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B -- ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MONITORING SOL CBD&&&96050002 1435-01-96-RP-3809 DUE 070296 POC Jenny Taylor, 703-787-1355 or,, Jane M. Carlson, Contracting Officer, 703-787-1354 The Minerals Management Service (MMS), as mandated by the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act (as amended) pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 250 has been delegated the mission to manage OCS oil and gas resources. As an integral part of implementing the OCS Lands Act, MMS conducts environmental reviews and prepares environmental documents such as environmental impact statements (EISs) and environmental assessments (EAs) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Public Law 91-190 on post-lease oil and gas projects (e.g., exploration and development) prior to startup of project operations. During the past decades, the MMS Pacific OCS Region (POCSR) issued permits for numerous post-lease oil and gas projects. Many of the environmental documents developed for those projects required environmental mitigation measures and associated permit conditions in decision documents (e.g., Records of Decision and approval letters) before issuance of the appropriate operating permits. The proposed study would help MMS evaluate environmental mitigation effectiveness of measures and conditions for offshore oil and gas projects. Thus, the study results would be used to determine the most feasible methods of preserving and protecting the quality of the human, marine, and coastal environments for OCS oil and gas activities in the Pacific Region, specifically offshore Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Maria Basin, California. The Offeror shall provide the necessary personnel, facilities, and services required for the successful performance and completion of the study objectives set forth herein. Study Objective 1. Development of An Environmental Monitoring Database and Effectiveness Criteria - The Offeror shall adapt or modify an existing user friendly computerized environmental monitoring database for the POCSR to store and retrieve environmental mitigation data derived from MMS post-lease projects. The Offeror shall develop or adapt this database as a prototype and subsequently convert to a fully functional database. The Offeror shall develop mitigation effectiveness criteria as a method of evaluating POCSR mitigation measures and permit conditions. Study Objective 2. Evaluate Environmental Mitigation Effectiveness of Historic Post-Lease Oil and Gas Projects - The Offeror shall input information into the database and then test the database system by using it to determine and analyze environmental mitigation effectiveness of historic post-lease oil and gas operations with respect to MMS regulations, NEPA and other Federal, State, and local requirements, lease sale stipulations, and other requirements. The Offeror shall conduct an effectiveness review of approved mitigation measures and associated permit conditions for MMS post-lease oil and gas projects utilizing effectiveness criteria. Study Object 3. Conduct Environmental Mitigation Monitoring of Current and Future Post-Lease Oil and Gas Projects - The Offeror shall observe, sample, and/or monitor environmental field conditions to test mitigation of current and future post-lease oil and gas projects as directed by MMS and to provide information to MMS. The focus of the above is the development and implementation of environmental mitigation monitoring/investigations and studies. As a requirement the RFP interested parties will be requested to submit a capability statement which must demonstrate that both your organization and proposed key personnel can successfully complete this project and must include a list of references for projects completed by the proposed project team and your organization to determine your potential for success and contract award. Past performance consists of adherence to schedules and budgets, effectiveness of cost control, the acceptability of services delivered, the offeror's willingness to cooperate with the customer in both routine matters and when confronted by unexpected difficulties, and the offeror's business integrity. The capability statement, past performance references and personnel qualifications will be evaluated to establish a list of qualifying competitors. Only those offerors demonstrating an ability to successfully perform this project will be asked to submit a written presentation summary and project management plan. (0131)

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B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D Index Page