Loren Data Corp.




Officer in Charge of NAVFAC Contracts, NAS, 8851 Ocean Dr., Suite 139 Corpus Christi, TX 78419-5226

Z -- FACILITIES SUPPORT-MAINTENANCE CONTRACT HVAC SYSTEMS, CCAD, NAS, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX SOL N62467-95-B-7421 DUE 042596 POC Adela Pedraza, Procurement Technician, 512/939-2158. The work includes maintaining chillers (except centrifugal), pumps, cooling tower, fan units, air handlers, electric duct heaters, air filters, roof exhaust fans and controls for an office and manufacturing facility. The proposed contract listed here is being considered for 100 percent set-aside for small business (SB) concerns. Interested SB concerns should, as early as possible but not later than 15 days of this notice, indicate interest in the acquisition by providing to the contracting office above evidence of capability to perform and a positive statement of eligibility as a small business concern. If adequate interest is not received from SB concerns, the solicitation will be issued as unrestricted, without further notice. This contract will cover FY96 with annual renewable options, total not to exceed 60 months. Estimated cost: $100,000 - $250,000. sh (0054)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0107 19960226\Z-0018.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page