Loren Data Corp.




Bureau of Reclamation, Contracts Group, 1150 N. Curtis Rd., Boise, Idaho 83706-1234

J -- SOURCES SOUGHT FOR REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR OF CONTROLS FOR A 18' NILES VERTICAL BORING MILL, BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, GRAND COULEE POWER OFFICE, GRAND COULEE DAM, WASHINGTON SOL 1425-6-SI-10-13900 DUE 041696 POC Contracting Officer, Devon Scott Shelley, 208/378-5112 The Grand Coulee Dam Power Plant has a 18' Niles Vertical Boring Mill which has experienced failure in starting resistors. The machine is of the following type, S/N 23634, Symbol F7, Lot 500, Sales Order M-28703, Shop Order No. M-28703, Mfr. Date 1951. The manufacturer, Niles, is no longer in business. The work that is required is to furnish all parts, labor and equipment necessary to replace multi-motor controller and pendent station controls with state-of-the-art electronic controls on the 18' Niles (Baldwin- Lima-Hamilton) Vertical Boring Mill with side head. The multi-motor controller is installed in an electrical cabinet consisting of a series of mechanical contactors, rheostat, transformers and relays used for drive motor, elevating motor, clamp motors, lubrication pump motor, etc. This machine is crucial in powerplant repairs and modifications such as packing gland rings, ring seal gates, water wheel and other plant operations, and is used extensively for the Third Powerhouse work. Other modifications and repairs may be required on the machine when tear-down is accomplished for the installation of the new controls. Therefore, the vendor must have the expertise to do onsite changes and modifications. Technical proposals must include the parts, labor, equipment and design for the state-of-the-art controls, a technical proposal for installation of the new controls, experience with modernizing controls on old machinery and equipment, experience with state-of-the-art conversions, qualifications of personnel. It is strongly urged that all prospective vendors visit the site and inspect the machine prior to submitting a technical proposal. This site visit can be arranged by contacting Mr. Stan St. Jeor, (509) 633-9432. Technical proposals shall not include prices or pricing information. The actual date and hour for submittal of the technical proposal will be in the solicitation package. In the second step, only bids based upon technical proposals determined to be acceptable, either initially or as a result of discussions, will be considered for award and each bid in the second step must be based on the bidder's own technical proposal. Offerors should submit proposals that are acceptable without additional explanation or information, the Government may make a final determination regarding a proposal's acceptability solely on the basis of the proposal as submitted and the Government may proceed with the second step without requesting further information from any offeror; however, the government may request additional information from offerors of proposals that it considers reasonably susceptible of being made acceptable and may discuss proposals with their offerors. A notice of unacceptability will be forwarded to the offeror upon completion of the proposal evaluation and final determination of unacceptability. More than one technical proposal may be submitted by each offeror. Since this machine is crucial to the maintenance and operation of the power plant, all work must be completed by August 31, 1996, however, this information is not binding on the Government and the actual delivery or performance requirements will be contained in the invitation issued under step two. The step one, technical proposals, is required within 30 days of the issuance of the solicitation. All requests for this solicitation must be in writing and must include the above data. FAXes to (208) 378-5108 will be accepted. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted. (0058)

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