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Facilities Service Office, US Postal Service, One Independence Mall, 615 Chestnut Street - Suite 1400, Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404

Z -- CAFETERIA UPGRADE - SYRACUSE NY P&DC, 5640 EAST TAFT ROAD, SYRACUSE, NY 13220-9998 SOL RFP #415046-96-A-0020. Due 042596. POC Project Manager, Dominic Pafundi (518) 452-4081 and Contract Technician, Hekima Wallace, (215) 931-5452. Scope of work: The upgrade of the existing cafeteria space will require selective demolition of interior finishes, partitions, mechanical and electrical systems and the installation of new partitions, interior finishes, food service equipment and all related mechanical and electrical systems. The contractor shall provide all plant, labor, materials and equipment to produce the work as shown on the drawings and specifications as summarized below: Selective demolition shall include the removal of existing flooring finished, free-standing partitions, canopy and acoustic ceiling system in addition to new penetrations required for HVAC, plumbing & electrical work. Provide interior, architectural improvements as follows: The construction of all new food preparation, serving and seating areas and the installation of new interior floor, wall and ceiling finishes. Provide minor structural modifications per drawings and specifications. Provide new food service equipment and cafeteria seating per drawings and specifications. Provide all coordination, supervision, and general conditions to create a complete, finished project. The drawings and specifications take precedence over any information contained in this summary. Offeror must have a minimum of five (5) years General Construction experience and must have satisfactorily completed at least three (3) projects of similar size and scope. The estimated price range is between $300,000 and $400,000 with completion required within 120 calendar days after receipt of the Notice to Proceed. Solicitation packages will be available on or about March 25, 1996 at $40.00 per set, NON-REFUNDABLE, from NK Bhandari Consulting Engineers, 6713 Pickard Drive, Syracuse NY 13211-2002, (315) 455-1163 referencing 415046-96-A-0020. All checks/money orders must be made payable to Disbursing Officer, US Postal Service. Cash will not be accepted. Offers are due April 25, 1996 at 4:00 PM. (081)

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Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page