Loren Data Corp.




89th Contracting Squadron/LGCS, 1419 Menoher Drive, Andrews AFB, MD 20762-6500

65 -- HOSE ASSEMBLY OXYGEN KIT Due 041596. POC: R. Davis, Contract Specialist, Marlies Drechsel, Contracting Officer. No phone calls please, all responses to this synopsis must be in writing. Hose assembly oxygen kits; 1885 each; U.O. Equipment Mfgr. Part No(s) UOE#10511-24H and MH-124-04N or equal. F.O.B. Destination to Andrews AFB Base, MD. Hose assembly: Inlet fittings: oxygen Diss F x 1/4' Hose Barb, hand tight; Hose length; 25 feet; non-conductive; Color: green; Outlet fitting; Oxygen DISS M x 1/4 Hose Barb; 25 feet, DISS female hand tight nut inlet to DISS male outlet; Color: NC green hose. Potential manufacturers and/or suppliers offering an ``or equal'' product, must provide descriptive literature, catalogs, etc, (at time of submission) in support of the product they proposed to provide. Hose assembly to be used with respirators and anesthesia ventilators equipment. Women-owned, SDB, SB and Emerging Small Business firms are invited to participate. (078)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0357 19960321\65-0004.SOL)

65 - Medical, Dental and Veterinary Equipment and Supplies Index Page