Loren Data Corp.




Manufacturing Technology Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433- 7405

A -- A--DEFENSE PRODUCTION ACT TITANIUM METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE (TI MMC) PRODUCTION CAPABITITY (PART 1 OF 2 PARTS) SOL BAA NO. 96-01-MTPD POC Contact Willa Eichelman, Procurement Contracting Officer, 513-255- 9665, ext 225 . (PART 1 OF 2 PARTS) A--INTRODUCTION: As Executive Agent for the Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III Program, the Air Force is interested in receiving proposals for an Integrated Product Team (IPT) technology insertion program to establish a production capability for continuously reinforced, silicon carbide fiber/titanium metal matrix composite materials, targeted to the insertion of Ti MMCs in aircraft jet engines. Successful completion of the program will establish a titanium-matrix material industrial base for production and certification of a broad array of military and commercial metal matrix composite turbine engine components and other aerospace products. (Titanium aluminide metal matrix composites are beyond the scope of this effort.) Proposals in response to this BAA shall be submitted 24 April 1996, 1500 hours Eastern Time, addressed to WL/MTPD, Building 22B, 2700 D Street, Suite 2, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base OH 45433-7405, Attention: Ms. Willa Eichelman, Procurement Contracting Officer. This is an unrestricted solicitation. Proposals submitted shall be in accordance with this announcement. Proposal submission after the cutoff date specified herein shall be treated in accordance with restrictions of FAR 52.215-10, a copy of this provision may be obtained from the contracting point of contact. There will be no other solicitation issued in regard to this requirement. A Wright Laboratory (WL) Guide entitled ''PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry'' is available to assist offerors in proposal preparation. Copies may be requested from WL/PKO, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-6503, telephone (513) 255-6969. Reference for the DPA is: Section 303, Title III of the DPA of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. app 2093). B--REQUIREMENTS: (1) Technical Description: This program will be an effort of an IPT composed of gas turbine engine Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM's), Ti MMC material suppliers, and Ti MMC component fabricators. The program will focus on demonstrating the production capability for cost-effective Ti MMC material fabrication processes, component manufacturing, and the necessary component qualification testing and data generation sufficient for insertion of production ready components into engine structure. Production insertion is the primary goal of this activity. The program seeks to demonstrate production capacity for new and reduced cost fabrication technologies for Ti MMCs plus subsequent application and qualification of improved Ti MMCs in rotating and static turbine engine components. The goals are to achieve improved quality and reduced cost via intelligent processing methods and integrated product development techniques. The program will demonstrate: (a) Cost-effective manufacturing production capacity for SiC fiber and Ti MMC materials, (b) Cost-effective design integration approach for the production and qualification of turbine engine components, and (c) Application-specific component design and test leading to production insertion. The material suppliers will demonstrate production capacity of 2,500 pounds per year at an intermediate cost goal of $1,600 per pound of Ti MMC mill product form with a clear cost reduction path to the ultimate goal of $500 per pound at 15,000 pounds per year. The mill product form Ti MMC material must meet the technical specifications outlined in TMC2001, a copy of which may be obtained from WL/MTPD by calling (513) 255-9665, extension 225. The turbine engine OEMs will: (a) Conduct integrated product development of turbine engine component designs, (b) Fabricate suitable test articles utilizing Ti MMC reinforcement material and conduct unique application specific test demonstrations, and (c) Design, build, and test Ti MMC-reinforced components designed to substantiate the market application and cost-benefit goals necessary for affordable Ti MMC production and application. A Business Plan must be presented in the proposal which details all effort required to achieve production of Ti MMC engine components and a viable Ti MMC business base. The plan should address remaining Ti MMC production development and demonstration efforts required to achieve the mill product cost goal of less than $500 per pound at a projected production volume of 15,000 pounds per year. This plan must address unique qualification development and test requirements of specific military and commercial turbine engine application components. This plan will be updated periodically throughout the effort. (2) Security Requirements: It is anticipated that work performed as a result of this BAA will be unclassified. Data generated by the resulting contract may be subject to export control and/or subject to International Traffic in Arms Regulations. United States (U.S.) organizations are asked to contact the contracting officer immediately if they anticipate employment of foreign nationals on this program. C--ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (1) Anticipated Period Of Performance: Technical effort is expected to last approximately 18 months plus an additional 4 months for final reporting. (2) Expected Award Date: April 1996. (3) Government Estimate: The government anticipates one award for total government funding no greater than $25M. (4) Domestic Source: The production capacity for the Ti MMC, a ''critical technology item'', must be provided by a domestic source or sources. The DPA defines ''domestic source'' as: ''a business concern -- (a) that performs in the U.S. or Canada substantially all of the research and development, engineering, manufacturing, and production activities required of such business concern under contract with the U.S. relating to a critical component or a critical technology item, and (b) that procures from business concerns described in (a) substantially all of any components and assemblies required under contract with the U.S. relating to a critical component or critical technology item.'' (5) Type of Contract: Since the program is an industrial base Ti MMC production capacity effort which is expected to support both commercial and military turbine engines, cost-shared contracts or cooperative agreements are required. A total program cost share ratio of at least 1:1 of Government funding to industry funding is desired for the program as a whole. Government funding should be appropriately used to demonstrate Ti MMC production capacity and cost reduction technologies in the program. The industry funds should be appropriately used for qualification, productization, and insertion into military and commercial engines. (6) Government Furnished Property (GFP): It is the offeror's responsibility to identify and arrange for the use of any GFP. (7) Notice to Foreign-Owned Firms: All foreign owned or foreign controlled firms are asked to immediately notify the contracting officer upon deciding to respond to this announcement. Foreign and foreign controlled contractors should be aware that restrictions may apply which could preclude their participation in this acquisition. (8) Deliverable Items: The following deliverable items shall be proposed: (a)Technical Report (quarterly), (b) Business Status Report (quarterly), (c) Operating Plan (1 time), (d) Special Technical Reports (as needed), (e) Final Report (one time + revision), (f) Annual Audit Report (annual), (g) Viewgraphs & Still Photos (500 max). (9) SIC Code 3499. D--PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1) General: Offerors should apply the restrictive notice prescribed in the provision of FAR 52.215-12, ''Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data,'' to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their submittals. Proposal questions should be directed to one of the points of contact listed elsewhere herein. Offerors should consider instructions contained in the WL PRDA and BAA Guide for Industry referenced in Section A of this announcement. Proposals shall be submitted in separate volumes: technical and cost, proposals shall be valid for 180 days. Proposals must reference the above BAA number. An original and six copies of each volume shall be provided. All responsible sources may submit a proposal, which shall be considered against the criteria set forth herein. Offerors are advised that only contracting officers are legally authorized to commit the government. (END OF PART 1) (0080)

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