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Commander, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Code 210000D, 1 Administration Circle, China Lake, CA 93555-6001

99 -- BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT SOL N68936-96-R-0174 POC Maggie Green, Contract Specialist, (619) 939-4274 or Doreen Paul, Contracting Officer, (619) 939-9665. The Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division (NAWCWPNS) China Lake, CA is sponsoring a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) under the Precision Strike Navigator (PSN) Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) program. The PSN concept is a high accuracy Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) based on Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyro (IFOG) and etched silicon accelerometer technology, that is producable for the cost of auto-pilot gyroscopes. This cost reduction will be accomplished via silicon hybridization technology. This announcement seeks to identify an industrial partner for the IFOG based IMU to be used in the PSN ATD. The industrial partner will be responsible for: (1) fabrications of IFOGs based on the GFE hybrid IFOG wafer (2) development of an IMU incorporating the above IFOGs (3) delivery of a fully integrated IMU to be used in a flight demonstration (4) a detailed production plan and per-unit cost estimate for the IMU consistent with the PSN concept as defined in the BAA information package. The proposed contract is restricted to responsible domestic sources under the auhority of FAR 6.302-3. Accordingly, foreign sources are not eligible for award. The proposed contract will be classified Confidential/No Foreign (C/NF). Proposals must be properly submitted in accordance with DoD Security instructions and regulations. All requests for the BAA information package must include proof of proper facilities regarding classified documents. Verification of a contractors classification status will be obtained prior to releasing the BAA package. The proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria: (1) Technical merit (2) Past performance (3) Offeror's understanding of PSN objectives (4) Management and ability to execute (5) Cost realism The criteria are weighted in descending order. Although technical merit will be most heavily weighted and cost realism least weighted, a proposal may not be selected because it cannot be afforded. One master and one backup of technical and cost proposals shall be submitted on electronic media along with one paper copy of the proposal. In addition to other factors, offers will be evaluated on the basis of advantages and disadvantages to the Government that might result from making more than one award. A pre-proposal conference will be held at Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, China Lake, CA on 08 May 1996. Directions are available by FAXed request to NAWCWPNS, Sonja Bain at (619) 939-1409. All attendees of the pre-proposal conference must have a current security clearance and requests for attendance must be received by Ms. Bain no later than 24 April 1996. Questions regarding the BAA information package should be submitted in writing to the below address no later than 01 May 1996. The BAA information package will provide detailed information for proposal content and submission. Requests for the BAA information package shall be made in writing to the Research and Engineering Contracts Competency, Code 210000D, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, China Lake, CA 93555-6001, Attn: Maggie Green, or by telefax at (619) 939-7510. (0089)

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