Loren Data Corp.




Department of the Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt, Division of Procurement, 200 Third Street, Room 207, Parkersburg WV 26101-5312

70 -- GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) SOFTWARE SOL BPD-96-CI-0010 DUE 060796 POC Point of Contact, Shelia Monroe, 304-480-6462, Contracting Officer, Tammie S. Johnson, 304-480-6465. This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation, proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. The solicitation number is BPD 96-CI-0010. This solicitation is being issued as a request for proposal (RFP). The solicitation document and incorporated provisions are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 90-37. The standard industrial classification (SIC) code is 7372, the small business size standard is $18 million. STATEMENT OF WORK: 1.0 INTRODUCTION: The Bureau of the Public Debt (Public Debt), Department of the Treasury, intends to procure software for developing graphical user interfaces (GUI's) for mainframe applications. This section describes the minimum mandatory requirements for the required services. 2.0 BACKGROUND: Public Debt currently combines a variety of software formats (mainframe, PC, and client/server) to provide information to our customer base. This environment requires knowledge of and experience with differing products that are incompatible. A GUI software would allow Public Debt to combine information into a single, common format which will enhance customer productivity and reduce the need for manual manipulation. 3.0 REQUIRED SERVICES-MANDATORY MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS-SERVICE REQUIREMENTS: Products shall be compatible with our current environment which includes an Amdahl 5990-1400 CPU with an MVS/ESA operating system and an Ethernet local area network running Novell NetWare, versions 3.12 and 4.1. The product(s) shall: a) Capture and use 3270 screens from VTAM applications (i.e., CICS, IMS, TSO) to build GUI's with Windows functionality. The product shall provide a complete solution, not dependent on the use of programming languages such as Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, C++, and shall not require changes to mainframe applications, b) Provide for development of GUI's for Intel-based PC's running Windows in 16-bit mode (the run-time version will be run on Windows platforms only), c) Support 3270 emulation using Attachmate Extra for Windows over SNA/SDLC links, and Attachmate's 3270 LAN Workstation software on a Novell Netware network, and support TCP/IP, d) Support Windows functionalities and multiple windows in both development and run-time components, e) Interactively support developer tasks including capturing 3270 screens, automatically mapping 3270 fields to PC panel fields, defining and placing GUI controls on panels, changing fonts and colors, linking controls to 3270 functions such as PF keys, and moving and re-sizing GUI controls and data fields. The activities shall be done using a visual, object-based approach, f) After 3270 screen capture, provide the ability to complete development and testing of GUI panels while disconnected from the mainframe, g) Provide ability to automatically generate a GUI panel from a 3270 screen, retaining all data fields from the associated 3270 screen, h) Provide ability to develop local panels (not linked to a 3270 screen), i) Support GUI controls, including Radio Buttons, Check Boxes, Push Buttons, Drop-down Menus, List boxes with Scroll Bars, and Drop-down List boxes with Scroll Bars, j) Provide capability to define default values for radio buttons, check boxes, list boxes and data fields, k) Allow user to define tables to populate list boxes, l) Allow incorporation of context sensitive Help screens for panels, GUI controls, and data fields, m) Support the exchange of data with other Windows applications using DDE (Dynamic Data Entry), n) Allow use of other applications via DLL (Dynamic Link Library), o) Provide capability to define 3 dimensional panels and GUI controls, p) Provide capability to automatically tab between fields dependent on field size, q) Provide capability to control tab sequence, r) Provide capability to copy or re-use objects such as panels, tables, and other portions of one application in other applications, s) Allow run-time component to respond to mainframe events as they occur, automatically displaying panels associated with 3270 screens during development. For un-anticipated events (screens or messages), the software will display the 3270 screen and operate in 3270 mode. Public Debt will not accept software that requires a script (or program) to be written to synchronize the mainframe and workstation applications, or to account for erratic mainframe response times, t) Allow user to link ICON's to mainframe transactions, u) Support basic data editing for data entry fields including numeric only, alphanumeric, and field length edits, v) Not require the developer (Public Debt user) to code a script or embedded programming language to develop an application that uses a one-to-one 3270 screen to PC panel relationship. However, coding will be acceptable for the following requirements: 1) Defining multiple panels accessing a single mainframe screen, and a single panel to interact with multiple mainframe screens, 2) Defining Global variables that can be set or used by all panels within an application, 3) Storing (saving) values such as customer information in PC files and retrieving those values for use in later mainframe sessions, 4) Defining data-driven dialogue boxes or ''sub-panels'', w) have a minimum of ten developer licenses and a minimum of 950 run-time licenses. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: The contractor shall provide a one-day, on-site training class at Public Debt for approximately 15 computer specialists and programmers. OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: The following desirable product characteristics are listed in order of importance and will be considered during the evaluation of proposals: a) Capability to define and select the print screen function from a menu, capable of printing any panel, b) Development component of the proposed product runs on Windows platform, c) Provides ODBC support for major relational DBMS's, including Microsoft's SQL Server and DB2, d) OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), e) Provides automatic mainframe screen identification as opposed to manually tagging parts of a 3270 screen, f) Capability to dynamically populate list boxes from multiple 3270 screens, g) Capability to define Global variables without scripting, h) Capability to link one or more PC panels to one or more 3270 screens without using a script, i) Capability to use MFS (IMS) and BMS (CICS) members instead of screen capture, retaining field names and properties specified in those members on the mainframe, j) All product components run on Windows platform(s) in 32-bit mode, k) Provides a distribution manager, network or mainframe based, to facilitate distribution of changes, l) Capability to define cascaded menus within an application, m) Capability to control cascading and tiling of windows. Public Debt intends to award a contract based on the information received in response to this announcement. The provision at 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors-Commercial Items (Oct 1995), applies to this acquisition, as an addendum to 52.212-1, offerors should include documentation to prove the vendor's ability to meet the needs as stated above. To assist in the technical evaluation, Public Debt may request, after initial review of the written technical proposal, product demonstrations and/or technical presentations at Public Debt's Parkersburg, WV, facilities. The provision at 52.212-2, Evaluation-Commercial Items (Oct 1995), applies to this acquisition, the following factors, listed in descending order of importance shall be used to evaluate offers: technical capability, past performance and pricing. Technical capability and past performance, when combined, are significantly more important than price. Offerors shall include a completed copy of the provision at 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications-Commercial Items (Mar 1996), with the offer. A copy of this provision is available via fax by calling (304)480-6529. The clause at 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions- Commercial Items (Oct 1995), applies to this acquisition, as an addendum thereto: 52.217-9, Option to Extend the Term of the Contract (Mar 1989), (1)The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice to the Contractor within the final 60 days of each contract period, provided that the Government shall give the Contractor a preliminary written notice of its intent to extend at least 60 days before the contract expires. The preliminary notice does not commit the Government to an extension. (2) If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option provision. (3) The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed 36 months from date of award. ENGINEERING CHANGES a) After contract award, the Government may solicit, and the Contractor is encouraged to independently propose, engineering changes to the service specifications. These changes may be proposed to save money, to improve performance, to save energy, or to satisfy increased data processing requirement. However, if proposed changes relating to improved performance are necessary to meet increased data processing requirements of the user, those requirements shall not exceed the contract requirements by more than twenty-five (25) percent. If the proposed changes are acceptable to both parties, the Contractor shall submit a price change proposal to the Government for evaluation. Those proposed engineering changes that are acceptable to the Government will be processed as modifications to the contract. b) As a minimum, the following information shall be submitted by the Contractor with each proposed change to the contract: 1) A description of the difference between the existing contract requirement and the proposed change, and the comparative advantages and disadvantages of each, 2) Itemized requirements of the contract which must be changed if the proposal is adopted, and the proposed revision to the contract for each change, 3) An estimate of the changes in performance and cost, if any, that will result from adoption of the proposal, 4) An evaluation of the effects the proposed change would have on collateral cost to the Government, such as Government-furnished property costs, costs of related items, and costs of maintenance and operation, and 5) The order to adopt a proposed change must be issued within an established time frame so as to obtain the maximum benefits of the changes during the remainder of this contract. Any effect on the contract completion time or delivery schedule shall be identified. c) Engineering Change proposals submitted to the Contracting Officer shall be processed expeditiously. The Government shall not be liable for proposal preparation costs or any delay in acting upon any proposal submitted pursuant to this clause. The Contractor has the right to withdraw, in whole or in part, any engineering change proposal not accepted by the Government within the period specified in the engineering change proposal. The decision of the Contracting Officer as to the acceptance of any such proposal under this contact shall be final and shall not be subject to the ''Disputes'' clause of the contract. d) The Contracting Officer may accept any engineering change proposal submitted pursuant to this clause by giving the Contractor written notice thereof. This written notice may be given by issuance of a modification to this contract. Unless and until a modification is executed to incorporate an engineering change proposal under this contract, the Contractor shall remain obligated to perform in accordance with the terms of the existing contract. e) If an engineering change proposal submitted pursuant to this clause is accepted and applied to the contract, an equitable adjustment in the contract price and in any other affected provisions of this contract shall be made in accordance with this clause and other applicable clauses of this contract. f) The Contractor is requested to identify specifically any information contained in the engineering change proposal which the Contractor considers confidential and/or proprietary, and which the Contractor prefers not be disclosed to the public. The identification of information as confidential and/or proprietary is for information purposes only and shall not be binding on the Government to prevent disclosure of such information. Contractors are advised that such information may be subject to release upon request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). The clause at 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders-Commercial Items (Jan 1996), applies to this acquisition, the following FAR clauses cited in paragraph (b) of the clause are applicable to this acquisition: (1) 52.203-6, Alternate I, (2) 52.203-10, (3) 52.219-8, (6) 52.222-26, (7) 52.222-35, (8) 52.222-36, (9) 52.222-37, (13) 52.225-18, (14) 52.225-19, (15) 52.225-21, (17) 201-39.5202-3, specific agency, not applicable. Offers are due at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time on 6/7/96. Mailed offers should be addressed to Bureau of the Public Debt, Division of Procurement, Room 207, 200 Third St., Parkersburg, WV 26101-5312, handcarried offers should be deposited in the bid box located in the front lobby of the 200 Third St., Parkersburg, WV, building. Offerors must indicate the solicitation number and closing date on the outside of the packages sent in response to this notice. See Numbered Note(s): 12. (0142)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0246 19960522\70-0001.SOL)

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