Loren Data Corp.




Operational Contracting Office, 127 FW/LGC, 29553 George Avenue, Bldg. 303, Room 114, Selfridge ANG Base MI 48045-5399

Z -- CONSTRUCTION, PROJECT VGLZ952065 ``JOB ORDER CONTRACT, ROOFING'' Sol. DAHA2096BBOO1. Due 040996. Contact James R. Jaques, Contract Administrator or Paula J. DeShon, Contracting Officer (810) 307-4882/5989. Job Order Contract, Roofing Selfridge ANG Base, MI. General work includes providing a broad range of roofing maintenance, repair and new roof construction work on real property at Selfridge ANG Base, Mt. Clemens, Michigan. The work is in support of 127 FW/CE, Base Civil Engineer activities. Delivery Orders will be issued on a project basis encompassing specific project requirements. During the contract period, The Base Civil Engineer will identify roofing projects requirements necessary to complete each specific task. The Contracting Officer will issue individual delivery orders to the Contractor to complete those projects. The Contractor will be required to furnish all materials, equipment and personnel necessary to manage, supervise, and accomplish the project requirements. The Contractor will be required to maintain an office on Selfridge ANG Base, in order to receive orders and to accomplish the work. The solicitation will require that the prime contractor be a roofing contractor certified in applying several types of roofing and certified by several manufacturers to apply their products. The projects will be fo small and medium size. The projects will include but are not limited to repair, replacement, modification and resurfacing of various types of roofs. Duration of the contract will be one (1) calendar year with four (4) option years to be executed at the Government's option. The minimum amount for each delivery order is $2,000. The maximum amount for each delivery order is $300,000. The guaranteed minimum amount for the first year is $50,000 and will be $5,000 for each option year. The cumulative total amount for all delivery orders placed over the five (5) years shall not exceed $5,000,000. Interested concerns should as early as possible indicate interest in bidding as a prime contractor. The Solicitation will be issued on or about 08 March 1996 and will be ``UNRESTRICTED''. (052)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0107 19960227\Z-0003.SOL)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page