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POLLUTION PREVENTION CASE STUDIES POC Mr Billy D. Bright, Bioenvironmental Engineering Department, 210-536-3831. USAFSAM/BE welcomes the participation of pollution prevention experts/consultants in presenting pollution prevention case studies in a college accredited environmental course titled: Pollution Prevention Tools, Techniques, and Technologies, being held 9-13 September 1996, at the school's new academic complex located at 2602 West Gate Road, Brooks AFB, Texas. The case studies will be presented to Department of Defense (DoD) personnel whom have base level technical/managerial pollution prevention responsibilities. The purpose of the pollution prevention case studies is to academically present leading edge pollution prevention technologies either currently being used or projected for future use to address: Source Reduction, Waste Minimization, Opportunity Assessments, Chemical Substitution, and Recycling success stories. A committee of pollution prevention experts will judge the submitted case studies and compile a final selection list. All case study submissions should include a paper and 3.5'' diskette (1.44 MB capacity) copy of the following items: name of firm, point of contact, telephone/facsimile numbers, e-mail address, complete mailing address, power point 4.0 presentation, student handout, MS Word 6.0 lesson plan or script, and the anticipated time requirement for presentation. Those selected to present a case study will be contacted individually to finalize date, time, and travel arrangements. To confirm receipt of your case study please send all information via registered mail with a return receipt. Additional information on the Pollution Prevention Tools Techniques, and Technologies course can be found by visiting the following world wide web page: (http://wwwsam.brooks.af.mil) NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

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