COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF MARCH 25,1996 PSA#1558U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID/Egypt, Directorate of
PROJECT (CAIP) SOL RFP 263-95-P-074 POC Contact Point: Mr. Phillip S.
Tresch, Contracting Officer, USAID/Egypt, Tel. No. 011-20-2-357-3257 or
357-3963, Telefax No. 011- 20-2-356-2932 or 357-3375. Correction: This
action which was originally announced in the CBD dated October 3, 1995
stated that the USAID/Egypt Request for Proposals (RFP) Number
RFP-263-95-P-074 and supporting materials for the Cairo Air Improvement
Project (CAIP) would be available on or about November 20, 1995,
however, in the CBD dated December 11, 1995 there was a correction
which (A) cancelled the October 3, 1995 announcement and (B) stated
that a new CBD Notice would be issued with the revised RFP Issuance
Date. The purpose of this CBD Notice is to provide current information
on the above solicitation. Anyone who previously submitted a request
for the RFP remains on the Offerors List (i.e. the Solicitation Mailing
List), and will receive a copy of the RFP by mail (i.e. this is in
addition to the RFP plus supplementary background documents which will
be available electronically through 1 file on the USAID Gopher on
Internet). The new RFP Issuance Date will be ''on or after'' April 8,
1996, and about 28 days later (tentatively May 6 and 7), there will be
a 2-day Pre-proposal Conference in Cairo, Egypt. The RFP's Due Date
for technical and cost proposals to be received at USAID/Egypt is
approximately 63 days following the Issuance Date (tentatively June 10,
1996, see RFP for verification of dates). The Pre-proposal Conference
in Cairo will provide information from USAID/Egypt, Government of Egypt
(GOE) and other donors, therefore, potential offerors are requested not
to call or visit either USAID/Egypt or GOE offices in relation to the
CAIP RFP prior to the Pre-proposal Conference. All potential offerors
that wish to submit a proposal (A) should notify USAID/Egypt in writing
of their intent to submit a proposal (tentatively by April 25) and (B)
are strongly encouraged to attend the 2-day Pre-proposal Conference.
A Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) ''Completion'' contract is envisioned,
which shall include the fixed fee being paid upon accomplishing
''performance based'' project milestones, as proposed by the offeror
and later negotiated and incorporated into the USAID contract award.
The CAIP initial contract award will be for 5 years, with an option
period of 2 years. The total US dollar cost for 5 years of performance
of the work required under the performance-based CPFF Completion
contract is estimated not to exceed US$ 50 million. The 2-year option
period will be conditional upon availability of funds and USAID
approvals, but the intent of USAID/Egypt is that if the option is
exercised that the same contractor for the 5-year award will perform
the 2-year option. The USAID/Egypt Geographic Code for the CAIP award
is ''000'' (USA), however, the RFP may identify some local (''263''
Egypt) acquisition of technical assistance and commodities that are
pre-approved by a waiver from USAID/Egypt. The CAIP will consist of 6
strategic objectives/project components (SOs), which include: SO 1
''VET'' (to improve fuel efficiency and emissions of gasoline motor
vehicles by instituting a vehicle emissions testing, tune-up and
certification program), SO 2 ''CNG'' (to reduce the total suspended
particulate emissions from diesel engines, by expanding the use of
Compressed Natural Gas by buses), SO 3 ''Lead'' (to reduce the
concentration of airborne lead and related particulate emissions), SO
4 ''Air Monitoring'' (to institute a system that will measure the
emissions from individual sources to determine the impact of CAIP), SO
5 ''Public Awareness'' (to initiate a public awareness and
communications campaign to engender understanding and support for the
CAIP interventions), and SO 6 ''CP/NI'' (to research and implement
Commodity Procurement and New Initiatives for CAIP activities). Due to
the specialized nature of project activities, such as SO 1 ''VET'', SO
2 ''CNG'' and SO 3 ''Lead'', it is assumed that this work will likely
be accomplished by specialized subcontractors. Recognizing the limited
number of qualified firms in some of these areas, USAID/Egypt assumes
that some specialized subcontractors may appear in proposals from two
or more offerors. Offerors should propose teams/offices that are
capable of accomplishing all 6 SOs in their initial proposal. The RFP
will provide additional subcontracting details, as well as any ''plug
figures'' to be used for cost estimating purposes. ''This CBD notice
can be viewed and downloaded using the Agency Gopher. The RFP, once
issued, can be downloaded from the Agency Gopher. The Gopher address is
GOPHER.INFO.USAID.GOV. Select USAID Procurement and Business
Opportunities from the Gopher menu. The RFP text can be downloaded via
Anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The FTP address is
FTP.INFO.USAID.GOV. Logon on using the user identification of
''anonymous'' and the password is your e-mail address. Look under the
following directory for the RFP: pub/OP/RFP/2635P074/2635P074.rfp.
Receipt of this RFP through INTERNET must be confirmed by written
notification to the contact person noted above. It is the
responsibility of the recipient of this solicitation document to ensure
that it has been received from the INTERNET in its entirety and USAID
bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or
conversion processes. (0081) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0063 19960322\R-0001.SOL)
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