Loren Data Corp.




Smithsonian Institution, Office of Contracting & Property Management, 955 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Suite P-114, Washington, D.C. 20024

C -- C ARCHITECH/ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS PROJECTS AT THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION SOL 9636SOL0032 POC Lloyd McGill, Contract Specialist, 202/287-3679, Shelley Harlan, Chief, Engineering and Design, Team #1, 202/287-2142. Correction: This action originally appeared in the CBD 5/7/96 and the following are corrections: The sentence stating ''Firms unable to accept hazardous mateil'', should read ''Firms unable to accept hazardous material''. In qualifications section (2), the word ''structrural'' is changed to ''structural''. In qualifications section (3) the word ''abestos'' is changed to ''asbestos''. In qualifications section (5) the word ''sumittal'' is changed to ''submittal''. The time for submission of information should read ''on the 30th calendar day after publication of this notice''. The date for receipt of information is from the date that the original synopsis appeared. All other information published in the original synopsis is correct. (0129)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0025 19960509\C-0006.SOL)

C - Architect and Engineering Services - Construction Index Page