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OICC, Box 368113, Navy Public Works Center, 2730 McKean Street, San Diego, CA 92136

C -- SOURCES SOUGHT FOR ARCHITECT-ENGINEERING (A-E) SERVICES FOR VARIOUS PROJECTS INVOLVING CIVIL ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN AND NAVY PUBLIC WORKS CENTER, SAN DIEGO CA SOL SSENVDSG-96-1 DUE 050696 POC Contact Brad Runge, Contract Specialist 619 - 556-0714. PART ONE OF PART TWO: The Navy Public Works Center, San Diego,Ca is currently seekingsources for services for Civil Environmental Related Design and Planning with associated multi-discipline architectural- engineering (A-E) support services. An Indefinite Quantity firm fixed price type contract will be awarded to the selected, most qualified firm responding to this announcement. The Indefinite Quantity contract shall be for $500,000. the contract shall be for 365 days or until the $500,000 limit is reached. The proposed contract includes a second year option for an additional $500,000. the services required may include, but not be limited to, all of part of the following: (1) preparation of tecnical reports including geological, geophysical, and hydrogeological studies; (2) site characterizations, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) facility assessments and/or investigations, RCRA corrective measures studies, implementation work plans, health and safety plans, and other associated management plans; (3) MILCON and special project documenttion; (4) preparation of environmental permits; (5) preparation of preliminary and final designs; (6) preparation of contract drawings and specifications: (7) preparation of cost estimates and sketches; (8) providing engineering advice during construction (i.e. office consultation, shop drawing review, as-built drawing preparation, field consultation and verification and/or value engineering); and (9) construction inspection and other Title II services. The types of design projects involve primarily repair and alteration, although some minor new construction (less than $300,000 per project ) is possible. The majority of projects will be design related rather than studies or remediation. Types of projects include the following: (1) Harardous materal/waste storage and staging facilities; (2) Containment of liquid petroleum products distribution systems and storage tanks (eg. underground and above ground storage tanks); (3) Oil/Water separators and grease interceptors and related storm water systems; (4) Industrial/oily waste treatment facilities; (5) Asbestos abatement of buildings, piping system and soil; (6) Lead containing paint abatement; (7) Subsurface remediation of harardous waste; (8) Containment and remediation of harardous materials. If asbestos or hazardous material is present, the A-E will be required to identify them and provide for their disposal or treatment in construction plans and specifications in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. When the indefinite quantity contract is awarded, the fee for any individual negotiated work order is NTE $200,000 with a cumulative total of all work orders NTE $500,000 during a one year period. Commencement and completion of work is subject to the requirements of individual work orders. Firms which design or prepare specifications for a construction contract or procurement of supplies cannot provide the construction or supplies. This limitation also applies to subsidiaries and affiliates fo the firm. A-E selection criteria is listed in descending order of importance as follows: (1) professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of required services (firm will be expected to be qualified in the sesign of facilities, with the ability to perform environmental studies and remediation, a secondary factor, however, knowledge of current environmental regulations is highly recommended); (2) recent (1990) to present specialized experience and technical copetence of the firm in the type of work required (emphasis will be place on design for repair and alteration of facilities rather than design for new construction or experience in environmental studies and remediation); (3) capacity to accomplish the work in the required time, (4) past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control effectiveness, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules; (5) Location in the general geographic area of the project and knowledge of the locality of the project (local site conditions and design requirements), provided that applicatio of this criterion leaves an appropriate number of qualified firms, given the nature and size of the project, (6) Demonstrated success in prescribing the use of recovered materials and achieving waste reduction and energy efficiency in facility design, (7) list the small or disadvantaged or women-owned business firms as primary consultants or as subcontractors, (8) value of DOD contrat awards within the last 12 months. Evaluation criterion (1) through (4) are the primary evaluation factors in the determination ofthe most highly qualified firm. Criterion (5) through (8) are secondary factors that will become a consideration in the event that all firms are considered equal on factors (1) through (4). To demonstrate how the firm meets the qualification criteria: (Block 3 OR 3b) List firm actually performing the work. (Block 7) Submit a matrix for the design team. Individual rows should be labeled with the tem member's names and their proposed team assignments. Columns should be labeled as follows: firm name and office location; precent of time to be spent on this team; professional registration in California; highest education level and area of specialization; number of years of professional experience; number of years with current firm; for project managers, identify the number of teams managed over the past three years; and list experience on projects in relation to the above criteria. (Block 8) Provide a matrix with experience in relation to the types of work listed in this synopsis and include the title, a brief description, and client point of contact for each project listed. (Block 10) Include the following: Staff availability, status of current workload, show plan for managing multiple concurrent work orders; Provide final design estimate and construction contract award amounts for 8 projects which are similar in nature and size to the types of work advertised; Briefly describe the firm's internal quality control procedure; Provide an orginzation chart of the firm, including all offices and personnel who would perform design services under this contract. The SF 255 with attachments i limited to 50 pages (perferably 12 pitch fornt). Every page that is not a SF 254 will be included in the page count. Failure to provide the above information may result in the firm being considered non-responsive for the definitions of ''small business'', ''small disadvantage business'' and emerging small business'', please refer to the Federal Acquisition Requlations (FAR) Part 10. Architect-Engineer firms which meet the requirements described in this announcement are required to submit the following; current SF 255, U.S. Government Architect-Engineering Qualifications, including an organizational chart of key personnel to be assigned to the projects, a current SF 254 Architect-Engineer and Related Servics Questionnaire and any Consultant/Subcontractor's current SF 254. Responding firms are required to clearly identify tasks to be performed in-house and those to be subcontracted. Firms must submit the names and supporting qualifications data of all subcontractors. The dollar valve of all work for DOD and Corps of Engineers for the past five years must be clearly stated in block 9 of the SF 254. Firms must indicate in Block 4 of SF 254 wheter they are a small busines, small disadvantaged business, woman-owned business, or emerging small business. (0089)

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