Loren Data Corp.




Army Research Laboratory, ALC Procurement Division, ATTN: AMSRL-OP- SD-PS, 2800 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, Maryland 20783-1197

X -- DESIGN, BUILD AND INSTALL A FURNACE COOLING SYSTEM SOL DAAL01-96-Q-0435 DUE 050696 POC Deborah Robertson, Purchasing Agent, (301) 394-1203, Beth Smith, Contracting Officer, (301) 394-3371. The contractor shall design, build and install a furnace cooling system. This system will use the buildings chilled water system to cool a heat exchanger that will deliver 75 degree water to three furnaces. There are two 65KVA furnaces and a 37 KVA furnace. The system should be designed so that all three furnaces can run at the same time. It is intended to award this contract to Thermal Technology, Concord, NH. Thermal Technology is the manufacturer of one of the furnaces and is designing the upgrade to one of the other furnaces. They have disassembled all three furnaces at Watertown and reinstalled the one at Chestnut Run, DE. They have knowledge of the Chestnut Run site. Two of the furnaces to be cooled are hot presses with vacuum chambers that use integral mid-wall cooling. All responsible sources may submit a bid, proposal, or quotation by facsimile to D. Robertson, (301) 394-1162, which shall be considered by the agency. No telephone requests will be honored. See Numbered Note(s): 22. (0110)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0081 19960422\X-0001.SOL)

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