Loren Data Corp.




International Procurement Office, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, 1-6, Uchisaiwai-cho 1-chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

58 -- JAPAN: TOTAL VIDEO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM SOL IPO.07-231 DUE 042696. POC NTT America, Inc., Head Office, 101 Park Avenue, 41st Floor, New York, NY 10178, 212/661-0810 also NTT America, Inc., Pacific and Western Division, 800 El Camino Real West, Suite 103 Mountain View, CA 94040, 415/940-6565. Product outline: The Total Vido Communication System (hereinafter abbreviated as this system) is used to build up various user-oriented video communication systems ranging from small-scale to large-scale systems. This system consists of a large-scale display system, a camera system, a CCTV system, a broadcasting system, a small-scale character display type LED indicator equipment, and a video system. Quantity: Section symbols mean 1 to 6; Generic system name: A to AV; System name i) to vii); Subsystem name: a to j; Component name. 1. Large-scale display equipment: A. Large display system i) Indoor display system; About 2 sets per year. a. Screen display unit. b. Screen control unit. c. Power supply unit. d. Screen operating unit. ii) Out door display system About 1 set per year. a. Screen display unit. b. Screen control unit. c. Power supply unit. d. Screen operating unit. B. Rear projector system A; About 10 sets per year. a. Projector. b. Mirror unit. c. Projector Pedestal. d. Switcher. C. Rear projector system B; About 5 sets per year. a. Projector. b. Mirror unit c. Projector Pedestal; D. Rear projector system C; About 5 sets per year. a. Projector. b. Mirror unit. c. Projector Pedestal. E. Rear Screen; About 20 sets per year. i) Standard rear screen. a. Standard rear screen A. b. Standard rear screen. a. Standard rear screen A. b. Standard rear screen B. c. Standard rear screen C. d. Standard rear screen D. ii) Wide rear screen. a. Wide rear screen C. d. Wide rear screen D. F. All-in-one projector A; About 10 sets per year including F, G and H. G. All-in-one projector B. H. All-in-one projector C. I. Multi-screen system A; About 2 sets per year. a. Projection unit. b. Multi-screen processor. c. AV control unit. d. Video switcher. e. Audio switcher. f. Operating terminal. J. 3-dimensional projectors; About 1 set per year. a. 3-dimensional projector A. b. 3-dimensional projector B. 2. Camera system: A. Camera system A; About 5 sets per year. a. Camera head A. b. Lens unit A. c. Adapter. d. Portable VTR. B. Camera system B; About 5 sets per year. a. Camera head B. b. Lens unit B. c. Adapter. d. Recording format. C. Camera system C; About 5 sets per year. a. Camera head C. b. Lens unit C. c. Adapter. D. Camera system D; About 30 sets per year. a. Camera head. D. Camera system D; About 30 sets per year. a. Camera head D. b. Lens unit D. c. Housing. d. Motor-diven pan head. e. Camera drive control unit. f. Long-play VTR. g. Sequential switch. h. Pan head/lens-unit control unit. i. VTR control unit. E. Camera system E; About 60 sets per year. a. Camera unit E. F. Camera system F; About 5 sets per year. a. Camera unit F. G. Camera system G; About 10 sets epr year. a. Camera unit G. H. Camera system H; About 10 sets per year. a. Camera unit G. H. Camera system H; About 10 sets per year. a. Camera unit H. I. Camera system I; About 10 set per year. a. Camera head I. b. Lens unit I. J. Peripherals About 10 sets per year. i) Housings. a. Outdoor housing. b. Indoor housing. ii) Rotary camera bases. a. Motor-driven rotary camera base. b. Semi-fixed rotary camera base. iii) Positioning memory unit. a. Positioning memory unit. iv) Operating unit. a. Operating unit. K. Camera control unit A; About 15 sets per year. a. Camera control unit A. L. Camera control unit B; About 15 sets per year. a. Camera control unit B. M. Camera control unit C; About 15 sets per year. a. Camera control unit C. 3. CCTV system: A. Broadcasting receiving equipment; About 2 systems per year. i) Broadcasting receiving units. a. VHF-antenna A. b. VHF-antenna B. c. VHF-antenna C. d. UHF-antenna A. e. UHF-antenna B. f. UHF-antenna C. g. BS antenna. h. CS antenna A. i. CS antenna B. F. UHF-antenna C. g. BS antenna. h. CS antenna A. i. CS antenna B. j. Amplifying unit. ii) Retransmitting equipments. a. INput distributor A. b. Input distributor B. c. Input distributor C. d. INput branching filter. e. TV signal processor. f. BS satellite tuner. g. CS satellite tuner A. h. CS satellite tuner B. iii) Independent broadcast transmitting equipments. a. Modulating unit A. b. Modulating unit B. c. RF modem. iv) Transmitting equipments. a. Output mixer A. b. Output mixer B. c. Output distributor A. d. Output distributor B. e. Output amplifying unit. f. Pilot supply unit. g. Power supply unit. v) Unilateral bus amplifying equipments. a. Unilateral bus amplifier. b. Unilateral bus distribution amplifier. c. Unilateral bus branch amplifier. d. Unilateral branch amplifier. e. Power supply unit. vi) Bidirectional bus amplifying equipment. a. Bidirectional bus amplifier. b. Bidirectional bus distribution amplifier. c. Bidirectional bush branch amplifier. d. Bidirectional branch amplifier. vii) Boosters equipments. a. Booster A. b. Booster B. c. Booster C. D. Booster D. e. Booster E. B. Optical transmitting equipment A; About 10 sets per year including B and C. a. Optical transmitting unit A. b. Optical transmitting unit B. c. Optical receiving unit A. d. Optical receiving unit B. c. Optical receiving unit A. d. Optical receiving unit B. C. Optical transmitting equipment B. a. Optical transmitting unit. b. Optical receiving unit. D. Optical transmitting unit. b. Optical receiving unit. D. Optical transmitting equipment C; About 5 set per year. a. Optical transmitting unit. b. Optical transmitting unit B. c. Optical receiving unit A. d. Optical receiving unit B. C. Optical transmitting equipment B. a. Optical transmitting unit. b. Optical receiving unit. D. Optical transmitting equipment C; About 5 sets per year. a. Optical transmitting equipment C; About 5 sets per year. a. Optical transmitting unit. b. Optical receiving unit. D. Optical transmitting equipment C; About 5 sets per year. a. Optical transmitting unit. b. Optical receiving unit. E. CATV tuner A; About 300 sets per year including E and F. a. CATV tuner A F. CATV tuner B. a. CATV tuner B. 4. Broadcasting system: A. Broadcasting system A; About 2 systems per year. i) Mixer unit. a. Mixer unit. ii) Voice playback units. a. CD player A. b. CD player B. c. Cassette tape recorder A. d. cassette type recorder B. e. Digital announcing unit A. f. Digital announcing unit B. g. Melody player unit A. h. Melody player unit B. iii) Wired microphones. a. Wired microphone A. b. Wired microphone B. iv) Wireless microphones. a. Wireless microphone A. b. Wireless microphone B. c. Reciving antenna A. d. Receiving antenna B. e. Tuner A. f. Tuner B. g. Distributor. v) Remote control microphones. a. Remote controlled microphone A. b. Remote controlled microphone B. vi) Other components. a. Monitor speaker. b. Power supply unit. c. Rack. d. Black panel. B. Broadcasting system B; About 5 system per year. i) Mixer units. a. mixer A. b. Mixer B. c. Mixer C. ii) Amplifying units. a. Amplifier A. b. Amplifier B. c. Amplifier C. d. Amplifier D. iii) Signal processing units. a. Graphic equalizer. b. Digital delay unit. Limiter unit. iv) Wired microphones. a. Wired microphone A. b. Wired microphone B. c. Wired microphone C. v) Wireless microphones. a. Wireless microphone A. b. Wireless microphone B. c. Wireless microphone C. d. Wireless microphone D. e. Receiving antenna A. f. Receiving antenna B. g. Tuner. h. Distributor. vi) Other components. a. Monitor speaker. b. Power supply unit. c. Rack. d. Black panel. C. Full digital matrix mixer system About 1 set per year. a. Full digital matrix mixer. b. Operating terminal. D. Voice playback unit A; About 10 sets per year. a. CD player. b. Cassette tape recorder A. c. Cassette tape recorder B. E. Voice playback unit B; About 5 sets per year. a. MD player A. b. MD player B. c. DAT player A. F. Speakers; About 20 sets per year. a. Speaker A. b. Speaker B. c. Speaker C. d. Speaker D. 5. Small-scale character display type LED indicator equipment; About 2 systems per year: A. Single-side display type LED indicator equipment. a. LED indicator unit. b. Control unit. B. Double-side display type LED indicator equipment. a. LED indicator unit. b. Control unit. 6. Video system: A. Linear video edition system; About 3 sets per year. a. S-VHS video tape recorder. b. VHS video tape recorder. c. Video editor. d. Telopper. e. Monitor. f. Switcher. g. Distributor. h. Video signal converter. i. Video SYNC signal generator. j. Cable compensator. B. Non-linear edition system A; About 3 sets per year. a. non-linear edition system A. C. Non-linea edition system B. a. non-linear edition system B. D. Non-linear edition system C. a non-linea edition system C. E. Cart machine A; About 1 set per year. a. Cart machine A. F. Cart machine B; About 1 set per year. a. Cart machine B. G. Cart machine C; About 1 set per year. a. Cart machine C. H. Cart machine D; About 1 set per year. a. Cart machine D. I. Cart machine E; About 1 set per year. a. Cart machine E. J. Cart machine F; About 1 set per year. a. Cart machine F. K. CRT monitor A; About 50 sets per year. a. CRT monitor B. M. CRT monitor C; About 60 sets per year. a. CRT monitor C. N. Thin display unit A; About 20 sets per year. a. CRT monitor A. O. Thin display unit B; About 20 sets per year. a. CRT monitor B. P. Thin display unit C; About 20 sets per year. a. CRT monitor C. Q. High-resolution monitor unit; About 5 sets per year. a. High-resolution monitor unit. R. High-resolution display cards; About 5 set per year. a. Card A. b. Card B. c. Card C. d. Card D. S. Touch-sensitive panel A; About 40 sets per year. a. Touch-sensitive panel A. T. Touch-sensitive panel B; About 40 sets per year. a. Touch-sensitive panel B. U. Video switchers; About 20 sets per year. a. Video switcher A. b. Video switcher B. V. Voice switcher; About 20 sets per year. a. Voice switcher. W. Video & voice switcher; ABout 20 sets per year. a. Video & voice switcher. X. Distributors; About 50 sets per year. i) Video distributor. a. Video distributor A. b. Video distributor B. ii) Voice distributor. a. Voice distributor A. Y. Video signal converter; About 20 sets per year. a. Video signal converter. Z. Time-base corrector; About 20 sets per year. a. Time-base corrector. AA. SYNC signal generator About 20 sets per year. a. SYNC signal generator. AB.. VTR unit A; About 2 sets per year. a. VTR unit A. AC.VTR unit B; About 5 sets per year. a. VTR unit B; AD.VTR unit C; About 2 sets per year. a. VTR unit C; AE.VTR unit D; About 2 sets per year. a. VTR unit D AF.VTR unit E About 2 sets per year. a. VTR unit E; AG.VTR unit F About 2 sets per year. a. VTR unit; AH.VTR unit G About 2 sets per year. a. VTR unit G; AI.VTR unit H About 2 sets per year; a. VTR unit I; AJ.VTR unit I About 5 sets per year. a. VTR unit I; AK.VTR unit J About 5 sets per year. a.VTR unit J; AL.VTR unit K About 20 sets per year. a. VTR unit K; AM.VTR unit L About 20 sets per year. a. VTR unit L AN.Multi-screen synthesizer About 10 sets per year. a. Multi-screen synthesizer A. AO.Multi-screen synthesizer B About 10 sets per year. a. Multi-screen synthesizer B; AP. Disk drive unit A About 1 set per year. a. Disk drive unit A AQ. Disk drive unit B About 10 set per year. a. Disk drive unit B AR.Disk drive unit C About 10 set per year; a. Disk drive unit C AS.Disk drive unit D About 10 set per year. a. Disk drive unit D AT. Disk drive unit E About 1 set per year a. Disk drive unit E AU. Control unit About 10 sets per year; a. Control unit AV.Racks About 50 sets per year a. Rack A. b. Rack B. Please not that the scheduled procurement quantities and periods above indicate currently scheduled values, and actual procurement quantities and periods may be changed due to some one-sided reasons on the part of NTT. NOTE: This procurement is intended as a procurement for the products for sales to NTT's customers and fully dependent on purchase orders placed by the customers. Accordingly there may be some cases where NTT doesn't purchase the products from the selected suppliers. There may also some cases where NTT selects two or more suppliers for the same product provided that the contents proposed by them are equal. The number of suppliers to be awarded: The number of suppliers that NTT is scheduled to select for the Product will be several suppliers for each system name,. Procurement procedure: Track II. Delivery date: From the beginning of July 1996 and on, estimatedly for one years. Delivery site(s): NTT will separately specify the place(s) in Japan as delivery site(s). THIS NOTICE IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTATION IDENTIFIES THE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE DETAILS ON THE PRODUCT AND QUALIFICATION FOR PROCUREMENT. PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTATION is available for $100 (Excluding sales tax) at NTT America, Inc. NTT only accepts proposals that follow the direction of PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTATION. The language used for application shall be Japanese or English. All responses should be received by April 26, 1996. (074)

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