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General Services Administration (7PMCC),Public Buildings Service,819 Taylor Street,Fort Worth,TX 76102-6105

C -- SUPPLEMENTAL A/E SERVICES FOR TEXAS ZONE SOL GS-07P-96-HUD-0044 DUE 000000 POC Contact,Patricia Renfro,817/885-7080,Contracting Officer,Patricia G. Renfro,817/885-7080 SIC CODE 8712, Supplemental A/E Services for Texas Zone II, Solicitation No. GS-07P-96-HUD-0044. POC Patricia G. Renfro, Contracting Officer, 817/ 885-7080, FAX No. for questions only 817/334-2577. Indefinite Quantity Contract for A/E services for a period of one year with four 1 year option periods. The contract will be for work in the State of Texas within the area administered by the Dallas and Fort Worth, and Shreveport, Louisiana, Field Offices, but may also include work on an occasional basis and under special situations any where within Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, or Arkansas. The firm selected will primarily provide design, construction management and inspection, and estimating services, but may also be required to provide scope development, planning, interior design, environmental studies, technical studies, feasibilty studies, problem analysis, design review, consulting/design/construction management for elevator work, geotechnical testing, quality control testing, asbestos and lead paint sampling/hazard assessment/abatement, design/air quality monitoring, boundary and topographical surveying, historic structure reports, building evaluation reports, and other architectural, engineering and technical services. The work will require primarily architectural, mechanical, electrical, and estimator disciplines, but may also require civil, structural, geotechnical, environmental, industrial hygienist, fire safety, elevator, acoustical, historic preservationist, construction inspector, surveyor and other disciplines with specialized experience. In the event that there are other professional service contracts in effect in the same geographic area at the time this contract becomes effective priority will be given to that contract. There will be no limit to the amount paid on individual delivery orders and no limit on project size; however, the total cumulative delivery order amount shall not exceed $750,000 in any one-year contract period and the minimum ordering limitation is $250.00 Projects, while there will be no limit on size; will generally invlove repairs, alterations, and improvements inceed connection with existing buildings or properties, and will generally range in size from $25,000 to $1,600,00, in estimated construction cost with the average projectECCA at about $300,000. Services which may be required for this area include, but are not limited to: interior space alterations, window/masonry repair, HVAC upgrades, chiller replacement, restroom upgrades, parking lot resurfacing, etc. Firms responding to this announcement must demostrate the capability to provide complete services with regard to asbestos related work, or they will not be considered. To be considered for selection, firms must demonstrate the capability to operate and utlize AutoCADD vers. 12 and MS Word. Evaluation factors for the selection of the firm are as follow: (1) Experience (25%): Experience of the firm and consultants with regard to providing the types of services described above, and with regard to accomplishment of past projects involving repair and alteration work. (2) Technical Ability (25%): Professional qualifications, expertise and education level of individuals employed by the firm and consultants who will be directly involved in providing the described services, and their philosophy concerning the design of repair and alteration work. (3) Management/ Organization/Production/Quality Control (25%): Capability and successful past performance of the firm and consultants with respect to mobilizing, producing a high quality design, maintaining good working relations, working with small repair and alteration projects, meeting schedules, providing accurate cost estimates, and tracking and controlling costs. (4) Management and Inspection Capability (25%): Experince and capability of the firm and consultants with respect to complete management and inspection of services and projects of the type described above during the construction phase. The Government will not indemnify the firm against liablity involving asbestos or other hazardous materials; that is, no clause holding the firm harmless will be included in the contract. For projects with an estimated constructions cost of $2,000,000 or less, the Government may use the fixed price amounts provided in the Supplemental Architect-Engineer Contract Lookup Table, for pricing delivery orders. This table will be provided to the A/E during initial contract negotiations. It is the Government's intent to incorporate the lookup table into the contract as a mandatory payment provision. The contract will include hourly rates for anticipated discplines for use in negotiating fixed price delivery orders whioch are not covered by the lookup table. The Governemnt reserves the right to award a contract based on negotiated hourly rates only. Consideration will be limited to firms or joint ventures having an active design production office within the Dallas/ Fort Worth Metroplex area the State of Texas, which is in operation at the time of this announcement. Consultants are not required to be located within the prescribed area. Firms, when responsing to this announcement, should address their capability with regard to each of the evaluation factors listed above as the top rated firms recommended for interivew will be recommended solely on their written response to this announcement. Architectural or engineering firms wishing to be considered must submit completed Standard Forms 254 and 255 and other pertinent information. In accordance with Public Law 95-507, the A/E will be required to provide the maximum practicable opportunites for small business concerns and small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals to participate as subcontractors in the performance of the contract. As part of its commitment to socioeconomic initiatives of the Federal Government, the General Services Administration has established for fiscal year 1996 subcontracting goals of 40 percent for small business, 5 percent for women-owned business. In support of the agency efforts, firms seeking consideration for this contract should provide maximum practicable subcontracting opprotunities for small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned businesses. The use of subcontractors/ consultants shown on the submitted SF254s will be reflected in a Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting plan included in the contract. Firms must also provide a brief written narrative of outreach efforts made to utilize small, small disadvantaged, and women- owned businesses. The narrative shall not exceed one typewritten page. An acceptable subcontracting plan must be agreed to before contract award. (Small businesses are not subject to this requirement). This procurement is being made under the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program. Offerors, prior to being awarded any contract exceeding $500,000 ($1 million for construction) shall be required to submit an acceptable subcontracting plan (See FAR 52.219-9) or demonstrate that no subcontracting opportunities exist. The provision does not apply to small business concerns. SF 254s and 255s must be received NLT 3:15 P.M. local time on the 30th calendar day after the date of this publication. All submittals must clearly identify Solicitation GS-07P-96-HUD-0044 on the face of the envelope for identification purposes. Late submittals will be handled in accordance with FAR 52.215-10. All responsible sources may furnish a submittal which will be considered See Numbered Note 24. (0071)

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