FORT ORD, CALIFORNIA SOL KSVMIL-6107-6001 POC Wanda Corry, Procurement
Analyst, (916)557-5207. Grants Officer, Ruth Anne Ijames,
(916)557-5201. (Site Code DACA05) This announcement was previously
announced on Apr 2, 1996 and is retransmitted in its entirety with the
corrected pre-proposal conference date of May 1, 1996. The U.S. Army
Engineer District Sacramento has been delegated authority to solicit
competitive proposals and award a cooperative agreement with an
institution of higher education for the development of a pilot
demonstration project at a Defense landfill. The authorizing
legislation, Sec. 327, Pilot Program to Develop and Demonstrate
Environmental Remediation Technologies, P.L. 103-337 (2182), October 5,
specifies that the landfill must be listed on the National Priorities
List and be located on a military installation to be closed pursuant to
a base closure law. Only one, non-renewable award will be made in an
amount not to exceed $950,000. The former Fort Ord California landfill,
known as Operable Unit #2, has been selected for the demonstration
project. This landfill remediation site consists of six (6) cells and
a groundwater plume area extending from the landfill. Other remediation
activities are on-going at the site. The demonstration project must be
scoped and scheduled not to conflict with or impact these other
activities, as well as the July 23 1990 Army-EPA Federal Facilities
Agreement and approved Records of Decision. The following three topics
have been determined to be of interest to the Government: (1) future
use concepts for landfill sites; (2) in-line groundwater sampling; and
(3) special status species establishment (sand gilia) and habitat
management. However, the Government will consider other proposed topics
which meet the criteria established in the authorizing legislation and
appear to offer positive application to Fort Ord and other DOD
environmental remediation programs, while not interfering with the
cleanup program or regulatory agreements in place for Fort Ord.
Proposals will be evaluated using the following technical factors: (1)
the technical merits of the proposed research and development; (2) the
potential relationship of the proposed research and development to
Department of Defense missions; (3) the offeror's capabilities, related
experience, facilities, techniques, or unique combinations of these
which are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives; (4)
the offeror's record of past accomplishments in related areas of
research; (5) the extent to which the proposer specifically identifies
and commits in its proposal to a plan to hire residents of the
vicinity of the military installation that is being closed or realigned
for purposes of conducting activities under the proposed pilot
demonstration project; and (6) percent of total award that the offeror
proposes to subcontract with Historically Black Colleges and
Universities/Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI's) and small and
disadvantaged businesses (as defined by Federal and DOD Acquisition
Regulations vs. state regulations). Proposed costs will be evaluated
for realism, reasonableness, and affordability, including the amount
and impacts of cost-sharing, which is encouraged but not required. Due
to the competitive nature of the award, specific technical assistance
with preparation of proposals will not be available during the
solicitation period. However, a pre-proposal conference will be held
on-site which will include an opportunity to ask questions. This
conference is tentatively scheduled to be held on May 1, 1996..
Requests for the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) are to be faxed to Ms.
Wanda Corry at (916) 557-7854. (Tel: 916/557-5207 to confirm receipt of
request). Projected schedule is as follows: issuance of BAA 2 April
1996, receipt of proposals 31 May 96; selection of awardee mid-July
1996; execution of award shortly thereafter but in any event NLT 30 Sep
1996. NOTE: Section 558 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 1995, pertaining to military recruiting on campus, will
apply to this cooperative(0108) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0003 19960418\A-0003.SOL)
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