications (if any), and technicalevaluation criteria. After examination of these documents, any organization interested inresponding to this RFP must request the entire RFP in writing or by telephone (919) 541-7596 orby telefax request (919) 541-2712. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall beconsidered by the Agency. Expected release date of the RFP is February 27, 1996.(0045)

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