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C -- A-E IDTC FOR PHOTOGRAMMETRY, AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY, CARTOGRAPHY, AND RELATED SURVEYING SERVICES SOL DACW57-96-R-0011 DUE 040396 POC Contract Specialist RALPH P. BANSE-FAY (503) 326-6417 (Site Code DACW57) 1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: Photogrammetry, aerial photography, cartography, and related surveying services are required for various civil works projects within the Portland District boundaries, which include portions of Oregon and Washington. All photogrammetry services shall be supervised by a Photogrammetrist certified by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). All surveying services shall be supervised by a registered Professional Land Surveyor, licensed in the states of Oregon and Washington. An indefinite delivery type contract will be negotiated and awarded, with a base period of one year and an option period of one year. Individual, fixed-price delivery orders will not exceed $150,000 and the annual ceiling for the base year and the option year is $750,000. The Government retains the option of extending the contract for an additional one year period. The contract is anticipated to be awarded in November 1996. The Department of Defense (DoD) policy for selection of AE firms is not based upon competitive bidding procedures, but rather upon the professional qualifications necessary for the performance of the required services. This announcement is open to all businesses regardless of size. If a large business is selected for this contract, it must comply with FAR 52.219-9 regarding the requirement for a subcontracting plan on the part of the work it intends to subcontract. The subcontracting goals for this contract are that a minimum of 60.3% of the contractor's intended subcontract amount be placed with small businesses (SB), including small disadvantaged businesses (SDB), 9.8% be placed with SDB, and 2.9% be placed with small women-owned businesses (SWOB). The wages and benefits of service employees (see FAR 22.10) performing under this contract must be at least equal to those determined by the Department of Labor under the Service Contract Act. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: Photogrammetry and cartographic services may consist of, but not limited to: aerial photography (including the aircraft and camera), digital orthophotography, photogrammetric mapping, digital terrain modeling, digital cross sections, aerial photo control point transferring, photogrammetric control bridging and transformations, production of Intergraph-compatible CADD-CAM digital files, and typical reprographic services related to the photogrammetric and cartographic processes. Surveying services required may consist of but not limited to: Third Order horizontal and vertical control that conform to Federal Geodetic Control Committee Standards, aerial target layout and control for aerial photography target layout and control, topographic mapping, cross section work related to floodplain studies, and limited hydrographic surveying (soundings in small, protected areas). 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: See Note 24 for general selection process. The selection criteria are listed below in descending order of importance (first by major criterion and then by each subcriterion). Criteria a-e are primary. Criteria f-i are secondary and will only be used as ''tie- breakers'' among technically equal firms. a. Professional qualifications: (1) Photogrammetrist(s) (certified by the ASPRS) employed by the firm. (2) Licensed Professional Land Surveyor(s) in the states of Oregon and Washington. (3) Project manager and key team members. The evaluation will consider numbers of personnel in each category, education, training, registration, overall and relevant experience, and longevity with the firm. b. Specialized experience and technical competence: Experience with aerial photography, digital orthophotgraphy, photogrammetric mapping, digital terrain modeling, digital cross sections, aerial photo control point transferring, photogrammetric control bridging and transformations, production of Intergraph-compatible CADD-CAM digital files, and typical reprographic services related to photogrammetric and cartographic processes. Experience in Third Order horizontal and vertical control that conform to Federal Geodetic Control Committee Standards, aerial photography target layout and control, topographic mapping, cross section work related to floodplain studies, and limited hydrographic surveying. c. Capacity to accomplish the work: Photogrammetry equipment, survey instruments, computers, and other pertinent equipment available for use. d. Location of the firm with regard to other responding firms and the Portland District. e. Past performance: Past performance of DoD and other contracts with respect to administrative performance, technical competency, cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. f. Proposed project organization, lines of authority, disciplines proposed and team backup personnel. g. Current workload as related to firm size and complexity of project. h. Volume of DoD contract awards in the last 12 months as described in Note 24. i. The firm's standing as a Small, Small Disadvantaged, or Woman-Owned Small Business, and the extent to which those firms participate in subcontracting will by considered. 4. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: See Note 24 for general submission requirements. Interested firms having the capabilities to perform this work must submit a copy of SF 255 (11/92 edition) and a copy of SF 254 (11/92 edition) for the prime firm and all consultants, to the above address not later than the close of business on the 30th day after the date of this announcement. if the 30th day is Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, the deadline is the close of business the next business day. All A-E firms responding shall indicate their size in Block 4 of the SF 254. This procurement is open to both large and small businesses. Include the firm's ACASS number in SF 255, Block 3b. For ACASS information, call 503-326-3459. For more information on the technical aspect of this contract, please contact Jerry Gardenhire at 503-326-3439. Administrative questions should be directed to Ralph P. Banse-Fay at 503-326-6417. This is not a Request for Proposal. (0052)

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